0-2 Tin**#***, Twin Mis. kUho Sundły, Octobtf 16.2005

Magic Yalley/Wkst


June D. Holloway

mii.i.iNGHAM. wush.* — lunę 1). Ilollnway. *)|. o( Hcllingliam. Wash.. aml fur-mody uf lerome. diod Friday. S*j»l. 30. 2005, .ii i łtcłliiigiiam.

A memoriał sefsice will Ir* ItrJtl ;i( I p.m. Monday. (ki. 17. 2005. ai ianisworth Mdrluary ( hajK-l. 134 JS. limiłln. łomnic.

Ronald K.

‘Giz' Gifford

I! KOM): - lUinutil K. "Giz (iiltiml.5 I. I>l Icrnmc. tlicil Siu • urday. < ki. 15. 2(xr». ai homo.

Arrangemenis will ho un-iiuimml hy l;arnsworlli Mmiiiary io lornmo.

Ernest W. Kroeger

GOODING — l-rncM U. Kioegci. Tli. ul Gooding. dłed

Kuiurday. Oot. IT». Li*Xir». at iho Gooding Golimy Ntomorial llnspjiui.

Arrungciuciiis will ho an-nmmrcd hy Dcmaray Funeral Sorviro in Gooding.

James W.

'Jim' Poulton

HUHIJ-Y — Limes W. "Inn" l’ou!t<>n. an Hll-ye.ir-nld rrsi-‘iloni uf iho Wilhiw (iteok atoa oI Mmloy. (kod Friday. Oci. I-I. - 2005. at 1'oiincufMcdicalCcn-

UtWoM in hR-atollo.

lin- limoial will Ir* hołd ul 11 a.m. Wcdncsday. (ki. 11). 2005. ai iho Vkiv. Ul and 2ml W.ird Ghapol ofllioUmali of Jesus GhriM of Lillor-day Saluty 550 S. 500 fi, llmloy. willi Bbhop l-iVel Stokor iifflciatiiig. Frieiuls limy cali from fi to H p.m luoMlay at Kasmusscii Funeral Homo. 1350 I-I Ililii St.. Kurlcy, and fioiu 10 to 10:15 a.in.\Vodnosdav at iho cliuich.

A n im piele olniuary will ap-poar in Moiulays cdiiion.


Lola Marlo Daniels of |Vvin l aik (utlenił al II a.m. lucs-day al While Mortuary inIWin Falls: visiiaiii>n (roni 5 to 7 p.ni. Monday ai ilie nuiRinfy,

Donald L Mc<ihcv. nfWcn-(IcL irlclłfat H)||< lfK/o Innu I lo 5 p.m. (ki. £1 at lite American Ia*0oii 11.01 inWeuilell (Wliite Mopuury and (ireiiiatnry).


Fot obituary rato* tnd Information, coli 735-3278 Monday through Saturday. Deodllno la 4 p.m. for noit* dfly pubNcation. The o moli addroaa for ohltusrloa la obUs8maglcvalley.com. Doath notlces aro a freo sorvico and can be ptacod untll 4 p.m. overy day. To vfow or submit obltuoriei onllno. or to płaco a me* sagę In an IndUiduai onllno goeatbook. go to www.maglcvalloy.com and click on "ObltuoHct."

Gwendolyn (Gwen) Krepcik

I W IN I AIJ.S — Gwendutyn Idl.i Nelson Krepcik. hnrn M.m h 211. llWfi. in Sama Mon-ica. i alil.. pasMil away al hor Ilonie willi hor Limity, on (ki. I.t. 21X15. iii Iwm Kilk (dalio.

(iuen w.ts ilu* lirsl lxirn tłuki ol (Ji.tr/c~. X .md IJKi I. Keller Nełsnn. Mor ji.uonis mmiii 10 l‘.tvxk,rw. Galii, .uid sho was imiMil iii ilur lutnik łiylicr nttly Msior and Irni Ineiul. M.uim* Nohon llcille (iwcnwasiilmai-til iii Fasadniu aml gr.iduukil Iioiii hisailoiu (Jtv(i*lh*ge.

Un April 12. M57. sho and limie won* m.ifricd ai hor par-onis* homo in 1'asadona. 'Iliis imion was hlcssnl willi lour lii\olv duiighiers. Kalliloon i ImiiGtillinol I.Il a|on. Galii.. Nam \ lKouoi Ghapm ol Jar-hidge. Nov.. Linra (Kaiulyl

I Uakool l-ilor. Idaho.and Marcia Clony) (Jarcy id Ituiso. Idaho Also siirswion aro oinlil spoclal nmndcliildion. Galoh

Johnny C. McGill

and Dłfolla Drako. Gluweaml Gliandlor Gliapln. AJ. aml Aarnn (Jrilfm. aml Mobili and Anihony(ian*y.

Gwoli proudly sorwd on iho lloard ol Dirrrtiirs ol M.i0c \al(oy (ollirwship Mail Inc.

AuKiiKiriilscnRWorGwiił will ho hołd ai I p.m. Saitmlay, Od. 22. 2005, ai ilu* Kirkos Majjie Val|oy liinerdl M«»mo. 2551 KimUily Ho.ul. willi 1-a-thor IVrry I hRhlsolfinalinn

I kilticiihlo momocial duna-liiMis can Ir* mado to Magie Y.Uk*y I cllow slup I lali Inc.. MOI Saoml Au*. N'.. Iwm I alk II) KOD!.*

Ali scrvk"(*s and .iirangc* inenls aro umlor ilu* diicciMHi ol iho K.irkos Magie Va||oy lii-noral I Innie aml (Ircin.iiory nf Twin l alls. Idaho.

HlllliKI — |nl mny C. McGill. a no yo.ii oM Itti|H-ri rcskknt. passtil away Oi1. I I. 2CXK». at ilu* YA MnIłc.U (cnlor in lloise.

lolinuy was horn May 7. 1H25. In 1’aul. Idaho. Iho mmi of WhorJor aml Ada Yickcrs Mi Gili. Ilo was horn aiul niisiil in lluil. wlioro ho ai-loiitlod school in iho old Ijiu olo sohool aml gruduuteti ifi Apiil ol |!M:i troili tho 1‘aul Miuh School. Sliorily alior giuduuitnii. ho onlorcd ilu* I Inilod States Anny in So|Moin-hor ol l‘M i. lolmny sorwd diirnin World War II in Germany. I UAomhoorn. I;raiuv and Walos. and was wmmdnl on Omaha lleach in Normandy. liana*. Ilo rccvivcd ilu* Gomlłat liifaniryman lladne l-x|x*rt UHk*. Marksman Har (2d :«). and iwo I5irpk* I loaris durinn lils sorvu'e. lolmny niarriod Marilyn WakowniKl nil Ikr. 14. 11)51. aml itinoed In lluport. wiion*

ho lived iho łosi uf hi*, liłc__

Mo was ilio lirsl jKTson to

wasli sami and 0uvol m iliis p.m uf Idaho. Mo larutrd for sover.il yoars llien ho later r.lised catllo. Mo .was a inom-In r ol iho UniK-tl Motlimlisl Ghlirch. iho 1’aul Masonie laRl^e whoto ho was a pasł masior. iho Yolor.uis of linoinn Wars. a pasi maslor ul iho l'i«-ncor Granie, alsn soroinn two term*, as iho past master of iho

IHiitiomi Gr.uigo. aml a uilmi-iw firnnan lor ilu* 1'anl l iro IkparitiioiU. Ilo onjnycd Inmling and IWiiug.

lolmny is surmotl hy liis wifo. Marilyn McGill ol llu-porl; his miii, lolmny (fouuuic) Mi Gili Ir. ol l(ii|M*ri; his’iwo gramlsons. Douglas "Dl" McGill and loimallum McGill. huili of lioiso; aml ono Itrnlhor. Odia McGill of Ilu-port. Mo was precodod iii doalli l>y ono miii. (ody McGill: his paronis; ono sisior; and lwu hrutiiors.

1 ho luuoral will Ir* hołd .il 2 p.m. TuoMlay. (Jrt. IH. 21X15. al I l.inson Morm.ir/ llupori Gli.ipoł willi hisior lorrySlwk* ulliciating. Crionds may cali nno huur prior iii iho somix* un Cuesday ai Ilansoti Mottu. ary llupori Glui|R*l. llura.il will fuOtMr ai ilu.* I’.iul (Jomoiory willi uiHiiary gravi*sido rilos liy lin* Mini-(2issia u-iorans.

Iii licu nf lk)wvrs.!lic faiuiły stiggesls thai douaiiuiis ho mado m ilu* Kani l’im*( Juijr-I.

IH )ISI; — Iii loving moinory nf 1’aul A. Konnoy. wlio passed away on Oci. 12.2005. Innu a lio.in adack. A wimdorlul lius-IkiiuI. l.iihił. gramlfalhor and frioml. Kani livod his lile for his family and close frionds. Mc was ihc cormr sionc of our family and will Ir* inissed greully. Ilo liml Jus lifo in lho outdiKirs and onjo>xil all lho gro.u liorscs and aiuntak lic raisi d. I lo cnjoyiil lishing and camping willi Im grandclul-dronal Mom|uiIo Mills. Idaho.

Mo was horo io Lester Arnold Komicy and (Jkc Getiev,i Glow-.inl Komicy, and Orson (Jowurd. lus griuidfa-

Paul Arnold Kenney

liter who played a cery mipor-lani role in liis hlo. nnw ticccasetl. 1’aul was lwim in Vorn.il. Wiali, on luno II). I1M2.

I lo was iho nldcsi livlng rliild uf lho Konnoy elan.

Mo łs summl lij* his kning doiolod wifo. Iłnliy Allene Shruin Komicy: sous. Collin Cno Konnoy and wifc. Męki. and Sidncy IkiMiii Konnoy and wifo. Hodd>- dauglucr. Kristi l.nnar komicy 1’otorson and liushaml. łudtl: grami* cluldron. D.iwn Konnoy Ajnuo and liushaml. 'lim: Gaudy Kcuncy Winie and IiusIkuiu. Sicvc: Krysial Jean Konnoy. Kulton lanc Kenney. Kcudy

Lee ' Marilicila Kenney. I Ic.iihcr /Ulene M.inoolis aml Nicholas Haul Scilsahaugłi; and grcai-gramłson. Levi Heni \Miiie. l*iuil las one luoiher. Kenneth Kemie)", nno sisior. filiom: Liroc Kenney Graham: and iwo half sislors: and a whnlo slow of iho Komicy elan llial Inoked up lo lilm and Imril lum. We all pray ilui ihe liorsi*s of hoaven aa* as much of a challenge iis ihe wilii liurs-esoftiilonidii.

No scnaccs will Ir.* held ai Iliis linie. Anangements are umlor ihe dirociion of Sum-mors Cuner.il Komes. IJsiick (JiapolinMoridiaje .

Oregon governor askś Bush to allow roadless forest protection

(ilOWlS HASS. Orc. (Al1) — Gov. Tbtl Knlnngoskl form.illy asked tho Ilusli admlnisiraiion on. Friday io amend Its ncw roadless forests rulo co give siali*s gfoalor cerlaimy logging can hc kopi out of undcvcl-oped areas to nroleet clcan *watcr and wlldlllc halłiiat.

'lite forma] pelition callod upon ihc I ŁS. Socrelary of Agri-culturo io givo staics (hc opiion of adopting tlie 2001 roadless policy croaiod under the Cliii-Inn admlnisiraiion. which liam.il commcrcial logging in uiulo\x*lopod arens of milional foresiv In addilion tocnsuring moro ci*n;iiniy for a State role. Ilio chaiigo would savc niouoy for staios and fodcral govcm-meul. /

"The iidmiiiisiration said wlion it was going lo roplaco tho (Jhiinn rulo ihat it intendcd to giw gmomors a moanlngful rolo in futurę roadless protcc-don. hut ihe nile wesaw* was far froin thai promisc.’ sald Mikę Giirrior. naiunil rcsources adviser to Kuiongoski.

Me said il creatcd a hlirdon-soinc and "unneccssarily duplicilous" procoss willtoul prmidmg ihe governors any cortainty alRiul iho outeome.

"lamgliahly. wlien ihe ad* niinisiralion puhlishcd iis May rulo il had a niemo tiul had an osiimalo of $75.000 to S150.000 for each siato lo go ihrough lho process." Garrier said. "No siatę co m: lud od lluit was a rca-sonuhlo numlłrt."

Hslimales rangod from sov-oral lumdred iliousiimi dołlars lo millums ol dołlars. lic said.

"And its noi worth li whoil you cmisitlor iho facl thai llicrc is jusi noi iltc* ccrtninty at the cud of Ilu* day lliat lho Sccro-lary of Agricullure will adopi iho gmernors reconinionda-lions." (2irriors;ikJ.

'I lu* petition comcs a iiiomh and a lialf (iflor Kuiongoski jnincd Galifornia and New Mo\icn in a lawsuit lo oveiiurn iho Ilusli admiitlśiraiinn rmid-less nile.

‘Ihe Demncratlc govcrnor has said ho would proieci ;dł of ihc roadless areas in Oregon from logging to maintain sources of clean walcr and crit-ical fisli and wildlife habitat.

“We are happy cu reccivc (Jnv. Kuiongoskis pelilion aml look forward to working willi tlie gmurnor as soon as he wiilidraws liis lawsuli." Agricullure Umlersecrciary Mark Hey*s;iid Iii arie-mail.

Garrier said the govcrnor wmild hołd uff makiug a pro-pusal umlor tho Uush adminlstralion rulo umil hc soos Itow ihe lawsuit aml pelition farę. aml how nther States-jłrn|H)saJs are reccivod.

Ilie Clinton admlnisiraiion nile was hased on Ihe idea (hut roadless areas. which had es-capcd dcvclopmcni duo moslly to their rcmotc and rugged lerrain. werc morę v-aluahle fur clean water and wildlife habitat ihan nmher.

Afiera fedoral coun declared ilie nile Ulegał. Uic Uush ad-niinisiralion crcalcd a ncw one. which givcs govx*rnors lite opiion of pro|łosing whclłier roadless aa*as shodld he dcvel-oped. bul leavcs llic finał decision u]i io (lic Uush ud-minisiraiion. li opened for considcnition 1.2 million acres in Oregon —- GO pcrccnt of ihe 2 million acres of roadless. which amount to 13 pcrccnt of ilie I5.G million acres of na-lional foresi in Oregon.

Your guide to life in the Magie Valley

Read The Tlmes-News every~day


Mortuary & Crkmatory

“Our Family Soiving Yom |^lrnlly’, Jiiuities Only l.iK*.illy*mvtK‘d Fiim r.il Moim

Semng Tlie Enłirc Magie Yallcy



1343 S. Lincoln. Jeronie

^ Seienity, 5unesiaL GfiapeŁ rC

On the out udo. we nuy noi k*ok hke ir.idllion.il funeral homc. bul our Irmiiiitul* newly reiiHRleled łaclllty provkl« a comfottjlłk*. serene soiimg for you aml your family In your linie ol neeU. We are a luli serrlce luuoral liome willi a cliapel seat Ing 75. Wo can aciommudalc l.ugor soreuos in a ditirch or olher set-ling of your choice. We Jfe iiRally nwiied and family oporalcd willi ipullty. |H-rsouallml seroue llial will o.wml your csjrrIj-linus al ilio mml nffordable prlcing In lho onllrc valky. At

2ISK 4tli Ave. Faisl. Twin Falls

Serrnlty l uncrul Clinpcl; we nruio ourscloos In uplioldilig the hlghest olhk.il Maml.mb .md prolessionaliMii. Owner, floldi Moll Is soulhern Idaho's only leniało luorisod uiortkun willi ovor len yoars o.iporloiKo in Ilie luuoral and tomoiory Industries. Wo invlte you to stop by aml we lor yonrscU wity Serailty Funcrul Cluiftfl l\ your HKYI ilioue lor your famllyS luuoral s and erematłon lieeds    •    J

Gooding Family Physicians announccs the affiliation of Marcy Morrowr^rA-C.

Shc will bc acccpting patients by appointmcnt at 934-4446.

[ 1


Gooding Family Physicians

134 4th Ave. W., Gooding ID B3330 • 934-4446

A Trndirional Family, oparoting o family owncd buiioatt offarmg tha peopfa of tha Magie Vatlay Exc«ptfonal Voloo and aKcallent ««rvica in oll your funaral, cramofory and camotory n««ds. With cuttomized funaral packagai at tha arca't mott affordabla pricoi.

Parkać Magie Vo!(oy Funoral Homo, C ram a tory

Twin Folii Cemołory 2S51 KimboHy Rd. Twin Follł, ID 83301



Twin Falls only locally ownad ond family operatad Funaral Homa and Cametary Combination.

Happy trails

Jackson, Wyoming’$ Bar-J Wranglers will bring their cowboy sound to Twin Falls.

Friday In WeekEnd

"How can an American education

be como moro relevant?"

*Wo could start using the daily

newspapor in our public schools."

— Walter Cronkite

"‘Diif t/oii cwr fidir of iiijrair muf flocd man who luul nor d tjooil

• cjiinuy vUaim (i>;

for thę psst 28    jTF





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(208) 734-4061

UiUHima-T+iśit** •    m,U com



Througli tlie years, the people

in the Magie Valley have placed their trust in Wliite Mortuary & Creniatory, Reynolds

%f    w

Funeral Chapel, and Sunset Memoriał Park.

iti:Vi\0Mis si \ni;t

i imcr.il Ilonie 24(»(» \tldisoii bomu* l usl Iwiti l alls. Iil.ilio (20M) :t.t-4'HHI

Memnti.it l'aik 22'>fi kmiboih Uoad Iwim l ali*.. Itl.ilui I2IIS) ?.Vtó:4l

wiiiti: \101m uw

•tiui*i:i. 1 w tui; cusk

Mnrluar) & ( rcinalms I.M*4tli Umne l:;t\t lwio lalls. Iiialiii (2IIS) 7.t.t-(i(.ł)ll

\ •«.fth. U - I '• 1 % 1    •;

Operated by LiR-al Families who care.

' V. \ {I

i %


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