* Tltoot-Now*, Twln Palla. Idaho Tuoarfoy. SoptomW U. 1973

MINNEA POLIS, Mlnn. (UPI) -Sen. Goorgo 8. McGovom, wlth Sen. Edward M. Kcrnody eampalgrdng ftt hit tfiU, loday hammcred away ot hlj peace-ond-eco nornica theme Ift the big dUei of Ihc MldWcśt.

McGovem and Kennedy nero to campatgn together at ralllea In CWcago. Detroit und Clcvo-Land during a hcctlc day achoduled to havo them on tho

alły the tamo apeech tor whlch McGovem liai been rocoluteg po 11 lo opplousc.    • .

•f stand wlth Gwgo Mc-Govem for tho righta of oll tho people. and wc want oll of you bcslde Ul," Kctnedy aald.

In a ataUmcat proparod for a noontimo rally ta tho hoart of the Chicago Leop, M«Gov«m accusad - Pretidoot NU co of ualng the totalllarlan logie of ga-for-15 - liouia - oren -ln-tbfl-Caorgo On»ali'SDQy.cLll*?®Ł!l imllkcly cvent that cv«cytldng "Kor threo ycora tboy hovo nans on Umo.    , . told ui that war la penet,"

Kennedy Jolnod theMcGovcm McGovcm aald. "For a year.

added lazła not a taz."

TNi woa a rtferenco to an admlnlit/atlcn plcdge that If Nlzon la ro«elected there wll| be no new tazca although a valup-added tcvjr-a aort of nationol ailca Toi-mny be propoaed to replacc sccne retenfie ww ralaed by property Uzea.

••Baal It looka llko o taz. It mumk llke a tai..And It will eertalnly faal ltko a toz to the famJłlca of thla country wben tt coala each of them at leatt I2CO a year." McGcvcm aald A atanding<oom-only crowd ww-tKiA-lttW-crainjnad

•'I used la be Just one ot ICO dolng my Job In tho United Statea Scnalf," Kennedy qulppad. ‘Then.camo tlme for the aetectlon of tho vłca preałdontlal candidato. It Jut ohowa utiot Itś llke 16 have a famouabrether-ln-łow."

An aide aald Kennedy piana to campnlgn on bchalf of McGorem and Oemocratlc candtdatea for the Sonato and Houae most wookenda and daliy In tho laat two weeka beforc the ekcUon.Iłe will appesr JolftUy »10» McGóvem Wcdmadóy and

S^rgH=1IRHI^h.,»r=^ftM-'W=-ttlt^*^MHwr-Uia»ł-lW»;crałron^=Thv»«tay:but»«t-othU«h8r Mlmeapoti, w*I promptly got reccasl«n U th# mw poipertty. Mo tłie I,SOJ*cdI Minntapolla uppcarw.ctł wIU be aoparotc nilonaJrcm eucntl- San lhev teU m ihit a vbK*- Audltorlum to ko Ihc Hm! toint bom Uie ncmlneo. .

Shriver blasts Nixon charges

McGoyern-Kcnncdyappcarar.ęo amee the South Dakota aenator won the ruanlnatlon.Thc moatfy. youthful audience tat In the alilcs and atood aleng the walla after oll the scala wcrc flDcd. Al least anofher 2,000 prracoa wcrc turhed oway.


- -aan*-

C oronnN fnttilly lontls |iriil£M of Irlnl


SACRAMENTO. Callf. (UPI) —Sargcnt Shrivcr aald Mcndoy Prczident NU on Uaucd cne of the most "tancUmonious and Innccurote aUtemont* In the

of a Mezlcan-Amorlcon hord Idt by preperty Uzos. thm fly to Portlond, Orc.

In Sacrorocnto, Shrlver apokc to 1,200 perseni who blockcd a aPTUfliiir-gtrcer~on-¥—chilty-

-mght-in-a»r,ml n ramnaŁfn

attempts to prejudice defendant

FAIRRKIi). Callf. |UPI)^ Orfrnso ottorrey lUchord Houk toid prospectWe Jprora tn tho Jana V. Gcroaa masa murder caar Mondny the itatc would nttofnpt to prcjufhce thr dofendant b> floshlng nrour.d

płUii»BO ■ 4.1—U*—25-

victlmi. ••

- -•'Theae two mon oro golng to do thdr lrvel bnt lo show you brama dripplng out of akulla/; llawk decUrcd na Corcno‘s trlol opened In a smoli crowtfed courtroom corefully wTopprd In a bUnfcet of Ught tocurity

Tho vcrbii blaat w aa one of mony llawk dcllvcrcd agalnst Sutter Oeunty Dtstrlct Attorney G. Uavc Te> and hla assitUnt, liart WUUama. aa the Jury aclccUn bogań _ln ...o irlal erpeeled to tost four to tlz mor.ths

Coc ona. o Mrztcon-born 38-

yoor-old farm labor controctor, la accuaed of commlttlng the macha te aloyings In tho aprlng of 197] and burytng the vlctlms --all ttlnerant farm workera—tn crchard gravca ncar Yubo City. Callf. *

’Dcspltrrepeated admonUU*»»-

from Suptrior Court Judgc Richard Patton, Hnwk uied tho opcnlng day to unlood a barragt of CTltlcUm ogalnst the proaccullon.

Goroa«aaf«ml2y. Inciudai# his wlfc. Gloria, and hli ckkrly mother, Condida, wcrc In ottendance and*ahouted w orda of mcourngcment to Corona aa ho entered the oHirtioom dnd In a biur salt and blacie ahoca. wlth blttck uavy hair ncarly coiubad.    ‘—- -I    :

Tbc defendant‘a lister. Fcltcl-*ooo Corown De Dond^_i*iii

arrested outsldc the courtroom

Primaries set across nation

on a charge of Kdocfclng Ita ontrance. Offlcera aald the woman ant down In front of a metal detcctor through whlch c%*rryone had to pata te'cnter the coLftrocm

Mrs. Dc Dand Inter wus

•freoden |WM>#eJ-t>gaU>d by-Uu-

trother. Pcdro, and ordered to appear In Josfice Gnsrf on'tho' misddneonor charge Scpt. 19.

During the noon break, Corono's family knett on the grata otilndc the court/oom and red lad thr rotary. They

alao Jolncd obout 20 other persona corrying algna dem and-Ing 'JustJce for Juan Corona” and crtUdilng tho proaccutlon. innoccnce ”


The opposlng atlomcys apent’ jwly ihn

_ of odYocating » wetfarc ethlc. headauartera opcnltjiL

•Therd U no American who Shr!vcr protested Nizon*a prefera tho welfare fthic.” aald Labor Day atalement that *«« ^_ thę^ Dcmoęrotlc r 1 cc—ara-faoad-Uila-yair- wl prcildentU) condldoto. -czccpt cholet betwcen the *work cthlc* maybo Mr.—(Gov. .Ronald)

Inter vtcwlng    only four

'dosdjnm whethn*;lhey cou!d render an Impartlal verdkt In (ho grisly murder coac. Hawk alao dwclt hord on uhether' they wtte prehMkred agoiwt Coromi on ethnłc grounda

Reagan who prefera It bccnusc hc doein*t pay any tazea. Hc lets oll you work for hlm.” S»rlvcr mized a vlaah£ng attack ogolnat ^NUon . wrlth occaalonal Joba at the Callfor-nln flcpubllcon govcrnor In

rappwir i—VRRvm iwr

Mor.dny_nlglit-* Rpogan, a

mllllcnalrc former octor, po Id no atatc Ucomc taz In 1971.

After compolgning In San FYondaco, l.oi Angeles Und Sacramento Mcndoy. Shriver plunncd today to vl*łt Uje herne

that bulli thla natlon.*! choroctor and th# welforc elthlc* thot could cause the American charactcr to wmkuL*    ,

*1hls man hu not ordy uddcd ur.employmcn!, added to tho cosi1 of wetfore, ralscd yoj łaził, but al Ihc sanve limę hc


•mi i    M




eomeiout with enecfUrimh aancllmonlous and Inaccuratc staUmcnts In the hlstocy of thb country." Shrlrcr aald. Hc aald U oUo ‘la one of the most uncthlcal atatements ln hiitory of tho country "


\t:    - p.m ^

Otf liallot

;_PROY1DLNCK. R. I. lUPI) - Thi Amcncan

tndepeadeat Porty ho« lost Its approl to get on thr Rhlde (stand baIIot la Nosembcr.

AF generał denies disobeylng orders

The party *» presldrntlal candldotc. Rrp. John Schmlti of Callfornla, fajlrd to collect etwugh •Ignaturca to (|uallfy for thr bollot.

The porty*! foreea had opprakd thr dlaąoallflcalloa of a number of algnatwrrs to thr •tatr tloord ol Mrrtlons.

nj U ni Ud Prru UUra.lMn.1 lUpubitcuM wlth o combtncd S W » I* ł’ 11    ( . I 11 |l

votc^ Tr^Rń^utM^ITTbWorsri'<«/#-6rc*n«fcwiwt-1 « VjIUU aaiva

ol servlce werc b«lng chał-    _    _

&££.*.land transfer bałt

0‘Konskl. who hos aerved 25 ytara W the Mouse, was up •gamst D*vtd Connoe.a lum ber OMOttie. Rep. Glcnn Davb. flrst clccted ln 1947, was trytng to beot bock the challenge of Verao read. o dcpmtmenf storę tx    “    — gos-crnment. ’ *’

_ITircc Arlaonn congreumen- ^ Waybum. spcoklng

WASHINGTON (UPtj-Gen. Jota D U»vcile denled during o rtooęd<lDor moettng ot the tesle Armcd Serviccs Com-mittce Monilay that he diao-beyed orders from higher ups ln ordcrlng sir rakli on North VIdnom last ytsr.

Sen. ffaroW Hughes. D-fowo, who Inttłated the lnquiry Into

dcclde among a varlety of condldotco todoy vylng for :Dcmorrśtie—and- -RepuWIcan nomtnotlona for Gos-emor at>d Ccngrcas.

The prlmary eiectlona. bclng conducted Joit elght wceka beforc the generał electlon. wat iffitkr .HAy.-iQ-CflL«fld9,

SAN FRANCISCO (UPD-Tho Sierro Oub la oaklng Chngreu Co step Iri sn<Troitf an ngreement whlch wouM t/ana-fer mlUlons of acres of federsl

propcsaUr," thoclub onerted.

Thour ••porta ta" ore the lowcr Matm. VolUy snd the tako CkllkUł sreo:. i Wayburn aald the volloy woa

South Carqllna. Minnesoto; Utah. Wlsconttn. Arliona, New -Hampihl/g.and łlSHDOl—ln

tamnn-MBUa ta tim    un rj%Ł ^

Arctlc NnUorml


aald Uivelle denled disobeylng ony ordom frop) htg)ver upa. Stennla sold thot under the gtnrrora InterpretAtlon of the niles of wigogement he waa suthorłzed to order the stnkes Earller, ln teatlmony to the Mouse Armtd Servlcea Commtt-tee. Lavellc admlttcd (hot he had ordercd bombtng opera-

unautLjuud-agalAfcU-tiona-thot-wwi-boyond off«ial

North Vlctiuiro. was the msln orders.

Ingulałtor todoy as Uvelic resumed hla teatimony. -“ Accofdińg to the Air^ Forco. tjrv«^ ordered tho rolds after Prcildent Mzon had dccrccd no mora bomUng during debcate end-Uie-war negotlauons -ln Parła lost ycsr, He was HłllŁkCd oMiii caaunnr.d nnd


1 mm tomohow - cimm ,i

Nicholas and Alexandra

ls tho story ot o Iowo that changod - the world forewor!




addllton. votcrzln Rhode tsUnd and Honda wcrc dcrtding prlmory contcsts. but wlth no major nocnlnaboru at atake The closest race was cipect-ed In Colorado, where Dcmo-crstlc Rep Wyonc Aspinall. clukman ctthe Mouse.lnlcrior nad Inaulau Affolra CoanŁlŁlcc. woa atu-mptlng to win hla )3lh term HLa cęponent, attorney laan..a

Demorrat Morris Udali and Rcpubbcana Sam Stelger and Jota Rhodea-2313 ezpectcd to rjsJlygaifirenomlnoDon Voters tn the nelghborlng statea of New lliimp^hlre arnl Vem\ont werc decuSing gubernatorla) ro«3v

liike Chelotna oreaihould be

r«- «r    ^MUMdOnUy N^lioc.

Mondny. aald the land la necded

for natlonol park ezpsnalons and its transfer to the stale would be a "bod dcal for the Amcrtcan pcople.”

He asked Congress to act bdorc tltlo ts Uaiwfarrad to tho


In a statement. the dub sald “the nation will come to regret these tragle losses. Just the uay U dld ln givtog Yosemite. Valky to the State of Califcmlo

and tha^ftłclłw bT raifr# after an •nlisted man. Sgt I^nnls FYanka^wrotoilughea that Uic strlkes were msdc and thot he and othera werc ordered to fakilfy reporbi obout the bombdnga

tavel!e gsvs his aide of the story beforc the committre

"Gen. LavcUo gate us on ezplsnstlon of the bomblng mUfllona," Ktonńla aald:    He

tratlRed he ncvcf knowlngly Aaobeyed orders and guidancc provtded by authorltlej obo\*e


Stennla sito reported that -IiiycU(LJatlflcd,tie had^/no. oonao Coua knowUdg#’ ^óf falalfi-catlon of roporta.

. . Sen.Strom Thurmond. R-S C . told reportera that Lavelte "czplaincd ercrythlng q«tc well He aattsfled me. He was thoroughly aincere. He ćŁd what he thought was beat for the country-snd he dld It wlth

&uszs2txx rir.;vjrr^

* ^ZJTT.Ty    »«■ y-



Al 7:00-9:05

Miroocaoo /S


In_Ncu łiampshlrc. iwo-torm—SWai------ - ■ — ■■

RcpuWlc.fi ircumbcnl Waller . The aRrctrri«nt reiulti from • Petcrwn and Deroocratic bosi- «*» MiAt AM *HW nrnmnn lbu-rr .1, f^r^wlry fc^eral ROVffnmcnl. Tłie Młlt

ln tho 19th ccntury."    __Monday wlth pond fnemberz^-COmDlclcsuthorUy.".

‘*EŚtntuslIy. iCwJłlalaoKave gTren o chance lóąueatlon him Thurmcnd alao a

aald there

buythsisndf badc at great—Uialrman John C. SlwntirD-—was -,a imocrejtaaUflłrtrrmr lass If they are aacrlficed to Miss , who met with reportera mlnd" why Lavtł)e waa rc-espsdkucy."    followlng the seeret session. Ueved of hla commond

V tllS

. w i

MNlM wau*fV*»«


---■Uongehnaoaby porty ollłdult-

to score nn upset *

atfr. r.iprrlrd.

nomlnotlona by smali morgina. Tłie two met in 1970 Former f#av. W esicy Powell wat fayored to capturc the OOP Senate n^mlr.otion ond the rtght to run ogolnat - Dcmorrstk' Incumbrnt Ttamoi J.* Mcln-t>Te, who was unopposed In Vrrmont, tather 8 llacket, a former Soclal Welfare Doard chalrnian. wai a ~sl!Rhr favortte over Attorney General James M Jcfforda In the GOP gubematorial buttle. On the Democratic aide. Thomas S. Salmon was unopposed.

Colorado Democrols wcrc also comimiling o candldate to opposc Ucpubllcan Sen. Goriton Al lott, wlth former State Rep Floyd Haskell. favorcd ovtr Sute 6en Tony VoIUck.

tn South CoroUnn. Rep. John L McMlltan. 74. was espeeted to win o DcmcraUr runoff rucc wiU. 8Uito Rei*. - Jota W-Jenrette. McMiUan. clialnnun of the Houae Dlrtrkt of Cokmblo Committre. ts scek-Ing his tai^ term.

In Minnesoto, on tncunibcnl cipectcd to have little IrouUe ln golnlng a spot on the November balloC was Sen Walter F. Mondalc He li aeeklng the OcmocTaUc Form -tabor—Party a - nomlnatlon-:-Oy UolUtlPrew Intemolionnl ‘agolr.it three opponefiU.^Phil Todoy ta Tuczday. Sept 12. "Hałum. o Isthrran minister .-Ir -Oic 25fithdjy.pU522wUh UQ to

Rogera MorCon czceeded his auihorlty to wlthdrowlng 42 mlllłoo acres from the 77 mlllto acrea the* atote nakcd As purl of the ngreement acttUng that suit, tlw Interier Department haa Tellr^ulahcd. Ibt chilm lo a sutatontla) part of tlw acrcogc to diapulc and agrcei to make ccrtaln key areas avalUblr for atote aelectkn.” Wnyborti Miii

•The portoU to two apectocu-lar. notional (Mirka In -tlw iniikmg hswe bccn glzrn oway to the itate befcec Congrcas evcn bas a chance to study the

The Almanac

Telerision Schedules

running unopposed on the Rcpsbllcan ticket TTie atote ta alao Itolding four congrcsstocal prlmarłea.

In Utah, two John Blrch Soctety mcm bera were heovy unóerdoga ln their bida to win -GOIŁ. mgrciałoaaU mattWt „ tlona. Joseph Ferguson waa ezpected to loso to Robert Walthlua, a former oldo to Son. Wallaca Bennett, whlla Mark E. Andcracn waa •głverr' IlltJt

(oltow,    ,

The moon la apOronehln^ 1U flrat ąuarter. The morfUng stara are’ Mcrcury, Vcnua. Mar* ond Saturn.

Thp ovenlrg stor la Jupiter. TTkOie bom on thla datę aro uńdor thcaTgn of Vtrgo.

Frcnch entertainer Maprlce Chevoller waa bom Sept 12, 15M.    • ^

On thla day tn hiatory:

Henry Hudson now Vnmm

-In 1933. Uio — ProtoatoiA Eplarapal Mouse of Blahops

i9lcd M to^UpJakę flUJtitlL

"obcy"' oot of tbe morriage cor amony.

r«tur«v. s«0tw*»«« ll itri ATi-Wpm ecc»««i-*itn). ••»><I II, •tj •' JO ^ m -    * Tk#

N o** - A cntlltfHl

IV **•••    .» an uant%\

ln a cqH*iii>« to*    M» tupooM

ł%    I* iv • m««V —

pfatOtd t/'a mnfot mWl*nal J*a ol

vWit* Alma im    liny ittM

u-ło    e


» 11

Hi f Ntw%. WHMT. Wm ilr l tu —‘ Truru r cei*uqu»ctt

HI T- Uu^Ti Hr—1 fr» — p*rtn« O arna OiM i - Mm

11 - MtwCf. Compoy Mutry fitdtc•

Onnftfił h> t'.d tu »n progr4m> inrouo^au* *** r*«Nłng •ot aaciion rnulit « M

Hl - tho lYłtt :• u.gM C Jt J - naman >iv,0 aa' • II* Your fu

«. -    CfMinr—i-----

S .> th<% 1% Yov# Uf!

IO. a. 11 — Moyt« “Th* unort*


J - iWS Ciuiartn t tWwr Sp«(i!ł

W - Opon Topu- -

S — Conne*


fi» — To***% o* Mwttroiłon. OuumtUtłr SfM<t!l

Hi. H. X X rt. a. n - Hawt. WaatAt*. kurii

Wi — Pticnar* C«*<»»on Rofurnt


>0. *. U - Ajhnny Cuion •o — łomofrt»»*i Yottoraty. Owu^Wtry Wtdti WSI

hi - Mowło ”TK# Unopipar ~ lf.il

l - Oflmory Ctdłot RtUrn•

. Mi as

) - M8v'.t "Ct*ry on Ht9u0.HI-IliK

Wl —    wa+*hf. kio/it

a - 4Tm


Wl - OK* Cov«fi


W - Entirtc Comp^nr

S» - Carol Do-nwł I — MMKt Ctr'M Wl — **WM cvn*». ComtOy Ototn W. tv - M.rn-c^rt*

I    ~ Movi# MA Ka« K.n«j a»

II    — W»«t« -t#Ml O<ro%% lh* •iv#r'*

m    »«»

I M/uie-m# OAl*hV«/f-0(

JCV.un Cthf

to - frioncAM-    —    --

Hl -    C»m(iAr,


*• Th* Ud*at>

H    *    ••Si*# !*m m‘ o


J - Mo w* •ao CHf

to łaa* lntęn*<d » Mi*ki

Hi - eioctlon 7!

to. f - S*ir<*. Atuontwr* O#£•*

HI -    _

Wl TwnpW t>u**t Oiumo. C«m*ey

In 1053.' In o aoclal evrnt of    _ mj9tooar%

the ycar In Newport. KI., o > - Ok* v#n o»m younfi nKmbcr of Ihc U.S.%, _ m

HI - MS. l "Ali I t>M 't S - AA^it. “Hty# Com* ln* MHWir    *_____

J - Mdłit; “Owa iniruo**"

WtAmlti. U*atn—r ll. Itn

^ Zhanrm wi — Pm Lynd«. Coma<tv 0*U-f P*vi Wl no Itr

to - Mov>t 'Th# (hiroiar >11 - AHI<* Wrócił. ii>a<«wi

Wl. Ib. • •; iu • Andr**%. vtfjj(y. O* bit

?r-^S^uVWbv7 Ol O

----r:-11:00    -----

Hl, X>. X S. to. I. II — fiawa

W#tłh*r. Iporti    •

4m — Part* Uiitn to -* łowi





_______. .J

| r.»« mmU\ 10 f# I






5 {; Wietiebaćtył

1 s iifMuSostp

f CA .WA

• Mfnaouito*



JP- • COiOs* fHtiCnnwiHwn W> O

1 lit ttt TOMOfOW _ MOTOt ImT

~lłT$ Great — S owe are movingJt ~    'to the good old MófbTVu.


chance o! Mcalt^lnaiaiponl • ln 1490. Heru Rep. ttąrman P tioyd. * % dlacovor(d what ll

« Wliconaln.Two* Incumbcńl _Ai thcJfUdlcnJUyc

•• • .

nedy. marrled MKs Jbcqucbnc Isst Bouvior.


docked wlth on Agenn apoee to - thr** d»o Uhm.

ft^#* * f *•* Po 9%

• ... — ■- • —    -^-hi m*oo>* ite iw**nm

A thought for tbc day:    -

Airtortcon noyellat Washington*

1rv1nfi UW. -A womWr>holt. - ^uiląjpSn^

to - Maoo-«


tri »r a«!Wir.4

%o hit MW.

ir •mpiov**J

OWtl (tli

Yln-Cauaa mó- Haaa Ima

•w .11 • n*w(

Ot • Mm n law OMW <«M

to - Mori*



■ rwtMf

* . .

HI. i — M*w«, WtWMr. V»rt»

H». X WI — Triwi 0r Contot-wnctt 11 - Cwol Ournfft to. a.-r Agwn 1}




% - Atovif **lhr!# Co n% *\ toouoin"


**H»t LHt • Mii-


— Newa. Wftih,-. Sporty

s-^idssasnsisr* --***'$" ■'

Ł‘    5-.


3 - Mov<*

to — 4Tm


Podobne podstrony:
20 i G-« Tlmoa-Nows, Twln Fal 3, Idaho Fffday. Juno 13 i£óO
14 TtmM-Nfwi, Twln Fallą. Idaho Tutsday, Septambar 11# 1fHGovernor signs Skaggs ciccicd——Gem rc-clcc
30 Tfrn*f.N«wi..Twln FaIII. Idaho Tueidey. ^pfa«vib«r 17. 1977 ar* TROOP/.REDUCTION Study begihs on
Suncoy. Oclobe# 6. I974 Trfnos-Now*. Twin fi*:*. Idaho 39 HOW TO PLACE YOUR MONEY BAGK GUARANTEED RE
A14 Tknt*ta»t. Twln f dli. Idaho Sututoy. (ktoboi 16. 2005 A • • WIZARD SWEET NELLIE MAE SMARTY
M Tkittfrłłiwt, Twln Faiłt, Idaho Sund*. Octotw 1$. 200S Wkst Utah slips in smart State awards SAITI
I Sunday. Oclotef 16,2005 7ln***#tir». Twłn Fafli,Idaho 0-7 Magic Valley/WestLawmaker calls for susp
4 0 Swnday. Oclobcr 16. 2005 TlmeiNewł. Twln Fali*. Idaho A 3 Nation • ••• • . • ■ ■Court
1 I Sundłjr, Ortotwr 16, 2005 TlnwKew*, Twln Fali, Idaho 0-19 -Q/ vn/~N     .Q~r^0
1 Sondty. OctoUr 18.2005 TlmtWinn. Twłn Filii. Idaho E-S Family Lu-1-:. Anniyersary -And BABY MAKES
Fflddy. Juno 13.1WG TWnos*Now«, TwlnFoflt. Idaho A-6MiTOTiTirStonc dead at
Fflddy. Juno 13.1WG TWnos*Now«, TwlnFoflt. Idaho A-6MiTOTiTirStonc dead at

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