Sundiy. Octolwr 16,2005 JlmtfUewi. Twin Filii. Idaho C*
Y'łurSf)oris l)nk: H\ł. ŁWlllum:>-llp.m.)
Minico Spuds
This pasł weekend was (hc Columbus Day Doubles Tour-nament for men and for women. The men did not com-pute ugainsc ihe women and vicc vcrsa.
This was a linie difTcrent format than most lournaincnls. Iltey bowied four games and thruwout the towest: soincthing tliat inany of us bas wished we could do. '
On the ladies slde. ihe win-ners were Kay Mays and Gtarmain Mays wlth a scorc of J.-10I pins. Second went to Cathy lilston and Stcphanlc Evans willi 1.330.1 ligjt gamę for the ladies wis 200 by Sltirley Ktmsman.
For the men. it was Dcnnis Seckel and lec Walsh willi a 1.442. Clayton Gard ner and
Steve lilson finished secoild willi 1.367. Third place was Miko Scynei and Victor 1 lagood wlth 1.300. The high garnę pilled by a man was Stew lii-slon at 235.
The Idalm Stale Senior Ghampionsliip will be lield dur-ing the first twp weokemls of Nowinlicr.
DnaDine to craer is On. 21 You only have to be 55 years oltl to tpialify for ihis evont. The
lournamcnl Is divided into fivc divisions for men and five for ladies.
. 'Ihe wiiuiers in eachtIMsIon. in addition to lite prfetc fund. will recelec a prepaid entry (a $140 valne) into the National Senior Tonrnaineni to lic held in Heim. Nev. Marti. 14-15. 2000. This year. the national hcathpiartcrs atltled a "Super Senior" divislon for tliose 75 and older. Going on during the senior tournament dierc is also a doubles 9-l’in. No-”lhp Tour-nameni.
l:ill nut thnse entry forms and "IrtsGo bowling!"
[helom uriM a coltiino for YnnrS{xiris. Ytm rwi amina lnr ni 7Xł‘4.'i57 or by t>nmil at itiickerińiuiKktink.eani.
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Plcturad ara all the Minico Spudś athletes and Junior coaches that competed at the reglonal Speclal Olymplcs In bowling. Many quatlfled for the State games In Boise Oct. 14-15.
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Muni ladies crown October golfer of the month
The Tlme^łłewe
TWIN TALLS — The 1\vin :alls Munl Ladies played forOc-ober Golfer of mc Month on Dcl 13. Sue Skinncr is Gross Dolfcr of the Month. Carole Cascl ond Barbara Siton tled for sict Golfer of the Month. Vir-dnia Undjhcm shot a 6910 win ust gross in lite Champlonshlp Flight. Patd Lee took sccond jross \s1ih an 8fl.
Sue Skinncr took first net ,siih a 69 and Mary Ann Lan-:asicr Hnlsltcd second net wilh 1 70. In dtc first filgltt. Najean Dutry took Ist gross willi a 96. Karole Kascl was second gross ,vitłj 98. Gladys Hanruft took Irst net with a 71 and Barbara >hort took sccond net with a
Minico boosters announce '0SC6 offleers
RUPERT — The Minico I ligh School Booster Gub officcrs for the upcomlng 2005-2006 school
Kar ure Thmmy Broadhcad and >nno łiaipcr; co-prcsidcnts: Pcnny Ralphs, membership: Kay Saurcy. clothtng sales: Melanie Irigoycn. treasurer; Alice Schcnk. publicity; and Donna Gllicspic, sccretary.
The Minico Booster Oub is a parents' organlzuilon set up to help the students and sum at Minico High SchooL Therc are
YourSports In brlef
three membership options.
If you havc qucstions about jolning, cali Broadltcad at 438-5260 or Harpcr at -138-419-ł.
Finał results announced for ladies Inter-clty golf
TWIN FALLS — The Jasi matchcs for the ladies Intcr-Gty golf werc held Sept. 20 at Canyon Springs Golf Course.
Gross co-winners were Rosę-, mary Anderson and Linda Tcnnon with a 79 followcd in second l>y Kutlty ilanchett ;tnd Doris Eliingltam wilh 83 and third place Gale Kcmp and Di-anne GUcs with 85.
Net winner was Lyn Morgan wltli 65 followcd by Jeancltc-Johnson at 66. Pcnny Cash fin-ished tliiid willi 67, and a founh place tic to Ncllie Thomas. Donna Mcade. Teddy Frey and Barbara Garncy with 68.
The next mecUng wil be o Fun Day on Oct. 6 at 9:30 a.m. ai Clcar Lakes Country Club In Buhl. For Information, cali Steve Mcyerhocffcr.
The winner for dte Intcr-City was Rupcrt wilh 72 foliovs-cd b>’ Canyon Springs wilh 66. Bluc Lakes 65.5. Burlcy 65. Clcar Lakes 63.5, Munl 61.5, Jcromc 58. and Goodlng 52.5. •' 1
Munl ladies release Golfer of Month honors
TWIN FALLS — The 1\vin Falls Muni Ladies played for Scptember Golfer of the Month Septcmbcr 29.
lackie Gasser sltot a 9110 be-comc the Gross Golfer of the Montit. Glad>-s Hanruft sltot a net 6-1 to bccome Ute Net Golfer of Ute Montit.
In ihe Championship Fllght Virginla Undjhcm took first gross wilh a 72 and Carolyn Ueavcr took second gross willi an 87. lackie Gasser. Carole Kaseł. and I*atty Lec each shot a net 68 to tle for first net.
In the first filght. Najean Dutry sltot a 9G to tokc first gross and U.ubar.t Fritli shot a 99 for sccond gross. Gladys Hartmft was first net willi a net 64 and Inna Jean Mingo took second net with a 70.
Burley ladies , announce vlctors
BURLEY—The Burlty Ladies Golf 'Assodation announced win ners for Wednesday, ScpL 28.
First UlgJti winnerswerc first. Pat Fcmandes second. Cathy Sprackllnę and tled for thlro. Louise Mofiltt and Maria Ddls. Second Olght winnera were Pat Adams, first; YvcucVonHoutcn, sccohd; and Janc Becker, tlilrd.
First ribbon
►w. ,wta, m M*<0 UV0t
Minico Spuds athlete and newcomer Seth Haven Is plctured wlth his f1rst-«ver ribbon at the reglonal Speclal Olymplcs In bowling.
High scorer
rm mi«i * »*M »»«>»
Minico Spuds athlete Mat 8raden, the tesm‘s summer practlce high scorer. from Minico High took third place, qualifylng hlm for the State games in Boise Oct. 14-15.
• Rrst and last names,
• Hometowns for people meirtioned,
• Datę 8nd place of the event
• Scores or places won for the parbcl-panls, .
• A name and phone number for morę Information. '
• Pholographs are^encouraged. Piease wnd
a selteddressed envelope If you want jtiur Picture retumed.
• • i
Otłiec wayt to jet ahotd of ua:
• Cali The TImes-News at 735-3239.
• Drop photos and Information by our Office at 132 Fairfteld SLW.
• Or mali Items to BO. Box 548. Twln Felis. 833030548 Of FAXed to 734-5538.