PM I ISV L. .u.

(5> /w,?.

Cu Juty 23KU19W*-* the Ttoeocw Radio broadoast the news that an omoutłra argon undar tbo na® af ;* joliah CacnŁtbeo af National Liberation ' bas baca oreatod ty tho ao-oallad ITa» Iletlanal CouńoII.

Hm 3o» 'broadoast stated tiiat tha ooaaLttae ccmistc of 13 dapartaonta. irorlfiad belar ls a Hat af theae aepartaents and tbo nanos af tha panor* standlng at thelr hoad, togcthor Tdth tha lnforoatLcn ccnoeminc thon whiah ls nar mallattła:-

!• adsmrd Doleslsr Ootflto-J:arx7Tdcl t (halman af tha Caaalttee and flead af. tha    ^

Dapwrhnant for Paralgi ACfabni*

af tha F#P#R* /Pallas ao for plycd


• In Axril Bf jrobrbty b

edninistratcr af a houslng oo-oparatlw In loc&l trjmoh af tho ; plloh Sodallst orty. At Hsh marten 9 Iwty/ - a ocnamlst arganiaatŁon ln no part ln politlcuł llfa.

ii_ttScaJLAtab, gflfeatifflŁaŁAŁ ąg<aagu,aa.

aft the oaaant narty I inMrairWH to daath ln ocefcrmL-mm not candad out 'bocau-


orothar af tha fcruar Bollsh rezalar Tdnoenty iHtoo. masy yeara bafcro tho w and Joined tho Goremamt portod ton itiLnd to iho intcorlcr af tho B9SR and ty with Art .58 af tha iadot lonal codo. 2* aa af tho amosty rasultlng tom tha lOUah-Gcalet was oppalntod Daputy Chslnon af the Union af uoliah af tho fcpreat mtharlty enjyed ty his hrothar.

h-JteBŁJ&iatkSMBa&L. se^uamBJtJbLSaai^ssSi.

Uanhcr af tho Sopran© Ooundl af the U33R and Colonol af tho Rod Any. rdib af Alacmder Kamęyaeadc, untll reoontty Pcraiea ..dnlstar of the Ukrainlari 33R.

Befare tho wnr a ^oumaliat with ^rcnosioed ocnmnlat wlews. Joinad tha ukraixv-lan ocmamist party ln 3o*eriber 1935 and obtedned tha altLaanshi? af tha trcSR. chalroan of tho Union af lalish intriots ln :*aooa and odltor af i ta prasa organ frF*ae    f

k. Goncrol lUchnl :oL'>-^7!id<cg-nklł Uo*v. af tte o;>crtncnt af NatŁanal Dalbnoe.

In tho lato tnantLcs reduoad to tha ranko 'ty santenoo af s Court llsrtiał, dis-ndnaod tom tho Arny and aantanoad to 3 pasera l&ęrlacnaent for toudulant trama-aotlcns oanaŁtted in a foctcry af gaa masko for tha Any. On ćtiLoaharga ton prison ho oowpŁefl himoalf with ocootoo. Untll taktog up his jraaant poaitLom ln tha OaasLttea no^dne hca boon knewn af bis polltlo&l oatiyitLes.

2*-j*smiŁ2inm&J£g2iBŁL aaŁsEJ&Ł fiBgsjtetjŁiaaflB^LaflBMei

Lt/Ool. af tha i^rtliah Any. In 19J>0 a irlaaner of tot ln tho USSR. oboro, bo

ocntactod tho NKWD and sl^iod e dedamtŁon of lcyolty to the Ucndet Union. _

Lfttar be argonisod a geoap af 15 afflaoro who nera transfOrred ln 19*fC Ty tho 2000) to a yllla nccr Uoooor, vhero a ooiaroo waa hołd for ■ollsh pdltloal affloars af tho Rod Any. Aftar tha oonolnsioa af tbo Polla2W>aflat A&oaocnt ln 19M> &» jained tho lollsh /ry ln toola. it*n the Palish Any laft tho U3SR ln 1%2, ho doaerted ton tho Ary cmd remalnod ln the Sorlet UrtUn.    For his deaarUon

be was reduood to tbo ranka Ty a Court Martini and dlfntaaed, ton the i-ollsh Arny. In the gdddlo af 1&3 be begpn to argeniae ollsh unita ln i\*s1a md racetod rapdd pronotlan ton the xnrLat mithcrltloa. Ba nar hałda the rank of lt/Oone-ral and la the 0—KOĆtBt af lallah unita ln Itussia sad a raschor af tho af the UnŁcei of Pędl^i ntrloto.

6. 3taniał«r iCotek--;^jru3gowakl. naad of the Doporteont of ublic Adcdnlatratlcn.

No dotaila avnHehL3. '.isaber of the P.P.R* /a oommist crgwdcatlciy/. TTnfaioam ln pcdltlos.

7. . Jto itefoa anwfcjaa aCM ^eF*aent cf ::atK»«a atan -jgcKWT,

Befare the war a banto-alsrtc ln 1j5dź, aonbar of an athelnt crganlsatian with oaaamist tandaney. :layod no part ln połltioa.


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