BBC Radio 2 JohnnyWalkerShow

BBC Radio 2 JohnnyWalkerShow

Radio 2, The Johtmy Walker Show - Iutemew willi Matthew Wright (Marek 16. 2005)

Richard Armilage talks about Korth and South. Star Wars. Cold Fect, Macbeth arnl The Golden Hour. amon? other things, to help promote the release of the Sorth and South D\~D

Part 1

MW: Okay. the web cam has been repositioned to take fuli advantage of the glamorous heaitthrob hunk tliat is Richard Arnutage. How aie you. Richard?

RA: I’m very good. how aie you’’

MW: L I m eaceedmely well. as you can probably tell. because I m very jolly at the moment 1.111 start off stnught away by saying.. .you have an Armitage Anny. that:s what tbey cali themselves. and they are a verv active fan base They ratę you eleven out of ten on the Darcy Scalę

RA: (laughing) lt's mad. isn't it. but greatly appreciated. so.. .yeah

MW Yeah Do. is it. it must be quite weird. isn't it’’

RA: Yeah. it's sometlung l'm not really used to. and a...but yeah. no. it's great. it's gieat that there‘s that land of body of support for something that s kind of important to me. so ..

MW: Because you. I mean you’ve been acting in some very successful shows for a while. I just wondeied. has the Arautage Anny thing really kicked off sińce North & South’’ Is that -

RA Yeah

MW: Yeah

RA: Yeah. thafs the main land of instigator of it. so... but. yeah, and I think people have land of back-tracked and iooked at some of my earher stuff now. and I think tbey’re. you fcnow. getting excited about all of that. whieb is weird as well because I’m kind of ha\mg to rethink. you know. stuff that I've done from foiu years ago. so...

MW: Does it. does it wony you when you get the son of Darcy/Cohn Firth comparisons and. and stuff like that that

RA No. I mean it's. yeah. I mean it’s flattering and I see wbere the compansons come because of the naturę of that character in North & South, you know. the naturę of their relationsbip I don t think that were par-hcularly sunilar but. you know. I wouldn’t mind his career. Oaughs)

MW (laughing) Which leads mcely onto my next ąuestton because you're here because the DVD of North & South is. is coming out It's actually out next month. isn't it?

RA: Yeah. it'$ the. 1 think lt s the eleventh of Apnl.

MW: And will you get loads of money from that? (laughs)



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