

BBC Radio Cumbria. The Val Armstrong Show - Internę w with Val Armstrong (April 13.2005)

Richard Amutage talks about North and South, among otlier things This intemew was pan of the publicity for the release of the North and South DVD

RA: Good moming

VA: How are you?

RA: Very good. how are you?

VA: Wre good. Even better. actually. baving read about you on vanons websites today. Did you know that thetes such a thing as the Amutage Anuy?

RA: I did. I did know. I haven t plucked up the courage to surf and look myself but. yeah, I know of tlieu cxistence.

VA: You ve got to have a look It, it’s a growing list of peo-ple who worship the god that is Ricbaid Annitage. They're havmg a laugh. arent they?

RA (langhing) Yeah. I thinfc tbey probably are hasing a laugh

VA: Weil. I*ve got to say. loads of women aie members theie. ages ranging fiom the 20's to the 40's Be bonest, how do you cope wuh the adoration?

RA: I m mcredibly flattered by it. but I m. I'm jusł happy that such a wide group of people bave enjoyed, you know. a piece of good telettsion- Thafs the bortom linę.

VA: Wbat does your family make of this sex-symbol image though?

RA: I think they are vety down to eaith about it and they take it m their stnde. My mums quite amused by it. I think.

VA: Do you make them take the mick?

RA: Yeah. yeah. the -

VA: (laughs) Because. actually. when I was reading through. some of the bits and bobs asked wbat their faconte scene ever mvolvmg you was. they all mentioned the tram station scene in North & South. Now. for those of us who. ot for many people who don t know what they te on about. would you like to enltghten us?

RA: The train station scene. It kind of. it’s the culmination of the whole story I can't really tell you because it might spoił it for people that haven't seen it. but it ls the clinchmg moment of quite a passionate and firey relahonship.

VA: Do you actually consider North & South as being the stan of your big break7

RA: Yeah. I mean it's land of ceitainly added to it. Fve been building on presious woik for a long nme: I've been doing a lot of teleusion in the past four years but. yeah. it's been one of the most fulfilling expenences for me. and I suppose pubhcly it's been. it's been brilliant.



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