BBC Radio Kent 3

BBC Radio Kent 3

RA: I think. yeah. I mean. there. there's been a great discussion about. you know, bow their life is górne to progress. you know. at tbe end of the stoi)'. You know, you've got the Sine ad Cusacks character of Hanna Thomton and bow she’s going to deal with welcoming Margaret into tbe family; and I think tberes been a great debate on some of the websites of what happens after North & South so.. you know. maybe someone wants to write another version.

PM: He said. always keen for a linie business. Tbat nmst be veiy odd for you I mean you obsiously go on tbe internet froni time-to-tinve Do you see your name poppmg up. you know. in. in tbe chat rooms debating your character'1

RA: I know tbere s. tbere are qurte a lot of websites there I mean. I was. I did read some of tbe BBC mes-sage board when it existed. but just. you know. because I was uiterested m what people bad to say about it and tbe discussions of. of the character And really. the way people watcbed the program it was ve:y at-tenuve and tbey really prcked up on a lot of tbe fińe details of. of the performances. which is bnllunt. lt's exactly what you want so. yeah. it was very well received

PM: So what are you curiently workrng on then?

RA: I’m about to stan work on soroething called Tbe Golden Hoiu. which is about tbe belicopter emergency medical sersices which operate out of London and rt's a. it's a medical drama, really. about uauma and the team that. that fly to extieme trauma cases. So I m starhng medical research next week for that.

PM Was that prompted by the BBC3 senes, the documentary7

RA: I m not surę it was prompted by it. I think tbat it’s a team of people that haven’t been dramatized before. and I think it's prob-ably been brought to public attention because I. to be honest. I didn t know tbey exi$ted Tbankfully I 've never bad to. you know. reły on their. you know. services -

PM Rifiht

RA: but 1.1 think that. that tbey're becoming, you know. morę prolific and people are becoming morę aware of them Tbey s-e only really been in exist-ence for the past ten years. so it s relativeiy new.

PM And when will that be on screen. do you know’’

RA: I m not surę. It s possibly going to be auturnn or early next year. but ifs for ITV... yeah

PM: Right. Okay. we best won t mention it anymore then (both laugh) Richard Anmtage. good to tali: to youtoday. Thanks for bemg widu us

RA: Thanks. Pat



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