
M Tlmc^Howł. Tłrlfl Ftfi. kWv: Sundty. Octotw 18. 2005

WittoH Harrft

InnoaatcT & CEO of National ActivEarSportEar brands

Robert Harrto


Founder & Prtsideni AttbrBAR





O nr hearing aids tire sttpplied directly front the manufacturer. There's no middleman, ma n ufa ci u ring fees, or francbise fees to pay.

Robert Harris, BC-HIS !nnovator & CEO of Founder & President ActivEAR

«‘r :<ćpd.

Thcrcs one moro thing yon need 10 know. Vou sce, we own both ilu* m.muf.icturing company and the retail hearing ccntcrs. My name is Wesion Harris, my faiher is Robert Harris and wc own both Harris Hearing Ceniers and ActivEAR. the manufacturer of some of the finest hearing deviccs in the world.

■rihłr: ihat mcans to you is:    •.

• .*■■ r. u" In other words, you can get 2 hearing aids for the price of one. You could literally save thousands - up to six thous.wil dolhrs in somc cases.

•    tan i I*, :»ci hc.ii ing iiistantly willi unsurpassed ijitality,• ni put my Activ!iAR hearing aids up against any compctitivc proiluct.

•    •• • II;;-.:    >:i: n.u hearing unh rn d.iw not -wceks or uionths.

( I he nicc thing about owning the maimfacturing company is that ! can make surę my customers get taken care of firsi.)

•    l "•*.!. * tofiii’ iiniii a gna r.intee warraijty thats about 5 limes better tlian most competitors. I mean it. Ifyou have any problems willi the 111. comfort, teclinology. or sound quality of our instmments anytime within six months of your purchase, we will relit you, changc out the instrument, switch to any other brand necessary to do whatever it takes to make surę you are thrilled with your hearing. We will also do it at OUR l;XrENSE, not yours.

   r mI| gi\c \tiu I Ul I |>.uts on your repairs lor 5 years. The standard warranty in the industry is orily one year (two if youre lucky).

Wliat you need to ask yourself is: l lavc you been suffering from hearing loss for any of these reasons?

•    . • ••    • W ... !(. pc.ll Ollfll

•    •    ’..( *:    \miI*. :m< kginumi noi><

•    i •    !iin>'muleiManding unces (»i on pilone

•    * : • it v«m realle need a hearing .ud

•    •• . *.va' Ite.uiMg IfN^ in i-.,, smal) i" he lu lped by a • *:mg i iMuiiuem

•    t !:• .»■•'. hoiioi stmies ahotit lit and tomloit ptohlems

•    ‘'ehe\. h.e.ciiig .mis will n.ake you look like an nld gee/er"

I can understand that. Hut if you're willing to give us a chance, I promise that we can make a tremendous impact on your quality of life. I inviio you to coine to an open liousc at any of my ActivEAR Cemers on Monday Octohcr 17, to Thursday October 20. If you'11 make an appointment anytime during that open house. I'll give you a FREE hearing test and a FREE vidco exam of your ears (wonh $249.00), so you can sec for yourself wliat your own hearing sit-uation is.

Just cali any of our Stores to set up an appointment. Whilc you'rc there, my hearing specialists and audiologists will answer any questions you havc about any of the issues mentioncd abovc and anything clsc regarding your hearing. or hearing aids. Whcn you come in, l'll give you a special report from a national consumer organization comparing the top 28 hearing aid brands. You'll sce that our ActivEAR & SportEAR brand scores very well among the top insirunienis available. We are dircctly connected with the most advanced Circuit and component maker in the world to bring you the besl qua!ily & teclinology available for the- best priccs. Naturally, once your cxam is complcte we will rccommcnd a coursc of action. If you don't need hearing help, wc'll let you know. (After all, with the extraordinary guaranice and the cxceptional pricing fm offering. I can't afford to sell you something that doesn't fili your nccds.) If we be!ieve we can help, we'11 tell you that too. We will also give you a price quote up to 50% less than any local compeiitor on comparablc equipment and a delivery timeline dramatically faster than most competitors. With over 47 years of expcriencc under our bclts and liaving served tens of thousands of customers, nothing gives us greater salisfaction than itnproving your hearing to givc you the best possiblc quality of life. Remembcr, you can save up to 50% compared to the competilion on the best quality hearing instruments you can buy. But you must act before Friday, October 21 to take advantagc of this special offer, so cali now to make your appointment for a FREE hearing cxam. I look forward to serving you soon.


Wesion Harris, BC-HIS Innovator & CEO of National ActivEAR & SponEAR brands

RS. Please allow mc to make this offer even better...

1.    If you opt for our AE Premium 100% Digital Model, you'll get 3 years of loss and damage insurance, instead of the standard 1 year warranty.

2.    lTl also indude a year's wonh of FREE BATTERIES.

3.    If you buy the AE Premium model during the open house, Fil also indude FREE LIFETIME SERVICE OF: • retesting of your ears • reprogramming of your hearing aids • deaning, adjustments and minor repairs.

Ac 1 ivEAR




Magie Yalley Mail • 735-1263

Idaho Falls


Twm Falls



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