0-2 Tlme»Niw». Twln Fatii. Idal» Sundty. Oetobw 16.2005
Łwk '&tató#ax •;
Backus appornted to G0P Business Advłsory Councll
l\vi,\ i wis - - Hu* .Vaikmal IU'puhlir«tn < .'oti^rssiott.il Oimmittir si|t|)imiii*«l Tonya Markusiu mim* on iIh* |iu\iiH*v» AiKisim\ ('iiiiim il iii aniKiiiiŃm ul romrilm lHHl\ aml ” driliration «•» ilu* Krpuhlt* tan l\iny. Ilarktis will mT\v ilu* Malt* • >l Malin and i> r.sprnrd (o play a rok* in tlu* Krpiihli-ran lvanv\ rlloils Iti iii* \nl\iMnp lniMiH*>s|U*npk' in ilu* pitnie ni pA«*)iiiiiriii rrlnrin. Mn* lun li mik Mippmird Hrpuh* Inan kIimIs. pariu ularly drln iiilmiiosi .nul ta\ trlnrm and will hr a kry imnnhrr ni Ilu* mumii.
H.ukiis MliriAMirrni Ma^n Va1lr\ IUmIu iii Iwm lalls. Mir canlic juk Imlal M l
Ihr IlUMiicss Ad\ isory< iniii-til k pan ul dn* Ńaijunal Krpiililic .iii ( uiiKrrssHinal < .iMiiitutlrr .md is tlitlii alml iu niakiiiK^in-ilial ^mall husiiirss Mas a mmi r m Wii\ltixi)itim.
Johnson appointed Finish Line's new manager
IWINI.MI.s (iiIchihiwHi in ilu* muli .ippoiimil in.m.ig ••i ul l-misli I mi*, .mullilri-i r • i u s p i red ;ipp.ii«T siou* III liii* MagtC \.«lk*y Muli
lollUMIII Iiun
Iutii hii-|ł|uyi*il willi I llllsłl I iim* lor lwu years. liisi .»•« .i suk‘s ;i\m»-• i.iu* iii Oic-nt.
Tonya Bockus
Cole Johnson
łliah. ilicn .in.isNisl.ini m.iti.igii iii 1’iuiu. Ulali. Iw*hm* ictncal-ni); lu Jutu I ,ili> .w ni.magu iii tt.iimng
I ilnsli I jii«* 111 ilu- Magii* Millet Mail miirniK leads ilu* Wi-slcrn Itt-gmn 111 ar»'i*>Miry S.llcs.
Nebeker new to Sllver Creek Dental team
n.iioMi*; — liii Nebeker jonuil Sihcr ( i cek Dnilal iii ieroiiu* as .1 ilniial liyjjit-n-isl. N
N i* b •• k «• r grad u a 1e il Irom Mu-itilaii
1 Jillege in _. , Shemłaii. UYn
JB Nebeker siu* livi-s in
Iwin lalls willi her I niskimi and iwmliildreu.
Walker Center announces promotions of employees
COODINt; — Iłu* Walker (Tulił antinimcctl ilu* promu-Unii ol Miel 111 cl Antltuocy lu ilu* |)usiiiun ul tllrctTor ul i'.\ptiM-n-imI ihcrapy. iniphiiuiiiing ilu* challenge ruuise Im atluli and .idulcsccnt lesideniial clitiiK
Aiillioiieycinnpleled tr.tming 111 luly and is ci-nifinl ihrough Adu-nluie lApmi-nci* lin*. Ile bas lieen .1 priniai y 1 niiiwlor .11 Ilu* Walker Center Milce Mae l»R».
Iłuck Dmą will lu- co-lacili-tamr lur ilu* e\|>erieniial challenge l uiiise and u ill assjsi AiilhmuĄ Ile is reililiul Im mpe lesone and auaiem-ss and has been .1 nieinbei ul llle (iiHiiIiii)! (.oiiuty Seari‘ll and Itestue Im lliree years.
Two teachers recelve Presidential Awards
IWIN lAl.l.s lwu Magii V;illey-area schunl le.uTu-rs uie uiipienis uf ilu* ITesitlt-imal Awarii Im IaciTUiicc in Mailu** 111.1IM s and Science Icaching.
Ijłis Slamlley. a mailitiii.it-«*s leacher al lłellewie I lemetllary Sil mol m Mclk-wie. and Kality (iruhaiii. a Mienie leailiei al S.iwinulh l leimii-i.uy Sł*lnm| 111 Iwin lalls. pailHipaml in a iiiur eiKluiK rudae 1/1.u was prueiikil liy I I I ilm aiion.il Inurs and ilu* Wall Disney Itesnri.
Ilu* lii-sideiilial Awaid. Ilie natiuiis Inpirsi honor lur maili and srieike leacłuTs. was |*Kx*n lu Si.mdley and (ir.ili.un willi eiiaiiuns Irum liesuleni liemp* W. Iłusb MMimieniliiiK litem "Im enibndyni); i*\rel-lence ilt IimcIiiiik. lur dewieon tu tlie k-.irniii); miils uf ilu* st«i-denls and lur upliukliim lb.* Ini;łi siaiulauis 1I1.11 e.\eiil|ilil. Ameiu.111 iillic.itinn al 11-linesi.'
As p.lil ul tlu* aw.iul. Maml-lej, and (•raliain and Irlluw awatdti*s wele able lu e\]M-ii-enee nisihaiuł lite l)isiu*» Yntllli lidlłi.iliult ?M*ries winili ulkis siudeiils a eliam e lu ju iitsideaiulbebind tlleM-eiws il Walt l)isiievWuiltl ibeme |i,iiKs lu s«s- liuw ihe pinu ijiles d«*\ afe leanunK tn ilu* i lasstumn make ilnii^s bapjuii e\ei\ d.w iii aml aiuiind (be Disney Iłe-surt.
Ilu- liesideniial Awaul lur 1-Acellonee in Malliemaius and Ściern e ieacltint; is admiitis-leml l>v ilie N.iliunal Scteiue louinlaiiun *
Shaw joins Professional Landcare Network
IIAtlJiY - - C-irrle Shaw. willi Iktiley Nnrsery. (iniicd ilu* liii-fessiun.il landeaie Nelwuik.
liANI‘1 is a natiunal nade assDciatiim repri*semiiiK pmi
imlusiiy seDice prmuler emn* panies and siinpliers naiidiiwide tbai spiriali/e in ilesiptinp buildint;' <md in-siallinK itlierinrscnpiiiK. lawn e.iie and iii.ntilenaiue. ihe as-siniałiun prmules inipiiitf; ediic.il 1*.mai and salety pro-p.uiis aml le.iimes a nalinnaf cerliliialimi prupam tłuri en-suies PIANI, l inembers bave ilu* kmiwknfp* aml liiimlcol e.\|Miiis»- m-cesMiry m perlnrin dnu jnbsai hi|U> sianilaids. l or tiune ujlmmaiiun. vi\it tbe Web sile • • al
wa\ wlanikaieneiwuikurp
Palmęr retums home to joln Cole ♦ Poe Architects
• IKHSI. •• ( ule • Pu-Arrhi* lecis wek mmii Anty 1'almcr lu
lis U-.illt.
1’almer cuiites (o ilu- Iiun as an intern ar-diilert willi a baiinior's depce 111 arrliiieritire linui Wash-inpon Siale IJnhersiiy. Muru aiid
i.iisnl in iwin lalls. Palmer remriH-d lu klaliu after cunipteliii)* sunie padtialc wnik .11 ('mmii Uniwisiiy and pr.u (inii); an hurciiur iii.New York < iiiy. sin- lus eNi»etniuv in di*st);ii. ili.iliint; ami sirmmral enpMN‘1111K- Slie is eiirreitlly belpiii): lite Iiun willi ilie Ada ( oiiiiw losihv (aiiiet. I.iimers .s- Meicliaiiis lenani iuijume-nteiH and Ke.Ma\ lenani niipnaeimiil.
Mottern*High picked for excellence award
IWIN IA1JN Ilie Idaho (iHiiu il ul le.nims ul kn^lisb M*kil»il Janis Mmtein l llpi, a teai hel al Iwin lalls Mi);h *m1iuuI. Iii uvrive lin- Naininal ( mim il ul ieaelieis u| lindisli lli)tli Si liunl Irailui ul l.\iel-lence Awaid Im Jlill I.
Ilie awaul is baseil un evi-dence ol eMcłlent dasMumu leai biii); ul I uyjisli .11 tlu- mi*-uml.iit siJmhiJ linvl ija.uk-s si\ ihr.i<ii:li liii. l ach liK-.il ałliliate ul itn- N( II! nuty Mim om-I mi suit amiiialk Im ilu* Ihhmk. subimtini): (kKtimeiHatimi tu lite iulKin.il m^aiii/aiinn. Ilu* awaul will be prcMitliil al ilie Sei imd.uy Sn linii I umiiemi durni}; Ihe Ntni: tiimentlon nn Nuv. Pt in PiUsIuiikIi.
NCIi: w ilu* piolessimi.il ur-pUll/aliuit fur l-.ii}>lisli laiipiage atls ediicaims. Ilie award is spunsnied by tbe Secumlary Sedimi ul UteN< Tl I'.. As an allil-lale. ilu- Idaho Conmil uf leacbers ul | nulisli uniks mi lllt* lucal k*\el 111 eumrn wilii llle N( .Tli.
SIEDO recognlzed at Chicago conference
IWIN 1A1J-S — The Inlcrna-lional licunoiuic l)cvclopmcnl (iotiticil n.x*o>;niyx*d tbe South-clił Idaho liconumic I k.*vck>piuciil OrKurifcAiilioii for iis prumoiional memento witlt an Ilmtorahle Mcniion at ihe Inieriutkmal Kconomic l)evel-optiient Cuuncils Annnat (ionferntec held Sejit. 2.V2H in Chicago.
"The tiwards liighllght pace-seltiug orgaiti/ations in ccoiMMitic dmiopntent. tut cx-celteni t*xamplc of whicli is the Snulliertt Idaho liconumic De-wlopiiicni Organizatiun." Steu*n J. Mmld. IUI)(!chairin;ut. sitiil.
Compeiing In ilie Memento calcgory lnw)lving coininunl-des with populatlons uitder 50.000. Southern libJio was a elear standom willi lis 111 c m e n 1 o package. The organizailon creatcd a functijutol package 10 płve (o iirospecis visiting the a*-gion. Diis pnekage ineludes trnditiotial coffce mugs and hals. hlack canvas bags (o cnny ;d] the inronnatiun aml literaturę a*ceiviil during sile visits. aml a card linklir fiUcd wieli business cards from each con-tact the clienl will mcct during (he visit.
Rehabilitation Services holds annual meetlng
T-WJN 1'AUS — Magie VaUey Hehahilitalion Services hic. hekl lis :t2nd Auuial Meetlng un Sept. 2H ai lis imining and emplnyment center.
The 75 atleitdees were In-forined of the iirganizaiions accomplishmcius during 2005. and awards were prcseniesl 10 ihose whoseefforis toward the collahoiathre process of traln-!ng and eni|iloying pcople with disahilltleswcre exemplary.
The li Dwaiit 1’rultl Memoriał Award fm Oulstanding Program Partic ip.mt was given to 1’earl Cole; 7-lilcven hic.
Membors of tht College of Southern Idaho'» Radiologie Technology Adrlaory Commlttee have been certk fled by the Joint Revlew Commlttee on Educatlon In Radiologie Technology. Each comnilttee member repreaenta a aoulhem Idaho hoapltal whleh partlclpatoi In the peer evaluatlon and oreralght of the radiologie technology program. Rom left to rlght ate Maik Wllfong of St. Luke’a Wood Rber Medleal Center In Ketchum; Kamye Powell of St. Benedlcta Family Medlcel Center In Jerom#; Ronn Schwarfc of Elmore Med-leal Cpnter In Mountaln Home; Pattl Allen of Ooodlng County Memoriał Hoapltal In Goodlng; Susan Morrla of Magle Valley Reglonal Medleal Center In Twtn Falla; Margle Lopez ol Canta Reglonal Medleal Center In Burley; Gary Laoer, CSI Radiologie Technology program managar; Rao Jensen of Mlnldoka Memoriał Hospl-ta! In Rupert; and Rei Blau of Mountaln Vlew Hoapltal. Idaho Falla. Not plctured la Joanna Haynet of Northeaitem Nevada Reglonal Hoapltal In Elko, Nev. For Information about the CSI Radiologie Technology program, cali lauer et 732-6719 or vl»lt the CSI web alte at www.eal.edu.
riaCi'lvcd ;tn awttrd as (huśta n d 111 g limploycr of ihcYcar: 1'atri-ciil **il!,,*c WiLS recognlzed as ,|lt. Advoca(c of tlić Ycar for heing a long-tiim* atlvocaic of pcople wilii disahilitics; Spcars Manufac-luring was sclccicd ;ls (iotilract Hlisini-ss of ilu* Year for provitl-Ing -I.III3 hmirs of iraining and cniploymcni ilirough eon-iraciing with MVHS for its janituri.il scrviccs: Sherl Al-tirechi tvceived the (ilarkc I. Maddo.s Memoriał Award as iłu* Uiiislorułhig JinpJuire of the Year.
T\veniy-three memliers of center-hased wotk crews were recogni/ed as recipients of tfu-annual safety award. IWo .spe-ciał recognitiun awards were giventoAITiX(!oiiiainerlnc. of l\vin l alls fur donaling trans-puriatiun valued al morę Ihart S20.0I1I) during the last five years and Tom Nelson for vol-unieeriiig moce dian 150 hmirs prosiding consiiltation and mi-pereisiun for MVHS's psyehosocial rehabilitation progmin.
littiployecs recognlzed for years of servioe includetl Scott 1’ence. hookkeeper II. five years: and Marilyn Sełtell. di-rector of the administration dieision. 10 years.
Oeseret Industrłei held a rlbbon cuttfng and grand opening at lis new faclltty located at 722 Cheney Orive on Sept. 22. The new bulldlng has 14.400 square feet on the salet floor, an outslde eales yard of 4,000 <quare feet. and a produrtlon area of 13,000 square feet wheie donatlom are reeebed, sorted and ptlced before belng taken to the sales floor. It currently ha» 51 tralnees and elght Staff poslllons. Oeseret Industries Is a tralnląg faclllty owned snd operat-ed by Tha Church of Jesus Christ of lstt*r-day Salnts. it helps pooplo learn employment skllls and Inteipersonal retatlonshlp skills that will nilów them to be hlred Into (ocal bustnesses throughout the Magle Valley. Oeseret Industries can be reaehed at 734-9412. Plctured left to rlght are Mark Holmitead, Grant Maughan, Brent Nlelson and Wayne Tonge.
Coli 733-0931 to subscribe to The Tlmos-Nows.
They arc our family, friends and neighbors; cveryday citizcns, yet so much morę. Ihcy arc the bravc men and women who havc put their livcs at risk to protect and serve our country in war. Time and again, our countrys
vcrtcrans havc been on the front lines in defense of our freedom. We takc this opportunity to say thank you to the brave souls who havc scrved in battlc for our Armcd Forccs in a special scclion to The Timcs-Ncws on Vcteran's Day, Novcmbcr 11. 2005.
Biing in or mail to The Timei-Newi. 132 Fairficld St. West.Twin Falls, Idaho 83301
Or cali (208) 733 0931. cxt. 2
I give permlssion to publlsh the enclosed picture & Information In the Veteran's Day Rcmembronce Section. Deadline: Noon, Monday, Novemb«r 7th, 2005
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