Sondty. OctoUr 18.2005 TlmtWinn. Twłn Filii. Idaho E-S
Family Lu-1-:.
Anniyersary -
In thla photo raleased by th» Dlscovcry Health Channel, the Duggar chlldren and thelr fathor, Jim Bob Dug-gar, top center, gather at thelr mother, Michaile, holds the 16th addltlon to the famlly Tuesday at St. Mary’s Hospltal In Rogen, Ark.
Ho w to deal with baby’s stranger anxiety
Choices abound in home monitoring devices
Relief available from baby’s early morning wake-up calls
lamps intodimmerimits (ava4* white-nolse machinę, a radio abk- at hardware Stores), and tunedtotransmitstaiic.orana* when Ute sun goes down in the ture-sounds CD — or lei her eeening, tower Uie liglits—evcn slccp near Uie dhłnyasłier. if your baliy isnt going riglit to Git Ihc caficine. Caffeine lK*d.TorclnforccUicscrhythms, frotn coffee imd soda can tum make surc your home isbright* up in hrcast milk. It accumu* ly lit during the day. even iflies laics in a babys łmdy quickJy napping. and stays with him about 96
Make sonie noise. Use a hours.
Weekly deadline
Th# Tlmt+Ntwt welcomes e«v vallcy.com. K emaded. ihe photo
gogcmcni. wedding and needs to bc sent in jpcg format
onnlveisary onnoencements ond as on anacłimcnt. photos. (That is, annlvcisonos of Tho d«odl(n« la S p.m. Tuaaday 50 yen/s or mote.) for poblicallon the following Sun-
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^ mtua>aAn..a^rT»a^m4
Oanlelle and Christian Wann
The Starrys
WENDELL — Chord and Sltirlcy Starry of Wi-nddl will cci* ebrate thelr 50ih wedding annivcrsarySunday.Oct. 16.
Chord Starry and Shiricy l*nictt werc mnrricd Oct. 16.
Tlicy haw tivcd in Idaho Uieir cntJrc iives. He owncd and oper-ałed a fence business. She worked wiUi Uie Wemlcll Schooi District.
Tlicy enjoy dirt blking, Bslting, camping and wood cutting. nie) Starry oflWiit laik
Thelr chlldren are Ron (Carla) I he cnnplc has Irntr Stany of Boise and Mikę (Con- gr.uidchildrcn.
-— Wedding---•:
RUPERT - Daniellc Moore and Oirislian Wami werc mar-ried May 6 in Kodiak. Alaska, wlille lic was stationcd at Uie Kodiak Coast Gu.ud Air Bose.
The bride is Ute daugłitcr of Dianę Moore of Mant City1, Ha., and Giarlcs Moorc of Tampa,
Tlić bridegroom is Uie son of Randy and Ewa Jackson of Ilu-pert and the lale Mac Wami.
A rcception wili lic hcld in Uieir honor from 3 to 6 pm. Sunday,
Oct. 23. at Uie Rupert Elks Lodge.
The couple will relocate to
TWIN FALLS — John and Debby Hathaway of Kimlierly announce tlić engagement of Uieir daughter. JoAnna Marie Hathaway, to Juslin William lloning, son of James and In-anne Plott I lortingoflWin Palls.
1 lathaway is a graduatc of Ricks College and Ls working on a muv Ing dogrce Uirou^i Uie College of Southern Id;dio. She is einployed at Magie Valley AnprdsaJ.
I lorting is wondng on a degree Uirougli CSI and is employesl at
The wedding ls planned for Friday. Oct. 21. in the l-ogan LDS
LITTLE ROCK. Ark. (APJ -MlchcUc Duggar just ddkcrcd her I6lh chUo. and shc‘$ nlrcady thlnkłng aboui doing li agoln.
JohannoJi Faith Duggar was bom at 6 JO a.m. "Aiesony and wclghcd 7 pounds, 6.5 ounccs.
The babys fatlicr, Jim Bob Duggar, a farmer stale rcprc* sentativc. sald mother and child wen: dolng wcll.
He saki Johannahs birtii was cspcciaJJy cxcitlng hecause It was dic first tlmc In clght ycars the famlly has hnd a girl.
Jim Bob Duggar. 40. said lie and MJchęDe, 33. want tnore children.
"We both just Iovc chikJren and we consldcr cach a bfess* Ing from the Lord. I haw asked Michellc if she wants morę and she said yes. if dic Lord wams to p've us somc she wtll uccept uiem." hcsald.
The Dlscovery Health Channel filmed Johannah*s hinh and
[ilans to air a show about the amlly of 18 ncxt May.
Hic Lcarning Channel ls doing nnother show abodt the familys construction pmjcct. a 7.000-squnre foot house that should be dnished before Christmas. The homc, which the famiły has bccn buildlng for iwo ycars, will havc nhie bath-rooms, do rmitory-style bedrooms for the girls and boys. a commcrclal kitchcn. foitr washing machlues and four dryers.
lim Boh Duggar. who sclls
By Armin Brott
Knlght Rlddar Nowo Sondce
QucsUon: Our halsy uscd to lovc ncw neople. My husband and I could hand hini to anyone and hed just sinik' and coo. But staning when hc turned seven niomhs. liis behavior changcd completeły. 1 les gotten inercdi-bly clingy and he crles If anyone hc doesn‘t know comcs any; wherc near hlm. Włtats going on?
Answcn Welcome to stranger anxicty. your balsys first fear. Whals hapi>ening b that your baby is just bcglnnlng to figurę out that hc and you (and his other primary carctakcrs) are separate* human bcings. lis a
By Ablgall Lelchman Knlght Rlddor Nowa Scrylce
IlACKliNSACK. N.J. - lf youre looking for a vidco recordlng device to keep a secre-tlve eyeon your childscarcgiver. itmayliebaid toflnd.
Not tliat you cant buy many difTerent types of‘nanny cams. It s just that some of Ulem are al-mosi impossible to spoi because ihey*re clcverly hldden in mai or bogus srnokc dctec-tors, clock radlos, VCRs. liooks. PDAs, tissuc boxes and stufled anlmals.
■fake Uic Svat Spy Eye Nanny Cam ($120 at rclivlng.com). Tl lis innocent-lookinr, stuffed bcar lias a color wireless camera and transmitter hldden imide. cotn-picie with night vision.
Or consldcr the Remington Tcddy Bcar Nanny Cam Vidco Security System ($60 at nila-com.com). a widc-anglc survcillancc camera placcd in* sldc the nosc of a panda on the basc of a 17-inch nursery lamp The camera's always on. evcn when Uic lamp is o(T. It comes with a 5*inch black*and*wiilte monitor bur may be hookcd up
By Suzanr* P«r«2 Tobła*
Knlght Rlddor New* Scrylce
Are you looking for relief from your baby*s 2 a.pi. wakc*up calls? Parcntlng magazinc ofTers ihc followring nighttlmc survival • strategies:
Dont make cyc contact Gaz* Ing into your babyb eyea lato at
KIMBERLY — Dan and Tamie on of Kimbcrty announoe Uic gagement of thelr daughter. idl Marie Exon. to Cody Alan nnion. son of Karl Bcnnion of lisc and Wcndy Mulllns of ah. ,
The wedding ls planncd for mrday. Oct. 29, in Las Vcgas. A ccpUon will bc hdd łn thelr hnoratalatcrdate.
rcal eslate. previously losl his hid for the tJ.S. Scnaic. Ile said bv cxpcvts to run for the siatę Sonatę next year lnu isiń ready to make a fortnal announce-ment.
scary Idea. and lics simply afraid that sonie person he doestit like very much migln tako you — and all the serviccs you providc — away. Stranger anxiety affects 50-B0 pcrceni of hahics. li usuolly kicks in at around seven or eigln montlis. hut sotnetimes not umil a year. It can łasi anywheie frmn a few weeks to six montlis.
I Icre ure a few things you can clo to help your baby (and your-self) cope with Mrangęr anxiety:
• lf you're gelling together with friends. try (o do ii ai your own house instead of sonie* place clse. Tlić lialiys reaciion will be less dnunutic In .1 fainil* iai place.
• Hołd your baby ckisely to any VCH. TV. C.C1V or OVK. and it can accontmodate an ad* ditional camera.
Hien thores the PalmVld wireless colTee maker hldden camer.i ($275. SIK) morę for color. at palmvkl.com). Iliis workingeoffee maker coniaitf* a camera plus winiess transmit* ter. Pług it łn. conncct the receivcr to your VCR up to 700 feel away. and ytiure ready to rccord. .
But if you ilont want in spy on the sly. herc are sonie out-in* the-open new products that offer parents pcace of inind when they're aw:iy from home or just working in the liascmcnt olllca
• The portoble MallboxCain
wireless remote camera ($200 at wirelessimapng.com) has fas* teners (hut tillow you to movt> it and mount it anywlicre: the swing set. deck post. doghouse. trce. basem cm stud. etc. It lets you monitor doorways and drivcways and has a config* urabk- cncoder/dccodcr to keep oUters from fidilling with your settings.
The MailboxCam can be pro* grammed to shut liself down night causes her heurt ratę to In* ercase and her blood pressure to rise, making her morc awake.
Rcgulatc tlie temperaturc. Keep your baliys room warmer during the day and cooler at night. The ontlmal temperaturc for infant sfeep is hctwccn 65 and 70 degrces.
Use dimmers. Pług your
And! Exon and Cody ^onriołi
Michellc Duggar had her Brr*l child at age 21. four ycars afler (Jie couph* inanied.
Thelr chlldren incłudc iwo selsof twins. and osich cłiild has a name hegimting willi the lei-\v1ivncvcr you enter a new envi* ronment or nnyplace where Ihere are likely to he other pcoplc.
• When you enter a new place. don’t just hand the liaby ofl to somconc he doestit know. Ijet liim ding to you for a while and use you as a safe haven.
• Wam friends. relnilves and stningcrs not to In* oflcnded by ihc batiys cshyncss, erying. screatning or overall reluciance to have anything to do with thcm.Tdl them to approach the baby ;is tltey tniglit any other wild animal: slowly. cautiotisly, with a big smlle. talking <)uicity and iierhaps even olTering a toy.
• Be patlent with your batiy. Dorit pressure him to go to afler a predetenuined amount of Ume. It opcr.ites for up to sev* eral montlis on three AA batteries łiut comes with an AC adapter and a battery dip (o allmv for contlnuous operatkm.
• SafciyCarc upgraucs lipnie security nlanns with a ninge of siifcty. ticalth and wellness serv* ices. inciuding remote worldivide video monitoring via the Internet.
Rir $.19.95 |K*r nionth (sitfety* carc.us). you can have your cunent alarm system convene<l ;uid monitorcd.
On top of the nanny cam tietk. tlić system provides mcm* liers wiUi immedlate access to certifietl professionals for non* entergency liealth inpuirles. health-crlsis counseling. eon* sultation. condiet resolution. jiroblem solving and criiiciU in*. cident lntcrvcniion —• whicli can comc in bandy for care* givent
• The Motorola homcslght wireless daytinie camera ($130 at Motorola.com. Circuit City. ' Best Buy and Radio Shack) uses >our broadband Internet eon* ncction to capturc and transmit cotor still Images and text alens ter T: Joshua. 17; John David. 15; Jannn. 15; Jill, 14; Jessa. 12; Jiiigcr, J1; Joseph. JO; Josfah. 9; Joy-Anna. fl; Jercmiah. tł; Jedidi* ali. G: Jason. 5; James. 1; Juslin. 2; and Jsicksott Levi. I.
stranger* or cwen to be nicc to them. And don’t critidze him lf hc cries or dings to you.
• lf yoiTn.* leasing the baby with a new sitter. Iiuve her or him get to your house at least 20 minutes before you have to leaw. ihis will (lmpefully) give bałty and sit ter a few minutes — willi you nearlry — to get to know cach other.
• lf your husband stays at lunne with the baby while youlre at wotk. you need to un* derstand that your baby migln lump wm in with the pcoplc hc consltfcis strangers. Dont loko it personally. Just follow the Mips abovc on how strangers should approadl (he baby. and Iw patiem.
to your celi phonc. PDA or c* mail; live viueo willi sound (o your home PC: or real-time color vidco cli|>saild still images toyouroniccPC
You can program the camera to rccord at timed intenr.tls or when motion Ls delected. so >du can ieview color vidco elips wiUi sound or still images when you rciuni Ilonie. The camera is de* signed for use with the homesiglit Wireless liasy Stan Kit ($299).
• Napcos VCAM IP addrcss-able Web cams c;m be placed onywhere in lite home and ac* cessed via broadband comteclion tliruugłi a Wełi-en* aliled phmie. PDA or 1*C
Using a motion detector. the camera Mam recording ujion a jm)granmiableevent "Irin such as u door opening or łialjy stir* ring. Ihc cnmera can e*mraJyou a IPliC, or you cin view live or iircłtlvx.*<l sideo or snapsliots on a dcdicalcd. secure Web sile (no software to load).
VCAM costs $259. wlildi in* cludes iwo ycars of senrice. hirchase it from a security dealer. and Uien register online at napcosecurity.com.
RUPERT — Alan and An-naLouise Medaris of Omaha. Neb. announce Uk* engagement of Uieir daughter. Laura Medaris. to Mark Evam. son of Ed and Tcny Evans of Rujłcrt.
Medaris is attending Brigjiom Yoiuig Unhwity-ldalio in Rrakug lirans is a graduate of Burlcy lligli Schooi and scnwl a mis-sion for The Church uf Jesus Oirist of Latter-day Saints in Jo-hanneslmrg, SouUt Africa. I le Ls attending BYU- Idaho.
The wedding is planncd for
JEROME — Tim and Mary l'rances Newman of łcrome an* nounce Uie engagement of Uieir daughter. Kelsey Newman, to William Bcnac Jr.. son of William and Barbara Benac of Dallas.
. Newman is a 1991 graduate of Jcrome lligli Schooi and a 1995 graduate of Bngliam Young Uni-wrsity in Provo. Utah. She is employed at American Seafood in Scattlc.
Bcnac is a 1992 paduatc of NewCrnaan lligli Scliool in New Canaan. Conn.. and a 2000 gnid-uaic of BYU in Prosu I le serwd a mlssion for The Church of Jesus Christ of Lntcr-day Sainis in Brosscls. Belgium. He is employed at Plumtrce Software in San Francisco.
IIUl IL— Dcnnis and Giristine Ewing of BulU aruiouncc Uic engagement of their daughter. Clidsia Ewing. to JonaUion Gomez. -son Ol John Comcz of Buhl and Leonn Hihbard of Palousc.Wash.
Ewing ls einployed at Moiui-tain View Care Center In Kimberly.
Gomez is einjiloyed at J & C CustominTWin Falls.
The wedding is planned for Satunlay, Nov. 5. at Uie Gabary Owpcl in TWin Falls. A rccepuon to lionor Uie couple will be Itdd ^tome to RecollectionT for your Bridal Registry
Brunswick, (ki., wiiere ibegnHHti will attend Georgia ( ( om-
munity GiDegi'.
Juitln Hortlng and JoAnna Hathaway
Tempie in Ingan. IJuth. A usrp-lion will Ih* held iii Uieir lumur frotn7to9p.m.SainrU.iy.lkt 22. al the Kimberly Stake Center. !W57 N. 35tK» K, KimtKily.
Mark Evam and Laura Medaris
Friday. (ki. 21. in lite Ndt takt* liTSTempk*.
William B«nae Jr. and Kelsoy Newman
Tlie wedding i% planmul lor Saturday. Oct. 22. in ilu* Boise I.DS Tempie. A cecepiion m honor the couple will be hcld from 6 (o II p.m. Saturday. tki. 22. at the Sawtooih lim iii Jcrome.
Chdila Ewing and Jonathon G«n«i
at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Noe. 5. at theTUrf (Jub in IWin Falk
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