M TlrrmJtawt. Twin Fata. Idaho Syndrr. Oclobef 16. 2005


Engineers rush to fix levee system

Louisiana lawmakers look at grim budget cut predictions

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Repairs could .cost $400M

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In .i race .igaitisl ncxl yeiirs hiirrif.iuc mmmmi, the Anny Corps ul liigiucers diis weck liegau one ni iłu* largcst. .nul most utgciu prngrums co -u** h tulił Wi\ Oi kulis. rcpairing a Inn' system l«*ll dw.islatcil In* llmrir.iiic Kanm.t ni Lite August.

Sur\V>s ot ilu- <lani.Igi* tiuli* fali* (li.it aliniii rat milfs ul levee\ aiul storni walls wrn* ci* tlifi destinyed im ltcavily tl.nn.igctl. tetpiiring tepairs chat will kisi an fsliniaiinl $*100 mil* Iioii mc: ilu* ncxt figlu iiiuiiilis. .u i oiiling to iiiiftiKil .Anny cm i* lll.llfs.

Wiiliui wccks. tht* Army Ini|h*s tu liavf tio/.ens oi eon* ' IlaitN issiifd lor lin* wntk, nmbili/iiig tiMins ot IihmI and iiaimn.il fontruriiMs Ilu* joli will nijiiiif tnmuig.ł imlliim fiiliif y.uds ul diii. tlMingli lu lutild a iiiimiltl I .!»?■> Jirl high CouTinganeiiliif luntlull lirld

II siuresslul. llK* Ctasll pin-gram will ifsiuff a iiiimsiiii* ni liiirrifaiu* protimmi m ihr rc* gum. hut w ill Mili lali *>łiurt ul (lu* delcnsc muletl aganisi stuints

as lug or higgf r ilian Kamila.

Anny nHicialssavanyftliMi tn tptirkly ffift biggćr lfvivs and storni ualls an* well heymul ilu* sfopr ui wliat fan Im* .uroni-plishfil lifluu* ilu* start ul the Jntit. Iiurrifain* M-ason m*xt Jtiilf and llu*yltavf iiuaiitlioriiy tuhiilld a bciłcr svsti*ni.

“We arr anisiraiiifil hy inne." Miid l ad. U*wts sedifT. wlm is di* ifitnigtlu* ciliMi.

Stali* and Inrnl ulliiials. wlm hau* sliarph i ritn i/nl Ilu* led* i r.d ifspuiisi* tu ilu* diMisicr. s.iy tln*y want thi* fevcvs ul mdl as tpurkly as jmssihli*. lmi cxpu I i!u* Army tn «Io umrr thatt Min* ply ifhinld lirnkcn fliiłidwalk

Ilu* h misia na Dcp.umicm ul lYaiispoMatmn and Dccelup* uiftit. ilu* sian* ageney tliat hamllfs IIikhI pinitrlinn. wants tlu* Atuty t nrjis tu lumplfti* lloodwall pmjnis pLiniied Itir laki* 1'oiiirharttain hut which liad nut Inni rumpliltil wlifit Kiilnn.i simek. Clen Allen, an ageney spokeswmn.ln. v;iitl Eli* day

"Uifaiist* ot ImhIi sithsidfiur and ollirf issiies, solili* ot ilu* projirls wen* nut eonipleU* to begin willi." Allfli sani.“Itur po* siiiiiti is wt* wnuki like (osce die damagfd aieas repaui.il and tlu* Iwm cnniplinii lo ilicir au* ilmri/cd li*vi*l ni pmiiiiinn (luce tliat s dniu*, wt* arc Iiuping lo Iim iis on prntrctiiig agamsl a Calrgory T» storni." in wliidi

win*'** •*. *rfd lr»r» tppli

l hfif an* cum* mly duce sep* aiiile im-fstigatmns — hy ilu* /\rmy Corps. National Srifitet* lounilatmn and Aiiii*rif;ui Sm i-t*iy of Civil łiignuTis — inni wity ilu* li*vi'is laikil. Ilu* re*

llAHłN IW KH iii. la. IAI*) -‘Ilif gtncrnnrs htulgcl pluci g.m* liiwuiakcrs a grmi Mftiarm l-rid.iv of spendiug cuts (hal could lorce tltotiMinds ol state fiiiployees out of wnrk. slash fiealdi mtykcs and deeastate educatiun as the Miite tri es to hal.uiee a htidgei \vidia$l..r>hU* hiiii-plns dcficil.

"lin* utmilHMs arc tlu* mim* bers." said (amunissioner uf Ailnnni.stratiim lerry l.uke lelilanc. "I do nut hdicce that in one hall ol the tisc.il ye.u tliat yoit fan ciii (his amount of UMMify and not dfcctiecly shui down the entia-ty of s»;ite gov* e mnie ot."

louisiana is losing Miles, in* cnme. husiness iimi giiinhling toxes hecause of liumcaiics K.i* inna and Ifii.i. Imtli from the htisinesses the siorins shtit down and the people wlm have yet to return.

Hut the holu growitig in.lhe States SJH.7 hillion liudget g<H.*s iH^oiiddltL* estitnated SI.fi bil* liun in lost iax intratne.

łlmiting llcenses aml tlnwrs licenses bring in State moncy. Sonie fees and (H-nalties likdy won‘i Ih? p;ud- 1’ederal matching of sonie tax doliiirs will ;ilso be lost. ,

louisiana is rcuuired to m untain a bdanced Imdgel. so lx*Hlanc's staff workul om a sce* . tiario using spetulitig cuts aUuwcd irndcr stale Liw.

I:ven if the Legislaiure taps tlić States entlre *rainy day" fund and uses a projectcd sur* plus from the List fiscaf ycar to sidis ul ihosc* inwsiigaiiniis au* f.Njwftfd iii tlu* wfi*ks and ittimihsahr.id.

luiproei*nii*ni rnuiiiniemlctl hy lin* invfsiigatmn muld In* in-Klipo:.;.:1 '-u * »■'#• [»ro|ti*l as the fcbuiklillg ptufctils. Set liii said.

' Si*tlili said In* antiripaifs noarly all of alMttii -f> cmttr.uts lo [fhuilil ilu* li*vti*s will Ih* is-snuł hv ilu* ehtl ol Ocluhei. AImiiii Ir» permu ni ilu* moncy will Ih* soi asidi* lor sinall local’ euniraeiuts. wlm iii many casrs au* ninif eipcricnced Iii lmi* Work. In* addfd. Ilu* wmk ;s liftng driitf iiiider a 1‘JłM law tiul alktws ilu* Army loinuiinli* au*ły ifhuild damagfd Ifdftal llimd iiMiliol syslfins.'SflHil s.iid.

So lar. iłu* Anny is nm cmi suri* win IfWfsaml sinrm w;d|s laikil.

I    lu* ihtf i* nm* siigaiing Ifains

au* soli c\aiuming lite hicadics and iceicwing fiigiiifcring rmmls. hm ihfy Inne not yel madml any fondtiMuits ahoui possihlf dclii ls, Al leasl sonie ot iłu* h*vffs lailnl Inraiisi* Kai* niw was sirnply higgn ilian ilu* lfVi*es wfii* desigmii In hainllf. imrsiigaloissay.    •

kairiiu washfduiii almtil lr> fn*r«x*ri( ol rln* rcgmirs .Ifil) inilr\ ni |i*vfi*s and caiisni liw hiraclifs iii cnrutfif storni walls III Ni*w t nlfany ihh*ol ilu* maili eaiisfs ul llooding wiiliin ilu* my. ltul ilu* huiaik*! dam* agi* lu fauli k*vn*s nuisidc tlu* my .iImi eunlrihuted lo llpuding and In nussiu* dfvaslalioii lo l oiuuiuiuiifs suiiili ul NewOr-Iraiis. iilong ilu* Mississippi lliu-t ilflla.

Iii sniiif fiisfs. ilu* km* lail* im*\ wrakcmii ilu* snil so muili lli.it new kiffs .md walls will rcipiin* strniigfr liMindaiiuits. Ih.it will nif.tn insialltitg IchiI-mg willi wuler h.isi*s. knowii as I • walls. mik! sti-v.ui Spencer, ilu* dud ciłginccr lor ilu* Orlcans h*v<i* Distriet. Ilu* walls iliiit gavf way during tlu* Imrru.im* iiatl nariowcr Imitmgs, kimwn as I-walls.

“lllill slmuklallecialf ilu* si;i-Inliiy lailuifs — at leasl lor a Catcgory il storni."* Spencer said. rclćrimg lo a Moim uhh wmilsnl III rupii tn l.titinph.

U tpimii.il add mdl

Arinyotlieiah Miyanycllort m pimldf a Ih-IIi i humeaite dc* iellsi* lui New Orlratls will n*i|imf a niiissiwfllorl.sttfldi-ingmirsamleusiingpiiifiiiially sfvvr.il łiillmn doi lais. Mieli a projffl will rfipuu* rongres* smital .lUihori/atmii and likdy inwilu* signilieant polineiiUon-ttowrsy.

II    Midi ;i prnjirt is approwd. New < Irleaits woukl Ik* ilu* only my III lllf Ulliu-d Sliltfs to gel (Mtegory rt liurricain* prom** Iioii. Ihtmgh New Orlcans has unit|uc ynlucrahilitics hecause u i> iidow sc- Jcvtl. olh.: itiajai cltni cMposnl to hutneaiifs. in* eluding Miami, lampa. I la.. and Houston laek thts kmd ol protfiiioit. inginccring cxpcrts Miy.

fili in Sb 11 millmn of du* dHicil. most state departments woukl Lice a nearly 21 pereent cm. ac-cuuling to lite scenariii.

(iollcges and tmivcisi(ies wimld']ose,$2:<0 million. Ollicr cduciilion progrants woukl Lice cuts uf $JH» nulliiMu Ihe sun.il screiccs ageney would he slashetl by S-łit niillinn. And the he.ildi depanments cut wnuki top $310 hillion. iiearing $1 bil* bon with the lost fetleral matdiing dnlliirs.

If the iigcuctes inadc all dieir htidgei cuts lluoiigli layoffs. umrę ihan 1H.(XXI stale workers. alMiut IM jHTCent. wmtld Ik* kml off.

"Ihese detisionsare goitig to baw to Ih* inadc vcry mmiii. Jts goitig lu liewrydifTiailt, and its going lo be sery pamfili." U*H(anc said.

Sen. Jay Danlenne. a (tejnibli* can from    Hat on    Hougc.

Mtggesietl the IcgisLnure scr.ip die state s|H.*nding plan alrcady in place — the fiscal ycar nms July 1 to Inne- .'10 — aml eom* plctely rewrile the htidgei to rellect jłost-liurricane priorities.

Gov. Katłtlcun HLmco could cut altom S31KJ million widiom fogisł^itist* apprwol. hut the n.*^t of the cuts would rci|itin.* the legislatua* to take action. ,

lawmakers will tncct in spe* ciał sessions in Novembcr and January, hut its unflcar how much of theliudgct vwuk will be iiicludcd next inoniłi. State ofll* cLds are lionlng for sonie kind of fcitcnil baiJoui but haven’t re-cclwd any promLses.

Virus crosses from horses to canines

ciiiisTNiri hiix;h. n.y. cai"i

-- liwry incli the patujHietl puu bred. tłu* llully white dog (Tnrry stands like a statui* fur liis haiinit at tir Hcsi I riends JVt Itfsmt and Salon.

Ile looks, aml is. perleeily liealtliy. Hut Curry, a bulioii Irise. was one *ick ptippy a muulll ago. Alid die Itest Irieiids kfiurl was loreed to cIom* fur thurweeks after mnie tlian Ihh ollicr tlogs began show mg sigjis nf-what itirmif nui tn ht* a nw thsc.isf: eiinininilliif n/a virus. or dug Ilu.

•'Ik* was, cxlMincly Iftbaigk*. luwiug a bard linie bicadutig." Mliii Curry s uwner. Nhirgatel Hagi ol Cłpper S.ukllf Hivei. N |. " 1 lit* lik* jiist u.isni tlicrc iii liw eyfs.Wf ueic te.ilfy worrkif."

li>ts ol doglmrrs aic worruil ilifsi* dayv l*.xpert*i miv the iłu is spn*admg sleadily iliruugh tlu* nations tlogs willi no saunie as.ul.ilik' to t mh tl. feihaps |H*:t*eiii ol iłssiciimsaic ihing.

Hfsfarcbfts un-utly tońmi tu thftr stirjiriM* tliat the sirus liad ftussfd over limu luuses tu tlogs. striking gteyhmmds at i.K ftr.tt ks in 11 States Now it has hi'fii Itmiitl iii pełs. willi i asrs tltH iiimiiltil in ( alilorma. lit Mula. M.tss.u husftts. New k*rM*>. New Yurk. \orth ( atoli* na. Ohio. Oicgoii aml Washiuglon stale.

■Oiif-liundnil petceiil ol tlogs will he susi epliblc." s.iUf luiwartl OnlMAi. diicflor ul tlu* atiinial virokig\* lah at ( minii Oiuwrsiiy. "I woukl t*xpni to sec iluś min tion inmnig tlmr* tiugli group.sol tlogs unii] a large perteiiiage gets mlet tetl and

tlicieaie a Im ol imimiiif tlogs " (Alida ( tawitMd. a wtermaiy immiiuologisl at the Uimrrsily ul I lorkki. said researchers are geltiug |>t)silivt* teailings oii MO

fieieent tu -ih peitent uf tlit* ilntuland lissueMimplfsM*ni in l*y wlerinarians wlm tfimk lhf>* uiighl he trealing a ilug wilii in* Hueiu.i. Ilu* symptoms intiudc a KMigll. Iow-giadt* fescr and a runny iinse.

I .sai tly how many tlogs have tlied is itiKiear. Crawiortl Miki many ol llieanimalswere young aml otłicmise liealtliy Many |H*i owners and seteri-uarians hast* lieen looletl iK-cause sunie ni lir synipimns mimie a cmmiimi. less tlanger* mis luHie rial infertitin known as keutid einigli.

As willi human mlhieii/a. tlug

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gad iering pkiees - kennels.itog shows. aniitial shelters. evt*u tlug mus in parkv

I hal lias resulted m a Im of lunęły dogs. as pet owners kti*p litem liume>oavoitl ilu* Ilu. Sev* eraf days after Ilu* kemicf tli Cliesiuut Hitlge reopeiuil. tlicie werc jiist sL\ tlogs m "tlnggif day eare." tłumi front the usual 17. ant! jtisi bo huaitliiig. tkiwu from IRtk s;iitl manager Kelly Kurasli.

Ilu* Milnuhan New York ken* m*l Iiatl rftisetl Sepl. Ih after slaffers tcali/cd tliat the illness going ar(Hirtd was not keimti cmigli. Dogswcrt* seiit homeor to ItospilaK ant! one sfieepdog diiifalnetlaj-slater.

• "We, knew we were tlealing willi Mimelhing morę serums." Miitl IHiKirali Heimetts. spnkes-wtmi.in Im the Itest hriemls cłtain. h.ised in Norwalk. Conn. "It stiiunf m he spteatling and mmiii* tlogs were gettmg scrious* ly Ul.'

lests mi the tlogs conftmicd tłu* new vtnts,

Hest łru'Mtfs łtatf die eridre huikling dislulecicd and eli.ingnl the air etmtlnioncr lii* ters. V\lłi*u the kcimcl rti)}H*ueii Sept. :th. mmiii* tlogs wvn* luiiicd away. Al the 1L' Hest rneutlskcu-nels in 1H States, "were not alluwing any tlug tliat hasluianl* etl widni) Ilu* last lwu wveks nr has Ihtii at a dog show nr Minie kiml ol potip sclling like doggic tLiv caie." Heimetts Miitl.

I )ubm i miiiI researchers an* at wotk on a vat t'ine. hm it could he iiiimths Irftm* it hecomes ar.iilahle.



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Dog fiu worries pet owners

Margarct Ragi holds Curry, a 5-ycor-otd blchon frlsc. at her homc In Upper Saddle RWer. H.J.. after Curry recovereil from the canlne Influenza vlrus whlch has provcd latał for many degs around fho United State*.

lin ‘is most e.isile cmitraeml in

^    V"«fł

»•» |H»

/»1 w


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