C-2 TlmetHewt, TWłn FaJI*. ItUho Sundar. Otfobac 16.2005
Wood River boys hołd off Minico
7ho TlmevNcws
II.MI.rV Ali iuspired Mim-
«<i hllYNMHYCf UMIll 1'illlll'ClllM' IH pilIJlIIR uli a llliljor r.illmg 3-2 i\i Nu. 2 silił WihmI Hiwt saumlay uirIk in ilu* tiir.il Hasiu Wesl playolh.
I lir Wolverun-s turiled a goal in thr lin.il miiitllr m |mll out thr win after Minico rallietl cMtly iii ilu- soniml liall to tie •lu* Kitiiu* ai 2.
Garrell 1 cus I hm-kuk Itoin 35 wiuls om Inumi twliu* .md Minions hojurs cif a suinner wm*cliisJu*d.
Mimro m ciomI in tlić -I3rd .m -l*Hli inimilfs to knot it nj>.
“li was a Im clnscr (lian ex-IHMiril.” said Wolmines coach lariell Swiiin. “We played their gamę. lim played beiter dian wędki in ilu* second hali."
Austin McCann and Garl Jahlonski Ncored in the lirsi lialf im ilu- 10—I-1 Woleerines. whicJi travrl m Iłtirlry. I-O win-nris n\rr No. -I srrd Jerome. for dir icinlriuUM* lilie and auto-matif -JA siatę otumanieni liertli at I p in. Mómlay. Minico linsis li imne at -i Monday.
Giris soccer 4A Great Basln West playoffs Wood Rlver 11. Jerome 0
IIAIlllY - Silili Johnson |miiii|M'(I iii luiir pMls wliik* M.iifcH |>riM'ci!l •i(Uft'tl llwi* .in MimmI Hivri ilrliMlfil Iriunu* II-O iii Ilu IijnI kiiiihI ul ilu-(ifiMl IUmii V\i*%i >;irls mhw
’ I >J!M uli IIH UMMtl lll-f N4 IttHlI MII|d«*MMVII! hriMil III W.
' Wrir puity Iiu iim cI cm
llil^ lu <tti\ WnllCfIIH*s
HWt ll € #!!•)• (Allll/.IY
oilun }'i mK wcir miimiI In* \U-v.i Iur/Mii. K.icw' liMiiIiiiK. Ibi.iiina I luli MiiIIion and Aiiihv I \anv
WimmI Kiwi IiuMs lliuln at I |t ni Muntl.iv lur ilu* router* *iiuv-luk* .nul .uitom.ior forrih in ilu* I \ M.iir linuiuiiiiriil.
3A SCIC playoffs Declo 4. Buhl 1
HIIIII. — Ilu- No. 3 seed I łm lo gids siimned the scroml-sredeil llcilil Indiatls 4-1 Situiday iii ilu- oprtuug tiiund ul ilu* :iA S.iwicmili Central Idaho ■Coolen-nce playoffs. Itiilil li.ul swepi Declo (luring thr legitkti season.
Declo gcneroicd tluee sliots on Rci.il iii thr liist luli and led 3-1 al thr lueak.
Local sports
I1ie win sends the llorneis np lo Kctchum to play The Cotnmnnity School for tlie dis-trat lidc and a State tuurnnnicni berth at 4 p.m. 'Hiesday.
Autumn Yiurhe scored ilultls goal olf an assist from Ikełll Montgomery. The lndians (4-2 SCIC) hosts WendelJ iit 4 p.m. Ihesday in ;i loser-out gamę.
Communlty School 5, Wendell 0
SUN VAim — The Goni* mu ni ty School Cutthroais defeated the Wendell Trojans 5-() in firsr-round 3A toumameni action Siiturday.
Tlić Cutiłiroats' first goal was scored !>>• Maniły ;\lexander 20 minuics into tlić first lialf. Clilue Lynn scored scven min-mes laicr. Jaz/ Camplłcll (hen scured for dić Cutthrouis willi dircc minutes left in (hc lialf.
In the second lialf. Hannah lleiinesy took nnly tluee min-mes to score for the Cutthroats uff an assist front Rinn Lvans. lleiinesy would score again seven minutes later.
"VVemk.il Itas eonie a loug way ihis season." Cutiluo.ils coach Kelly Ridneni sajd. “But wv uere/tisi dii- sironger team."
Tlie (aitthmats will play'l\ies-day at lioine against the Decki I lornels.
Amateur golf * T.F. Munl team misses Bulek cut
nitlANOtł. Ha. — JWin l.ills Mnnicipal (ioir Conrse Iroin iWin lalls lurned in a lliird rmiml H-muler-par 64 Suiurday lor a ihice-rutiud score of 2li • umler-par 190 at iht* 2(Xir» linick Scr.unlile National Clininpi-niiships inOrliuido. Ha.
Mysi je I lills Coli C.luhof tiul* vt-r. Ind.. carded a 15-umler-par f>? and holds a rme-slroke lead headiiiR into Smulays fmal ruurul of play at 43-nmler-par 173. The lop twenty-femr teanis in the rhiss division.udvances co Sundays finał rmiml of play at Celebra-non Golf Club. T he cni for the fmal roiuul of play was set at .Iti-tmder-par IHt).
.Teain members fnriV\in l-alls Mnnicipal Golf Gourse iiuiude l*GA professional Mikę llatn-blin and aniatetirs C-irl Sktaeos. Mikę Uosma; Ken Iłoer. lerry Hi-dley.
BSU wins 300th gamę
By Dustin Lapray Tlmes-Newt corrospondont__
IM 115*1*. — Ilu- Boise Śtrne
Itioncos hrmiRliI ilu- Iiir play bark io ilieir ollense Saturday iiirIii. lakiiiR a 31-7 lialflime lead. and healiiiR San Jose Statr Ucmersiiy 3H-2I co earn tlwu .tlNhliwin’.
Ilu* win cMrnds the Bron-cos* bonie and Western Albinie Conlcrence winniiiR sire.iksio2HR.unes.
ikr Sparians c|uietcd the ciowil on their second driw. scminR on a ‘Kl-yard hookup from I.H (ueco to lołm Urous-sard lo lead 7-0. The Broncos tlien ran oll 31 straiRlit points to pręt ty much end the Rarne at the hall.
litr ensiniiR Bronco drive was iRiuied by a 54-yard kickoff return by Lee Marks, bul endcd willi a inissed field Roal by/\n-ihony MontRumery.
Alter the BO-yard play. Uic Sparians liail (iiree consecu* tlve 3-alld-ouis.
tJn ilie Broncos first scoring drive. lared Zalnansky hit fer-ard Babb willi a 33-yanl pass to Mi up an lan Johnson 15-yard loiichdown scamper.
lite next Bronco drive in-citidrd a 2B-yard pass to l.rRedu Naanee on (hird and ten (o end tlie first tpiarter and Znluausky Inter scored on an H: yard option run. lakiiiR out ilie defiiisiw liack and divirtR to-ward ilu- end /one lor (lic 14-7 lead. I xx* Marks hit a 57-yard run nB ilie liii side io take the luli io ilie San Jose 24 <>n the eiisuiiiR driw. ilie driw ended willi u 2.3-yard fuid Rani by MoniRtmu-ry.
“1 was jost runninR. iryhiR to fmd a lane. and I bit it." Marks said. "I Hus lookiriR back and No. 4 catiRhi mc."
' IblJowiriR a (into fumble. recovea*d l>y BSU s Chris Bar-rios. /abransky hit Dristan James on a inisdircction scrccn al the San Jose 21-yard llne and (iiier bit Naanee from tluee yarcls om to make it 24-7.
•The finał Bronco scoring
driw ol the first half was liiRhliRltiedliy an Amwatm Carter H.-yard run and a 33-yard pass from /abransky (o fason Murray. /abransky scored on a ciuarierback sneaii from ilie l-yard linę lo give the Broncos a 31-7 halfiime lead.
“Wew been looking for tliose explosion • plays." /abransky said. "We roi sonie gieai calls and our offen$ive lilie did a great |ob tonlglil. I muld sit back there all niglit and didni haw to worry about anyibing."
/abransky was 20-for-27 passing for 249 yards and a touchdown. He also ran for 43 yards on ninc carrics and a palr of touchdowTi runs.
San Jose did ducaten in the fourth quancr when the Spar-tans switched quartcrbacks. bfinging In Adam Tafralis. Tafralis threw for two back-to-back scorcs. a 2I-yarder to Uroussard and a 22-yardcr to Rufus Skillcm. The Sparians re-covercd the onside kick between the scorcs.
Tlie Broncos ran for 229 yards as a team and ordy had one rurnowr. an intircepdon lnie in ihc gamę by backup
Suarterback ioylor iliarp. The roncos only score of the second half was a 9-yard run by Marks, set up by a 33-yard contpledon to nabił.
Glenns lerrys Korey I bill led a defense chat caused four turnovers. Iiatted U) passes and rccorded four sacks.
“Korey canie out tlierelikea man possessed," Marks said. "Hc hit people all over the field."
Hall was just trying to lead a resurgcnce for the Boise State defense. , i "We emphnsized bringing a linie morę physical activliy on defense tonight." Hall said. "Vou play bard out there and be as physical as possiblo. 1 feel likc we took some really big steps tonight."
SCIC volleyball tournament
at Dacio Klgh School Saturday'* reiutta Vmłty
Declo Cd. Klmberfy 2515. 20 25.2526. 27 29.1510 Gooding Cef. Filer 2520. 256. 2528. 2512
Buhl <łef. Declo 2519.2514. 2513
Junior var*łty
Gooding def. Buhl 2517.2518 Kimberty dcf. Filer 2518.15 25.1511
Goodmg de(. Kimbetly 2523. 17-25.1511. chomp onshp Tuead*y'» achadule Fi!er vs. Kim&crly. 4:30 p.m. Gooding vs. Buhl. 6 p.m.
Detfo vs. 4:30 p.m. winner. 7:30 p.m.
The Chicago White Sox‘ Joe Credo hlta a two-iun RB! single In the elghth Innlng egalmt the Lot Angeles Angels durlng Gamę 4 of the American Loague Championshlp Series In Anahelm, Callf.. Saturday.
after five-plus intiings aml he to see the pilch break over the had to be pulletl In me clinch- piąte for a callcd strikę.
Burley boys survive 1-0 first-round scare
Buhl continues to lead the SCIC pack
By Mark Gonzalos Chicago Trlbuno ._______
ANAJII-IN1. (ialif. — Kain k iii the forec.ist Sutulay nlglil.
But if tłu* White Sox h;»vc their way. it will he raining clianipagne as they >iHłved one step closer Saturday nlglil to rellirning to the World Senes for tlie first tlnte sińce 1959.
led by the pitchingof freddy Garcia and Who won *»*«-• dinely
NLCS Gamo ®f
Paul Knnerko.
Carl l*vereti
and loe
See page Cudo. che
C4 Sox cmised to
an H-2 lictory ovt*r the Los Angeles Angels in Gamę 4 of the American Leaguc Championsliip Series.
It couldnt llne up much het-ter for the Sox. wito Itold a 3-1 lead in (his series and will try to clinch the AL pennant with their tluee liottest pitdters — losy Oonirenis. Mark Buehrle and lon Garlaml — lined up if they need as many as seven games to secure ;i World Series bertli.
With seven days rest. tlie hirth of bis lir-śt cliild on Wednesday and a 3-0 lead iii the firM. Garcia pitched willi ease ihroiigbotit most uf the gamę.
Ile pitcitcd much sliarper (ban iu bis prećiuus start, wlien bis pilch count swc-llcd to 9H
By Wos Smalling TlmovNews corrospondont
HUHI.I V — lwu imliuky hoimccs sinik lin* Jerome ligers. who almosi jmllnl oll włial would ltave lieen a silili-uiiig first-round ii|>wl .smuday iu lite Great Hasiu West hoys soccer playolls agaiusi top-seedcd Burley.
Jlie Burley Bobcals M|iieakisl jiasi len tnie 1 -Cl lo adeauce to tlie second roiuul on a |H*rially kuk goal by senior midtichlrr Bonilaeio Sanclie/. willi 12 min-liteslefl iu tlie gamę.
The llobeals will lace Wood lliwr oli Monday in the setiiud roiuul. Ilie lop-seeded Wolier-ines defealed Minico 3-2 Saturday.niglu. Jerome will play
By Diano Phllbln Tlme»-Now3 writor
DHGI.O — If ihe upenlng maleli al ihe 2U05 Siiniooth Central Idaho (amlereme four-muneitt is any imlication ol ilie futurę inatches tu eonie as the 2005 eolleyhall mmsoii imnrs towards crownlng stale ch.un-pions. the reinaining malcłies should he lun aml eniertaiuing
No. 5 Peclo and No. 4 Kim-bcrly played a fiw-game thriller to kick off ilie distnci (ourna-inent Saturday wifii tlie I lornets (łrwaUing 25-15. 20-25. 28-2IJ. 27-29.15-10.
"We caine out ou fire." said Peclo coach Sheila Whecter. "We seemed to losethat Intensi-ty in tlie second gamę."
in Garnę 3. Declo standom Nicole Darringłon dug dnwn and helped Declo regain tlie momentum as she pounded scven kills and Uic 1 fomcts won the gamę. 2B-26 to take a 2-1 lead in the match. Darringion put down 15 klik for (hc maleli and madc ninc blocks and adilcd eight points.
Senior Samantha Hollmgi-r scored only four points in Gamę 4 hut nonc were as big as the łasi two as she began sening after a kil! by senior Laccy I bye knotted the score at 27. Ttoo scrves and two I lornet liits into tlie net gave (hc BuUdogs lho ganię and forced a fiftb gamę.
Gamo 5 was dominated by Declo from the first serw l>y senior setter Whltney Lrickson to the łast rhree by sojiliomore McKell Webb. ‘Ilie largesl mar-giii Declo held was four |Miints al9-5.
Cofltlnued from Cl
dcfenskely instead of olTcnsivc-ly.“ Kcsenian said. “We were kicking the bali instead of controlling du; hall."
That enalłled the 1 lornets to generale good pressure for the fmal 40 minutes of Uie contest. with a couplc shois, including a dangerous rehnund. getting lutocketl away rnoments liefore the game-winncT.
1110 goal came afier Dcc los pressure forced two straiglit Ilirów-ins, a cortier kick that generated that afnrcmćntioned ing gamę of tlie AL Piekion Si-nes at Boston.
In tlie fouYth. Garcia started by tbrowing a slider lo 2<HM Al. Most Valuable Player Madimir Guerrero. wito baileil mu <mlv ai Minico al 4 p.m. Monday Ina loser-oui ganię.
I lu- lirsi unlorlimate boiince lor lerome was a sliot by l igers lorward lun Bowler iluu ear-onied oll the bonom ol ilu* cnissbar ai poiiii-blank rangę midway lltroitgli (lii* lirsi hall. li was a rare scoringopjioriuni-ly lor ilu* ligers. who playoil modi ol (lic ganię ilefeudiiig their owu end of ilie lield.
Ihe ttext tlliliuky break lor the ligers canie lale in ihe second luli when a Bolicat cerilering pass hoimccil up and bil a Jerome defemler on ihe ario in goal. A haml-liull |M'iially was whkrhnl and Sanche/ drovc borne du.* gaine-wimiing penalty kiek pasł dning goal-kei-per Josh Nunev ‘lerome employed a defensiw
"Ilie team played well and witli aloi of lieart. said Kim ber-ly coach Jan Hall. "Holllnger passed the balJ vcry wdl aml I la>xr played well at tlie net and had some good kills."
Hayc finished with six kills and 14 blocks for Kimberly. Senior setter Sracy Walter passed out IGasskts.
l or Dęcia Junior limity Ram-sey put dow-n eight kłus and scored seven noints and Webb totalled scven blocks.
'11 ie No. 2 seed Gooding Sen-ators advanced with a liard-fnuglil 25-20. 25-U. 26-2H, 25-12 win ovcr Na 3 filer.
“It was good teamellon." said scoring cliance. and then lirlg-gs throw-in.
H came down to dctenniiia-lion. Terry related.
"We have 13 M.*niors on tliis s(|itad and we did not want this to l>e our last gamę." lerry saki.
Terry and his teammates madę sute of it.
BUHL— Miguel Maya scored in tlie fourth and Uhli minutes to prnjiel Buhl to an early 2-0 lead en roulc to a 6-1 oponing
Guerrero finished tlie nł-bat gromuliug mil. and ihen get-ting hooed hy frmtrated Angels fans. Guerrero was hooed again iii tlie tiiiuli alter sailing a loug throw io ibird ihat was off strateg)* of cloggmg the mkkile io lxtg down llurleys olfensiee atiacks. lorcing ilu- BoImmIs into wrak sliots Irom the otitside. Ilowewr. Ihe ligers lailed lo generale much ollense of their OWI!.
Ihe Bobcals outslmi tlie ligers 25-ii iii du* maieh lun most ol Borleys sliots were easy snags for ihe sophouum* keejier Ntmes. who had a solid performance in goal willi 15 savc*s.
"Iliey canie loplay. Iłial was scar> " llurley hearl coacłi Wes Nybinde said «>l lerome. "We definltely snuck one ihere be-cause lerome playixl really. really \svll. Hm we'll take ii. lis oile of tliose games where wx* were getting the nniiorlunilies and (hen just drihimng ii into co-liead coach Joleene litonc. "It UMik all ihe players to win the match. livetvonc conirihuted."
It would liave been easy for filer to just roli uwr in (iame 3. after losing the firM two games hut the WHdcat.; prmeii from the first ser\T liy senior Sarali I lancy that they werenl alioiu to give up.
ilaney servixl to give filer an early 3-i) lead. a lead they held umil Gomliug lit-d the score al H. Ihe Scnators took the lead wilii iheir largesl margin heing six points ai 15-9. I he (eaitis tnided points umil there was another tie at 1H. Once again. Gooding went altead foliował l>y iwo morę ties mml the Wild-cats took their firM lead at 26-25. After another tie at 26. Gooding madę a pair of errors, allowing filer to score the last two points.
"We played well in Games 1 and 2. said Filer coach lid llichards. "We would make a couplc of misiakesand Ulen we would make morę. We inissed 12 scrvcs and our scr\c rcceiv-ing madę 17 errors passing. That is just too mony In a four-gamę match especialiy against a good consistcnt team iike Gooding."
For Filer, senior Allison Ko and sophornore limma VVrters-ma lico for team-hlgh lionors isith scven kills.
On defense. Maureena Hoyi plcked up 17 digs foUowed-ny Ilaney with 12. Junior Kclsy Ntnvton put up five blocks In* cluding two slulTs and Ko added iwo.
Junior setters Lmily llugłies tallled 11 assists and McKcnzic I linkle elglłt for Filer.
rmiml win ovcr No. 6 seed Filer.
Martin Ari/mcndi assist ed on the second goal. (he eeentuaj game-winner.
Maya picked up ;ui assist on a goal liy DrewGahardi in the second half (58Ui inimitc). 'Iliat was followed by an Ari/Jiiendi score Iii the 69ih minutę to make it 4-0.
filer sWilly Nussbaum scored on a long-rangc shol (o make it 4-1.
Starting Indjans sweeper l-ukc Alcxander tnoeed up lo forward Lite and scored lwice In
Gamo 5
Chicago (Contrerai 14-8) at Loa Angeles (Bjrd 12-11) IV: Fo». 6:15 p.m.
Hue bul Itad linie chanie ol nailiitg Sion Pndsednik any-way.
Gan ia threw only 7(> piiches io gei thriMigh the first s»x in-nings and tlie offense kepi applying pressure as Grede liii a two-rtm single iu ihe eiglith lo e.Mend tlie lead to H-2.
Ihe Sox keph agitating lite Angels. evcn when the Angels werc In (lic* ntltlst of a rally.
After cut ling the deficit to 3-1 in tlie second. tlie Angels threatened to tle the gamę when Stew l-inley canie to the plute with runners on first and third.
Hnley liii a grminder to second bul poimed back to bonie pinie, clairning lik bat dlpped the gluw of catcher AJ. Pier/.ynski.
Second basemait Tadaliito Iguclii. ineanwhile. fielded.lhe gron lider and (|iiieklv iluew to second. wliere shortMop luan llrilK.- cauglit and fi red to lirst to get ł-lnley-
Itiar merely fueled tlu* anger of Angels lans still upser willi umpire Dong 1-ddiugs’ contro-wrsial dropped dmd sirike cali in G;nne2.
Ihe goal or ilie krepers Corning out aml smolheriiig ii. You gel lhose kimls ol opportuniiies in a playoil yotiYe gol lo pin tlicm in there."
Ihe Nu. I seedcd Bobcals, who compiled a regular season reenrd of 13-2-1 owrall. VI iu conferetice. were heavy la-eorites agaillsl No. 4 seitlgd lerome (2-HM. (Mi).
Pespite (In- loss. 'Ilger head coach Brem Hogers was rhrilled with his team lor huugiug tough agalnsl the BoIkmIs who had hcalen ihem li-O and 7-1 in the regular mmsoii.
“Ilie kids played tlie liest gamę iheyYe jilayed tliis war." Hogers said. " Iliey played with heart. 'Iliey just gol lu-at on a penalty kićk. We can t ask lor .anythiitg betlcr łltail that."
(kuKlIng had six players in double ligmes at the sening linę. Senior Anty Tr.mholt .uul sonhomore Nici Abramowski led the scoring atlack with 20 (Młiiils foll(A\vd hy seninrs Brii-tanłe Tomie with 17. l-lisba Sclteer willi 16 and a pair ol nces. leslie Slitnan pickcd up 14. and Samantha lloUley had 12 including twi> aces.
Toune |K>umled 11 kills and pickcd up 19 digs and TranhoU added ninc kills aml 12 digs for Gooding.
Senior setter Uwlie Slitnan liantkd out 25 assists and also had ninc digs for the Scnators.
Juniors Miranda lunkcr pounded 13 kills and setter Gieryl Geiger lallied 26 assists os the No. 1 seed Bułd swept Declo 25-19.25-14.25-13.
"We came out willi some jlt-ters." said BułU coach GirLssy Waltlcy. “But tlie girls were still pumped and ready. They liave really worked hord for this. Declo is a scrapny team."
Senior Abbc Reynolds added nlne kills and eight digs and Leslie Hunter followea with eight kills and Jamie Van Fattcn had sewn. Senior Heatlier Scovel rccorded sc\en digs for (hc lndians
"We just got off our hlocking." said Declo coach Sheila Wheel-er. "/\nd we missed some scrves."
Senior setter Alisha Zollinger ended the match witli nlne assists. Nicole Darringion had four blocks and four kilLs fol-towed hy Hmlly Ratnsey with ! iwo kills for Declo. ,
the 76ib and 7Hth minutes for (he finał margin.
Bulił (6-4-1) next nlay% at -I p.m. Monday at the Conunimi-ly School.'Dtc teain tied 1-1 last Ihursday to givc the Cuuhroats ihe No. 2 seed and homefiekl MotuLiy.
“Wewere a linie disap|łoiiitcd in our lie on Iliur\day," said Bulił poach HiU fields. "(Bułd) came out and wanied to provc to tłienvselves tliat they could ntovc the bali and generale sliots."
ihe loss ended 1-tler's season.