BBC Radio 2 JohnnyWalkerShow 6

BBC Radio 2 JohnnyWalkerShow 6

MW: and one* I saw that. u scaned me for life. (lauglis) which is. which is why I dont do anymore actmg RA: I’d like to see you do that. actually. I think « would be very amusmg MW: Oneofthosethings...Icanbeatree.

RA: Yeah

MW: So. okay. I li stand rooted like a trunk and wave my aims m the air like a tree and .. no. no. no. no. feel’ the tree'

RA: Yeah. no. you stili ha%-* to do that Yeah. 1.1 think I broke a ae* In Regents Park uhen I was at drama school beme a monkey because I actually thought 1 was a tuty httle rnonkey. and obviously I m not. I m 6’2” and quite heavy. and I got up a tree and the branch snapped and. yeah. we got into double for that

MW: Okay, last one beforc I let you go. I've heaid your name...I. I've heaid a lot of names lutked to James Bond and I. I've recently been told that most of the names that are out m public domaut are wrong. but yours has just come very recently to my ear. Is there any truth >n that?

RA: No

MW: NotataU?

RA: I tlunk. you know. there’$ a bit of a queue that I would have to go to the back of for that. It'd be tuce.

MW: Do you know what'!’ I have the pnvilege of sitting opposite him ladies. and I can see it I could actually. I really could.

RA Thank you very much

MW: I wish you the veiy best of luck. Richard

RA Cheers

MW: Nic* meeting you.

RA: Nice to rneet you

MW: Best of luck. and as you know. North & South coming out on DYD. When s the datę agam?

RA Eleventhof Apńl

MW: Eleventh of Apnl. Buy it if you haven-t seen lL

This is...what are we gomg to play nexr Let's play u and hnd out.



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