14 TtmM-Nfwi, Twln Fallą. Idaho Tutsday, Septambar 11# 1fH

Governor signs

Skaggs ciccicd——Gem rc-clcct president

safety agreement

BOISE (UPl).— Gov. Ocli WhUt iUCc Inapccioca hairo D. Andrui ałgnad a tamporary .couniclcd BOmt builnOBimCTl agreemenł wlth the federal gov- nbout aafely itAndarda and thc

arnmcnt Monday to provtd# for coocurrcnt aafety Inspectiona of prlvate Induatry by thc stnte.

fdoho'a State Ubor Department w a* prt-cmpled by the federo! $ovcrronrot In cnforce-mćńł o/ tfif OccupatfcnaJ Safe-' ty and Health Act loat spring

f ederol r wjulrCmenta atnce then. lobor . Commlolcoer Bart Brown sald it haa becn on an lnvUational baala only.

Under the ogrecment algnod today atate Inipectora may .re*

go Inta the prlvate sorter Im-mcdntely aa a reaulUaf the temporary agreement. He taki Idaho now.hai 11 Intyectora to conduct auch wock.

Federal funda on a 00-10 matchlng ratlo are avatloble under the ogreement fer devel-openent of a aUte plan to meet

BUULEY — Char lec Skoggi hJHbeen elected chtirman of the Ikzrley^lannlnglCoinmlaalan?

He repUcea U* Kurny whp hu hetd thc poit for two ycara.

Other offlcera ^elected * are William MacKnlght, vlce chalrman. and Pat Holslngcr. aeeretary.

The plannlng commluton will meet the aecond Wadncaday of each month In the Burlcy City Councll chombcra.


License plates

turh'tolhcprlvatA*uctor oTkT fłdfral ktatidardi. Bmm sUd y*

make "concurrent lnepectlonaM two persona may be hłred un-    ,13x5 I    VC(1

'wheirthiftfBt*lflhnT?"rrfuii?d*tir—wtth-liło-fodaral -tt*ivomment—der tliaagra wnant,-one cf-them pam « Nil te brłng łhe atate whllo_ llrown triea once agnln en InduatętpLMglffilaŁ-

Into compliance wtth federal re-Qjlrementa

for enabllng IcgftWKlon. Ho atld alate Importom

Brown haa preased for atep-woald * ped-up federal InipeclJona be-


t/ld dootha during U»o put

TWIN FALLS - Twin Falli TiMnf

drivtra wumngl-lo reaervt llcenee piata numbera may do

group spends $ 14,$43

BOISE (UPl) - Lateat campalgn ftnhńclal reporU ihow the Idaho Fmance Comrolttee to Be-dcc t the PrwkUnt haa taken In >22.463.64 and tpent >14.643.29.

Mn jor contr Ibutora ahowtng on the Sept. 10 report Monday In-duded Mr—and Mra. W. T. Duncnii. Brysn. Te*., land ik>velopcr And bonker, M.C00; Joseph Segel. Merion, Pa., pre-ddent of thc Franklin MIM, >2.060.15; Evan P. Ilelfaer, Mil-

Thecocnmltteo llateddebta and obligatlona owed by U of lU^H.Ulndudlng 110,000.61 ta Glvena - Davtea AdvertUing Agency. Inc.

Wayne L. KJdwell (Ued. a finał report ahowtng he apent 15,100 on hla campalgn.for the Repubticon congrotsionSl nocni-natlon tn U>c Brat dfcstrict. Under hla own name he ahowed rc-cdpta of M.2CO Indudlng • M.0W

7--....... *

Kldwdl’a **00 Idaho Cemmlt-

IpU.ot- aa.

News Of Scrvicemen

At present thcrc uir.two per-manent federal safeły łnapcc-tors in_thc.fltatc.ta.caxry_out pro%*itioitj of OSHA and feder-

from ttme to (im»r

imraammmrflK' =dEROMŁ=aS4Anw>.Jlii Scorborough, son of Mr. and Mra. John —Scarborough.

at the county courtheuio CouAy Aiaeuor Ronald Taylor aald, however, that the finał number of the rcacned piata muat ccincide w uh the finał number of the drlrrr'# preaent piąte.


GOODYNG - Gen. Amos A. Jordan haa bccn promoled to Brigadler General and aworded the Dtstlngutfhcd Serrlce Medal on hla rctlremcnt from thc Army.

He hoa aen*cd for 27 ycars, the last 17 aa profcisor of Soda) Sciences at the Milltary Acadcmy. West Pdnt. Ho will __ bccome dircctcr of tho Aspen Institute of HumanlUci Studics.

Gen. Jordan't wife la the former MarDcnne Carver, Focatello He haa dz^chtldren, 'Mr*. Ptffiy Cłiu. Uooding; Dtono, a graduote student at thc lMlveratty of Utoh; Keftth, a Iow student at Yandcrbllt Unłveralty; David. a Junior at # Bowdoln College; Linda, a frtahman ot Idaho State Unłvcnlty. ond Kent. o high achool aoptomorc.

Jerome, la home oaJeave aflcr eomplctlng postał elerk achool In San Dlcgo, Calif.

He will be aialgned to the U. S Naval Foctlity, Barbados. West Indlcs. w herc he will ussumc dutles us postał elerk.

Seoman Scorborough gradtiatrd from Jcrome_Mgh SchOOt and enlistrd Iń thrNovy In May. Ml

GOODING - Marinę Sgt JCasc IL Ucvcrky. aon of Mr. and Mra Jamea R. Oererley and huabond of Marlecn C3evcrley, all Gooding. recelvod thc Good Conduct McdAl aboard the alrcraft carrler USS America

He was ctted for his ciem-pła0' aervicc during the past thr ce_y cors.--------

_____ Brakes failed

TWIN FALLS - Robert B. WllUama, Twin Ftlla^aald brakc falturc prccodcd an accldent involvlng a trock he was drlvlrg ncor MurtAugh -Fruiay momlng r—

Williams aald o rear uhool cylinder, kit-Ucw aut^ couslng

acrou a drlveway, a corner of o flower bed and a concrete dllch The truck camc to rest on Ita whecla and cftd not upset os was lftdicAtcd tn an occounl of


Tho accłdant oceurred a mile

the brakea on the truck to fali. Ib aald he guided tho truck

east and a mile South of Mur-tAogh. Williams was drlvtng aouth.

tho "Kldwell for Congrcu Cem-mlttee*' ihdwcd rccelpts of >33,0(154 and etpendlturea of >33,639.51. In addlUon. tha Kldwell fce Congreaa CommltUe lUted Indebtedneu of >10.160.11.

Uecelpta to the KldweU for Congrna Commlttee llated en Ui Jlrul report for the untac-ceufulcandklate Induded |1^» from the bcaineu Ind u itry poll-tical Actlcn commlttee on Aug. 1, >500 contrlhutlonf by D. DuCf McKce on. July • and Aug. 3 and    Smith ea\

_ ^    nukee. Wla

Tcytor niw wti 1 U e rcier*.c-d 12.770 <0. H.F.Johnaan,lUclre, ondeipendltureecf Wa.Wwhlle piAlea woolil ’bo l«ucd whoi -Wla., lisica os reUrod, 91*500;    "    5 Z

tho preaent platea eaptre Ul Uoyd IlAlght. BoUe, vlce pre- . ♦-

aldcnt and generał .counael.Ee/

J. R. Slmptot Co., 1500, and the Flnonce Commlttee to Re-clecl the Prcatdent, Washington, D.C.,


Meanttme.formerGoy.BoScrt E. Smyllc reported Ke apent >40,221 23 on his unaucceufut ottempt to win the GOP no mina Ilon for U. S. Senate. Hla Smyllc fer Senator Commlttee łlated recelpu of >39.614.71. Ii Also ahowed contributlona from .thc caruHilotc hlmaclf of J3.100


platee ezpŁre c*ch    ąic,--

Taylor olao aald persona would only bo otlowed to rtscrve one licowe piąte In the Brat Afty serial numbera. Thcre U o |l fee for rctervlng licenae piąte numbera.

few months. Ile aald |hca» fa-talltles aro up 01 per cent over the same point o year ngo-tddlng thla taca not count the 91 minera who dlcd tn the Sun-ahlne Mino flro at Kellogg May 1 nor agrlcultural deathi. ^ _    •

(jlature thla wlnter will China issue said

a meaaurc allowlng lho ttale to '    .

‘n4vers e Kled'------

on a atate tevcl. He aald *    łBfłM ^

atate itandnrdi at present aro TOKYO (UPI>-Forelgn Ml- aatufactorlly aettlcd Ui Japnn.

my eto* to Uio feckr.i ro-    <Slra ““

qulrerr.enU and would need on- **** WlevM ** ***** ly-a-amall-anruMinl - of


. he bc1levca the CWna “But ^^rnotionol dc^elop-iasua -waa-nerer aafliFaćtórlly    R»o Pebples

aetUcd ofter World War II and "*"**<* °''** dromo-

that • tvti/ now U U bc>ond Japan*a oapacity to help scttle U onco and for all •■The guestlan of China haa been a problem alnce the end of

Ucally chonged lately and publlc opliiłon In Japan ta atror.gly In favor of acltllng (the problem

July 8.

,    7-

Gem air ąuality hearing planned

on Ani 1 and W.OCOon Aug. a/TólMIiig: "

James A

BOISE (UPl) —Propoaed od-di tlona and changea to ldftl»o,a alr quallly tmpScmcntation plan will be consldered Thuraday at a Joint atate and federal hear.-Ing tn thc Plah and Gamc

— Establishment of reaula-tlonj fer control of aulfur dl-oildc aourcea now In ezlśt-ence.

*‘In approvtng new aourcea we will bc dcmondlng thc beat IćcKnolci) avallabie at the Ume’ of conatruction be used to avold

Baz. administrator

‘    et the Department of Envdron- futurę problema." ElgurenMld

SfllulftY Onlv -- Brotertto-andJłealUw--Wc^uat.tJcmnnilJbnłiyl

*    -    mM    ItiA    nr.il    l#.*kp ci' - •• Im ii«a.I f a aa«>mT

ni offlclals aald others mnv bc ł^1' ■ ^łłuw,c,n wc w;a °* "The faet 15 thanhcrc are    —; — -----:

breaght {n on ■ terópariiry b«,

B 1.1 nn Old i.iiur aa wali


vote seen for Nixon

i-ake vim-a, ni. tuni-

Herbert * Kkln. dlrector of , Communications for President Nlzon. uiys muny Dcmocrats and Independenta are unttlng behlnd Nlzon bccause Sen. Georgc McGovcrn s programa would rnlse tasea. odd to welfore rolb. causc dliastrous uncmplojmont and accelerate Inflalkur

••Senator McGovem would glvc morę moncy away and morc goYcrnment spendJng woukl tlgnal morr Inflatlon.** Klein sald Sundoy. "Morę inflatlon would mean hlgher food prices. greoter educatlon coata. blgger - housing cosb, stecper transportation cos ta and wcrall hlgher prices on cvery-thlng Americans purebaw."

Spcoklng at o German-American Hcpublicon Doy rally In thb nor thc rn Chicago su--burb: - Klein nlsj zntd Oovcm*s "dangerous defense cut" would allow thc United States to become a second ratę power to the Sovict Union


northwcat Canada.

aald both the atate and federal techoolagy bc used to contro!

TtlUNDEB BAY, Oni lUPIł (rcfMaals on alr poUntioa eon- new aourcea pollutlcn If ^wc —Kukabcka FoUa. 19 miler troi will bc. presented at the arc to carry out our reapen-from Thunder Bay. floua only hearing.    afbllltlea aa an envtronmcntal

on Suodays The l2S-foot folia. A.Jr Ełguren. assisUmt ad- protectlon agency." caltcdtheTClagarj ó( tlić North, mlnlstroter, aald two maj^r a i-    Eigurcn aald both the Bun-

arc dry on ueekdii)* when the caa of concem ore in\«ohed In ker Hill Co. at Kellogg and J.R.


Procedurę for opprovlng affeeted by thc propoaed reg-

powcf fftf Hir inriiwlnid ^ai-nf--nr^-smirri-A_ikui roi Al ca—a ttbllOM tnf WdW>4|d)lMk

alr- pollntion.--- % —

ozlde gai.'-'


aa a new lwue...U hasjiot been-hc added.




Now you can buy the ground beef that suits you best! You deserve to know the lat content in ground beef because it plays such an important part in the quality-of-the food you plan to-serve;-These new-łabels show łhe-fat content in our different grades of ground beef. A second label shows you

the day the beef was ground...

Imporiad from Ctrsda i oldaat dlaliSar


tuh 04iinci»«w canaoia** nan

lllwrir.es Ol l#C«rD O^SVTf.

Importćd Whisky

The taste that’s



'30% FAT


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