Sundiy. Octotef 16. 2005 Tlmet-Newi. T»ln F*#v ld»ho A 5
Ohio mayor declares State of emergency
Planned march by white supremacist group triggers riot
1t)U:iX). Ollio (Al'| - A cnnvd chat gaihcred m prtiiesi a winie Mipremarists manii S;ii-iliclay dirneti eioleni. ihmwttig bnseball-sizctl rmks m poliee. iitntliiH/liig eehkifs and siorrs. and setling fire in a ntighlmr-hond Kir. anilhiriiH-s saki.
Mayor Jack Iśiul lilamrd ilu* timing on gangs takiug adv.ui-I9RC of a volalito simaiion. Ile dcdared a Malt* oł nm.iKrniv. set an H p.m. eurlrw dirnugh thi* weekend. and asked ilu* High-way łAiirol for help.
“lis cxacłly uiuu ilu*y wam-«i.“ li»rd sani of ilu* gump iliai planned tlu* manii, uhnii tras eanceled łiccMHeaf iłu* liutiii}*.
Al IcaM iwo do/rii inemk-rs of lin* Naiional Socialist Mtnr-lnem. which cidłs hm*II "Americas Na/i l*.inv.“ had galli-crwl al a cily park 10 manii nnder proiońcm, Otga-
Pollco usc lear gas againit a group of protesters Saturday In Toledo. Ohio. A crowd thal gałheicd to protest a planned march by a white su-premadst group turncd yJolent. throwlng baseball-slrcd rockj at pollce and vanda1!:lng vehldes and Stores. Includlng settlng a bar on Tire.
ni/iis saitł lhe\ urn* demon-strat ingagaiiist lilark gangsihcy saki unr haiiissing winie n-si-dents.
ViokiH elicokeiMii .ilumi one-TpiariiT ol -i mile away almtg tłu* planned manii umie slioilly lie* lon* il was 10 hi-gin.ł hiegimipuf
inni (MiuiKlnlnii .nnnvnurciir
moip. .nul olhris mmmmii \n Im lfN. Iłnii* was a mmii ol a nIuhmiii^IhiC poliłr h.idm NkiiuI a vicTini. hłlict* (.hirl Mikc* Navam»>ai«l.
l or N0\rral liour\. alHiui ISO polu i* ollicns rliaMil liamls ol
\oim^ inni iliimi^li iIkmiim: ()f-
iicvrs wrariii): W' masks flictl irar j».iM.inisirr>aml Ilasli-lKtriK «lrvin*s tlrsigmiJ to Mim mis* pcris. Imc ilu*ijinrofiiinmil ihrowmv. nu ks aml IkiccIi-n. Jh*v» dal oUio rs aml ficrli^htcrs snlfnitl rniiWM uijmirs. Navarrc sani 9
1 ihally. ihJmi* nuiMlnilsłuml-<lrriO‘>licuiUli*r iknyn lin* sinii slnnitin>*io |n*oj iii* cnscay ntsItK*. aml rln* nowil of mmtiI linii* (lirtl(lis|H*!xiL
At k*a>t «»"i imiplr mu* am*%i-nl oii r hai^iN unliMliu^awmll. vaiulaliMit. lailuirlooluA, polici* •U)(|lailłll|*lmli%|K'j Miprnii.uisis luul k*fl hours i*ar-Im. Navam* s.ud.
MV\V Irankly nmhl haw maili* a coupli* hnndml aricMN msił)*." N.iv.nrc* sani. "\\V insi iluliM llillf tłu* M*MHm*lS on ll.lltll U) •iru-st allol ilu*tn“
Ilu* inayiif liatl ap|H*alril to ifMilnits tlu* nifclu Ih*Iom* to i^;-non* ilu* inarih.
# 111* s.iid tluTity wonltliH |jvc
tlu* Na/i Rroup a prmtu lo inart h in ilu* Minishiit ninltliiT stop thnn Irom w.dkmn on tła* Mtlrwalks
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WASIlINtnUN (ATI — Nmt-s liy Oli* New York Times Jlitlilh Miller iluu wvre liimetl ovi*r in a criminal ineeMigiititm eum.iin tłu* nami* ol a emt-n (!1A ullim. lnu iłu.* repnrter bas colt! prosi** ctiiors she cantMM tira wlm disdoscd ilu- name. ihe nens-pajier repomtł Sadmlay.
Tłu* proswoior jn ilu* ease asketl Miller in nreni days 10 e.v plain hmv Valcrit* ll.inn- -ntLsspiiled In lhost- notes as"Va-lerie lianie" — appeated in tlu* same nmehook ihe reporter asetl in iniereiewing her eoufi-demial soi m e. Vice 1’resident l)iek Cheneys ehiel of siali, ae-conlingioilie limes.
Iii resjumse lo i|iiestnniiiig by Stieeial Omnsel Klinik lu/gei-ald. Miller replied llial siu-"dklrrt ihiuk" she heanl 1'lames name from Cheneys .ode. I. lewis"SetH>ier" Ijhłiy.
“1 siiid I helieml ilu- utforma-liou caine Irom anoiher somet-. wiłom 1 coultl ool let all." MiUt-r wtoie. reconnłing her.iesiimony foran aniele lliat tlieiiewspaper posd.il on ils Web sili* Samulay aflernoon.
“Walerie Marne" ailtially was Ihe name in ilu* noiiiniok. and Ihe Times s.iid Miller slionltl havc WTiiten Walerie 1’tame.
lil/gcralri has foiusetl on lliret* coneersiilions' Miller Kul willi Ubity as ihe prosecutor in-vcsligatcs whelher a enme was commiltecl in ilu* leakmg ol Hames idemily to teporters. Ilu* puhlic tliseloMire of 1‘fame's itlenlify folloued sirong criii*
nsinol iłu* ItiisiiatliniiiiMialion by HamoshusKiml. lomiei U.S. Ainb.issiiilor Joseph Wilson.
Ilu- neusp.iper sani thal Miller .ilfyl libliy met Im hie.ik* lasl al ii hotel m ar ilu* Winie I loiise mi Inly h: .'00.i. iwo tlays ahrr Wilson staied tli.it ihe Ihiśli athninisiralioii had ni.iiiipnl.il-ed ptt-wai iiitelligenee lo esnggri.ilc iIm* Ir.itji lliie.il, Miller liatl Ih-cii assigm-tł lo wnli* .1 story altom ihe lailnie lo lilitl weajHios ul mass tlesime-non m lr.u|,
Ihe nodinnik Miller iimsI lor ihal luh łt iotmiew iiuimles Ihe reterence lo "Walet it* lianie." lilii Miller snidihai ii.nnetliilnotap-pe.u ni ihe simie poriion ol her nolfhook as ilu- iniemew niiles Ironi I ibhv. aecoulmg lo ilu* limes.
Al ihe hie.iklasl. I.ihliyprovid-ttl a thiiiil .iIhhii Wilsims wale. siiymg she workeil m a ( IA linii knowo as Uinp.it. Iłu* name stiimls lor weiijions inieHigena*. iionproliier.nioo and arms mutro!. Miller siiitl she imtlersiotnl diis lo me.in (hal WiKniis wife w;is tui analysl i.ulier dian an iiiuli‘(rovei operalitt*.
hi ii July IL*. plione eall willi ljlihy. anoiher \ari:mi on • Iiames name .ipjiears in MiUers noles -• "Wieiona Wilson." Ihe neusp.ipeis .urotml Saluulay s.i\-s thal liy lite linie ol ilu* Inly IL’ pilone fiill. Millet liatl ealltsl oilter soiitfes ahonl Wilsons wale. Ihe limes saul Miiler wtuiltl not tlisenss her sourres lor ilu* newspa|K*rs aermini.
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