
C* TlmevNtwi. T*in FiJli. Idaho Syndaj. Octobef 16.2005


Michigan upsets No. 8 Penn St.

Wisconsin upends Minnesota

Vvljconsln’s fonathan Caslllas. left. blocks a punt by Mlnnesota's Justln Kucek In the finał minutę of the tourth quarter Saturday. Wlv conałn's Ben Strlckland fell on the bali In the endzone for the touchdown as tho Badgers came from behlnd to win 38-34 In Min-


Johnson wins fourth straight at Lowe s

ANN AltlłOH. Mli ii. iAI’i -1*1*1111 Mali* mielił In* b;K'k. lun u MilUuni Ihmi Michigan

iliail I leniu* lltuni lu* mv* ihhI Ciiih Inluwri paw in Miiim M.mtuitKli.im willi nu Imih* Mi Iii lllt llltf WuKriillfn l<9 .1 ilu iIIikik J7*J% vmuvy mit Ilu* ri^ltlh fankril Nillam l iuiis mi Nihiiiła\.

#    Ilit* Wulwillirs 11. J*J lity; Inn awiulnl (Itru wuisl im Kil Iii mul < u fulnt mim i* PMiT. IVlili Małe* ••• I. .1.1* Irll mil ul Milr |hism nnh»ii ul liiM p|.uv in ilu*«nnlititiH* willi M* Mtttuli

\tiai>;lil !• rv> ni ilu*M'iirv

Mm Ii.ii-J I(i4iiihnii mikih! his Mtuinl HNirlftiluwii willi niliK liii In pu* ilu* Nillam Ihkin a J% Jl k%ul. lnu Śliw KrraMuii utuiiml ilu* itiMiiuc ku kuli tu mulliiitl lu m1 lip ilu* Itamrwiiiiuiti: Miur.

Amvuih1w.inIHI uii ilirrliu k wluti tlrimr tuuk iht* Lim snap .uul OMUln Iril willi M.illillll^* liain iii ilu* tiiuMIr ul ilu* nul


Ilu* iKHul ul Ul.JIM \\viil wilii aiul u Mvuml likr Miiiu-Silili rnlllf litllii piktl nu Maiiiuii^luiii ai lVnn Slaics Ja ItiicHu.ili*.

Il iniililui li.iu* Im vu a inni i* l*M'limy* Mtnml hall willi hulli Iimiiin laimj: ul lal aj» |W\iml im Im* l IMIIIIKlIllItllK . Iim»N alht Muhiuaii lid I-II .t ImIMiiiii*.

IVlii»Mah‘Mi'iiil r»pMiitt>iii 17 miuinK uii ItuhiiiMiiis iiiii and a ItimhU* M im n lor a mihi* In laki* .tli lll ld Irad iMll\ III liii* tmillll t|liain*r. lilii Mi# Juk*o) ijuwkly ii*%|ii#i)i|i*il willi Unitu** tt \aid IDpawlu Matimuuliaiii and Miki* llails J IK/UII i i»mrlM#UI lilii U il!a nu i|iititiiilx kil. tłu* Nil lam I HH|x«ltm«*ikiwil ilir lirld willi KuIhiimiii nitiiimu tui a lifM ikmn mi a luiinli and 7 lium Mu lil):aiix <i .iihI tlirii iiiiM\i* (|iiariith«Hi m unii mi his mi-uihI iliaw Im a p» almad


liii* Wuhriiiirs 11n*ii iliadt* |ii\t rimu^li pław and Siad |il>l hhiiikIi iiinriu ram ilM-micin

tlu*\ ili*x|Mian*|\ lutikil

Virginia 26.

No. 4 Florida St. 21

ClIAKIonisUl 11 . Ya.

\lail|IN s ||.f£|||s tllCl*W 1u| MKi

vaids and lwu luiii IuIuwiin and

•    minut |lti};h«*s knkrd Inni lirlil Kii.il* ln luip \tlKMiia If* 1'apiun* a ha ul iix liisinry h\ luiiliil^nil ln lx-.il \n l llnrid.i Siali* J*» Jl NillinLw iih»I»I.

Ilu* l .iv.tlm* ti-J. J 2 Al* laniu ( imM I,nlllru*mv) sllllipill tlił* SrlllllMiłr* IHMI uudluid willi \.*i IlIllliUi-N In pi ln lun i* a pilni. I lapim ihcn ran Im m\ \.iitl* Iniuir Munda Stalrs hK1\ l atut wa\ «.illrtl Im paw* miriktitiii* nu limit ilnwn. |ti\ii»k kiipnia a liiM duwn •

Alin I lapim tanu* up a vaid diun mi ilu* iit-M llmd-atid-7 mii. tlir i .u.tlin* piiuicd and Munda Mali* pil mii' l.iM • liaiu i* limit il* nwn Li* willi miihkK liii. i )irw Wrallu r limf* paw wax piikrd uli liy luny I rauklin. mmIiiik uli ilu* upsii and hnnpiiK llumsiiliils ol lam pominą mitu ilu* lirld (u cdrhratr llicMiimy

Ilu* unlv hi Kpi wili in pin* pani hisfnr\ raiur lOytMfsapt. alsu agamsi | Innda Sl.ilr. wluti ilu* S4*tiiinnk*s armril rankiil mi mul and ilu* ( avalMix hckl on luf a 11*JM rutiiry wlirn Warru k IliuiKl was Muppi*d al ilu* p>al lim* iii ihr pmtrs fin.il


I hal IW tram wax hnnurril ai halltimr. and ilirn liisiury n**

|HMli d llM*ll.

No. 2 Texas 42,

No. 24 Colorado 17

AUSTIN. Wms - Vrmtc Yiiuiik i.im for ihitr louch-dmvns. jnisswI lor iwo mort* .mii No. 2 'Ina*. ;ivoi(kii any |ion|-Iikt.iliom.i li niowo willi o <omiiN-iiiK\>ino\vr No. 2-Miil-ouulo.

Oli io ii-s Ih-m si.irł snu*c an 11 •!» utulał mmsiiii iii I9H.T. ilu-loiiKlioms apiKMiciI rłpc for an ii|im*i — or ai icasi a elose gamc — aiirr ilicir mioiioual win mvr Oklalioma a wirk carlicr Miaji|uil a fiw-year losinj; sircakik iht* ScMHierv

No. 5 Georgia 34, Vanderbllt 17

NASflVI|.UV Tono. — IM. Shmkley llircw tlmr much* iłowo piis>L'S, Uionias Urown nislicil for 91 yards iiml (Icorpii hfat \bmlcrbUl ,in a ran* SKC Kiist •Jiowilown" wilh n team iliai Iias lieeil the lea^ies woist team for dc^ndcs.

lnstead. Sliocklcy remaitis imdefeiited as a starter aJoi|K willi the UuIldoRS (6-0. .1.0) who liave it two-garne diidsion lead willi the victory and lloridas 1' 1 17 loss to Na 101 SU carikf Saturday.

Hun ptn an end to VandcrbLli M-3. 2-2) trying to grab a share

Ol ikr ll.iNlem Dwision lead or mrił in the in-si Miiri in.schooi bisiory, a Ir.n tliat MiJI lielongs to iliri‘lir« (iommodores.

No. 6 Alabama 13, Misslssippi 10

. 0X1 OKI). Miss. — famie C.iiiHitwtis U-y.inl flrhl piał .w timr r\pifn! Iiflitl No. h'AI* ahaitu mit Mksiwippi.

Hrmlir Onyk*' liilisheil willi JH) yanls pawm^ and itMwrrt-itl ilmt* iliitil ilnwns nn ilu* pinu* winnjiif* drivi* fur .Uk* OniiMUi lidr [Ml 4*0 Smith* raMitn • ( niilrrrmr). who lucikrd out ut syiu- apiinst an in* Npifttl (Nr Miw lJ**I. 0stS*iiMiii.

Alahaiu.i hepin iin dniMir dmr at it\ mvn J*t*yatd lim* w uh JM1) lupłay.

t!fovlc waxa-u!*7 Im .Ul yanN uii ilu* tli nr willi Ihtrr kcyiDll* irtMiuiN •• a Jfhyanl run un iliivd ;uul ,i. a 7-\aitl paw fu Mail Milki nn llmd and J and a J-\af«l Muak un ihird-and I iiiiIn* finał iiiimili*.

Ilun sit up los lf»yard paw lu ktiliHalll Ikuhy ln tlir t)|r Mins I) Alaluma rallcd Dmr mil witli i miiuhN Irll. I.luis-litiMti OHirrfUtl his pum* w u nut lium tlir n^nf Iiaxli. ilu ii was innhluil h\ his idhiwl irainmau*N

No. 7 Miami 34, •

Tempie 3

l'UII-M>l 11'IIIA • Kylr WrilJil iliirw (mir luurtiduwn tasM-s ni ilu* liis! I!) uitiiiiirs. r.Hliii)- Mmiiii ln a vn imy mvf wurlili IrmjiJr in tlir l )\vk# lifsl pum* sum* iim( li ln»hlA Wal l.u r Saiiil lu* w ill kaa\r ai ilu* rud ul tlu*\rai.

No. 10 LSU 21.

No. 11 Rorida 17

hm on nou<;i:. i-i. -■

foseph Aildai ran lor a r.ireet-liigh IÓ2 yards and a tom Inlowii. faMiiinis Jtussell had iwo IO passes and 1 Otłi-lanked ISO emłed ii tlmv-game lioine losing striuik io No. 11 l-fnrida.

IMJ liii N-ttin tlir lii sl tpiiii* lei. bul the < i.ilois* seofed 17 sir.ugłu | Kiinis to move aheadm llirlli.nl

No. 12 UCLA 44, Washington State 41, OT

l'UU-\L\N.'\Va-.h. — Miiurłt r Dirw lud a l-yard luiululuwn mii in mittum* and Drrw i Ksuii ihu*w lor fi\v m cih-n as Nn. U UCHA latnr Ifiini Jl pnints ikiwn ln hral Washinp tunstan* )Ml S;i(urilay.

Ilu* hruiits Mi O, :i4l r.uilic-10) snappul a Imir-piinr WSU win siirak and postrd thrit firM w iii iii Pullittan sinrr UPfl.

Okoń (uinplrlctl .11 ul Ifi pawi-* Im .ł.Ut ysuds. lir eon-militl iwirr w uh Xlau*cdrs l.rwis fur IDs. I>trw. Marnis I mu 11 audC Ltvin Kitdiiun al\i> raiiKhl Mdliii^ passrs (ruin i ikon.

I>rrw rudirtl 2*1 limes Im I Ifi vaids hm tlir (aiupus (.1* i.0 mil\ kiikul mirr to ilu* crtiirn s|HTialkl who Ird litr naliun willi :O.H yards prr pinu frlunu

U|\uu liit liveMI wHh a !l* \anl suumK pass lo tir il IMKMI willi *W MttHuls rcuuilninp

WSt I s J iirrn 1    hu a .'17•

vatd fidil pul in omiintc lu KhrWSIfa ll .iH kad.

Wlirn UCIA pil ihc hiilL a lac rmask pcnaliy piw ihc Iłni* iiis ilu* holi mi WSUs fi. Drrw ran fmir winK tu ihc WSU l. ihtti IniUctl uvcr lor iht* w inninu senre.

No. 13 Texas Tech 59, Kansas St. 20

1.UIIHOCK. Ttfxas - Only 1 ItKlges threw fur 043 yards and fiw inochdowns to help Texas Tetii to its l>est stiirt sińce l!WH.

Tlie Hed lUtiders ((«•(]. 3-0) hiid four rcceieers willi morę tlian lOOyanis,

No. 14 Boston Col. 35, Wake Forest 30

BOSiO.N — Kevin <3iiillenger madę a foot dragging catch fur a 26-yard toiichdown at the end /.one sidcline with 1:18 left as lloston College riillied from e;irly and lale deficits.

No. 15 Ohio St. 35,

No. 16 Michigan St. 24

COLUMBUS. Ohio — IYoy Smith threw ihree long louch* down passes and As In mi Youboty returned a hlocked ficid-goal atlełlipt 72 yards for a score on the finał play of the lirsl luilf to lead Ohio State over Michigan State in a g.nne in which the Buckeycs didn'l run a play in Spartans territory until just, over 5 mimites rc-mained.

Ohio States defense set a school rccord by siicking Spur-tans quartcri)acx Drew Stanton 12 limes for 58 yards In losscs.

Oregon St. 23,

No. 18 California 20

HiiHKJilJiY. (-ilif. — Ywummi Bernard rushed for a ciireer-high 185 yards* .and the go-aheiiil totićlulown with fi:-l I to play, and Oregon State Miappcd No. Ili California'* 10-gamę home winniiig streiik.

Matt Moore passeti fur 195 yards and ()regon States defense loreeil Dw tnmoeets in ;i mlsi-r* ahk* |K’rfortnatice l»y thcfkiklen Heiirs (5 2.2-2 Ilic-10). who lost their seamd straigllt-after the s< hoolslxsi start sioee l!ltH5.

Bernard canied the hall '10 limes and scoreil iwo tourh-downs in the senmd half for the Bfiwers l t-2. 2-1). whose 35-21 vinorv iii Meuioriiil Stadium in 2003 was the most treent win In a \isilor.

West Virginla 46,

No. 19 Loulsville 44,30T

MOHtiANIOWN. \V.Va. -l redimaii Stew Slaton scored six tomlidtiwns after lialflinw. iurhnliiig all tlnee of West Vir-ginias sion*s alter tegnlation. and the Mmmtaineers came Irom 17 |xiiiiis down to beat No. 19 I ouiscille iii iriple oeertime.

Slaton pul the Mountaiileers (ti-1.3-1) Big l-.iNt) iiltead witli a słlon ID mu in the thirdover* time i.ud backup łpiarterback Pat Winie, who enlered the gamę allet Adam Bednarik got hurt in tlir lourili (juarier. louml lloriell lalloh witli a 2-point nnwrision pass for a le.nl.

MicliiK'1 Bush iinsweietl willi his ioorth tmiiTnloivu (or lotusvitlc M-2. 0-21. hut Brian Brohiii was liickleil by liric* Uit ks slimi o| ilie go.il linę on iht* 2-poini loneersion iry. snidnig llumsiiliils ol Moim-lairMHt liinsontodie Iteld.

No. 20 Oregon 45, Washington 21

■ l:U(il:NH. tire. — Kellen Clemens iłmn\ lor 125 yards and lour lomiidowiis Siiturday and No. 20 Oiegon densively <kaleiited nortliwcsl riwil Washington lor the siroml striiigin war.

(ilemrns complcted 35 piiss-i's. an Aul/eti Siarliiun reconl, with nn inteneptimis ;»s the DtuksUi-l. 1-1 Piic-lOl liamted the I Itiskies 11 -5.0-3) iheir l Ith consecotive Iiks iigiiiiLst ii eon* lereuceojiponcni.

No. 21 Auburn 34, Arkansas 17

lAYl.niATIJ.i:. Ark. — Keimylrtms rtished lorat-an\*r-liigli 182 yards. and llriiudon Cox tlirew ihree setimd-half lomiidowiis (I) le.til No. 21 Aiihiun ovcr Arkansiis 3-M7 Saturday niglit.

Ule Tigets (5-1. 3-tt Sonth-eitsiern Coulerence) won lor the 20tll tum* in 21 games. 1 hey haw lw.ii en Ltstr.iigln SliCop-poneiiis.

No. 25 TCU 38, Army 17

mm womii. r«uis — k-n

Ballard passerl for iwt> touclt-downs and ran for iwo morę as ICU keldoffiuiiargeftoin win-less Anny.

San Dlego St. 28,

Utah 19

HAU lAKKtrn — leirWdih liad niue catchcs for 1-12 yards and twa lanchdnwns to lead San Diego State to a 2H-19 win over Utah on Saturday evening. the Az-tcts first toad vidory of the season.

San Diego State (3*4. 2-2 Mouulain West) extendcd Utahs losing streiik jo ihree straiglit and ended a J0-game home winning sire;ik for the IJtes O-J. 1-31.

Kevin 0'(‘xmnell complcted 17 of 23 passes for 219 yards and Ihree tnuchdowns. Ile also ran for 88 yards to spoi! Utah's homccoming and give San Diego Stale lis firsl win at Utah in lOyears.

Brian Johnson had 483 yards of ofTense for Ulali, completing 31 of47jia.sscsfor417y;inlsanu ran for a score.

Divlslon l-AA E. Washington 34, Montana 20

MISSOU1A Mont. — Wasli-ington (irizjJy Stadium doesn i hoid much of a mystitjue for _Łosiem Washington anywore.

Erik Mewr passed for 395 yards und kvc touchdowns Saturday to lead the Eag'cs to a 34-20 upset of Montana — the Grizzfles' biggest home loss sińce 1990.

Eastem Washington (4-2,3-1 Big Sky). ranked I2th In NCAA Divlslon l-AA. is rcsponsiblc for four of the ninc confcrcnce Josscs Montnna Iias sufTercd ot home sińce Uie stadium was bulli in 1986.

M1NNIAPOIJS IAP) — '11 le Wisconsin lkidgcrs and Minnesota Gophers haw seen juM about ewrytliłng in their 115-yeitr rivalry.

Wfcll. maylie nmv thry haw.

forutiiim Ciislllas hlocked ii pum and Ben Striekliind recov-entl ii in the end zonę with 30 secomls left to coiupleie a sum-iiing rally and lift No. 23 Wisconsin to a 38-34 vktory mrr Nu 22 Minnesota on Sili-urdiiy.    •

“Wlien yiiu iliink ymYw seen il-all. you hawn'1 snu ii ;i!l.“ Wlscoiisimcoiicli Harry Alwirez. Sitki

Willi the Gulden Gophers leading 34-31. Bistin Kucek lined up to pum al the Mln-nesola 5. Kucek dropped ilu* snap. pitked up the tiuli and tried lo get the punt olf. hut Casillas rami tlirmigli for the błock. Striekliind ilien recov-eretl n for (be winniiig senre.

lt was a slmekiitg mm of ewnls lor ilu* Badgers (Ci-1. 3-1 Big 'leni. who appeared lo be headed lor their sccond loss ina tmv alter lailing m eoniplete a cnmchaek liki in List weeksfd-48loss.it Nortliwestern.

Tlie Gophers 15-2,2-2) lal.'H-21 witli 3:27 lo play allet Gar> Hiisscfls seeoiul (oiielidown ol the r lity.

Hm die Badgers ranie riglit baek. drieing 71 yards lo 1:17 and piilling witliin 31-31 on lolinSioeeos2l-yard IDpassio Braiukm Williams.

Keu DeBiim lies oilside kk k. ml oll ol MliiuesolitsTrtimaiue Biinksa/id i«»s Imulisllna Itul-ger all tlie wny <lm«i tlie lielil. lauienee Maróney. who rushed lor a career-higli 258 yards and jomeil Miehigau Siaies Sedrirk lrvin and Wiseoosios Bon D.wne as ihe only baeks ni Big 'liii bisiory to licgin their ea-reers witli ihree sitaighi I.IKNI-yard seasons. leli on tlie hall ai ihc Minnesota II.

After ninniitgall met Wiseon-sin ihe entire giime. the (iopliers eouldn'l get one la>t lifsi down. setiing up ilu* pum błock.

Ilie play stunned ilu* (iophei fillls. and wbip|K'd tlie legion ol retl eloiiketl Ikidger l.tns inlo a Iren/y.

Ilie b;iłl nearly irickleil out ol Imiimls lor ii salety. which wnuki have kepi ilu* < iopliers in

CONCt )lłl). N.C. (A1'J — lilli-mie |olinvin oecteame ewi)' ptoblem thmwu his way — in-ehulingtirc Itonblo ihat inriied Sainiday mghls event into a laiighingstoek — to win his fourth coiisecuiiee race at Lowes Motor Specdway and nunv into a tie willi luny Stew art in jllr C.liase for the eliiuupionsiiip.

Johnson started -list. batiknl a failing aliernnior. a eut rifju n-ar tire and mertime to prme no one citn beat him on the traek his Uiwes-sponswcd team eonsiilers its mvn priwite playground.' folmMio Iias won fiw of the past six ewnls at tlie sulmrban Gharlotle faeUity.


Contlnued from Cl burgh 13-1) — Steelers laenred Iry 3. Doestit matler if Steekis Q!ł Bon Boethlislwiger slaris nr noi. lerome ‘"Ilie Hus" Bcitis feds illsrespected. “ Ihe Irus-trating part was llMening to the media, all the f-nis. talking ałunu if l‘m going lo play. (or mul shoutd 1 play. 1 deserw tlie respeet of the Ififtld all-time leading sioter." fags get tli rowu untler theangry Hus. Steelers hy 6.

•    Atlanta (3-2) at New Or-

leans/San Antonio Salnts (2-3) — l;alcons favorcd by 4.5. After losing to Green Hay. 52-3. Saints (lnach lim Ilaslett ex-plained:    “The    offense

self-dc.stmetod." Uli. lim. the defense liad i(s ptohlems. ton. Iśilcons by 15.

•    Carulina (3-2) al Ddrull (2-2) — I jons fiwured by 1. As you know, the I jons nre the leaders of ihc legendary NEC North,' And many of you are tliinking tliat tlie Ijons may he for rcai. Many of you are nuts. In a Wcl-come-Hack-To-Heallty llpset Special. I*anthers hy 3.

. • Cinclnnatl (4-1) at Tennessee (2-3) — Ucngals faeored Iry 3. liwrylKKly loves a show-boat recewer and the Ucngals' Chad fohnson is comłng into his own. 1 le ditl liis funny CPH on tlie football against tlie fags lost week lnu was hiimficred liy double covenige. Siiid Chad: “I felt Ukc I wished l wasrit Giad Johnson. I felt like I wished I wasn^t good." Now tliat s an easy wlnner of Uils weeks BestTliird-Person Vanlty Award. Ucngals by 12.

•    Clcveland (2-2) at Baltimore (1-3) — Kavcns faeored

Dcfectod Minnesota fans. back-ground. wolch as Wisconsin’* lason Podask cartles the covot-od Paul Bunyan Axe at teammato Jonathan Caslllas. left. and olher happy Badgers players celebrate Wlsconsln's come-from-behlnd vlctory over Minnesota Saturday. In Mlnneapolls.

Innu. hut Siriekland poiiuml on ii just iii time.

“As sono as I lilm-kiil it. I ihoughl. *WV've gol lo gei llńs.-.

I le tnok iIh* lead wilh nine laps io go and w;is piilling awuy mini Ikisiy Wallaee htmigh' om die 15th eautionol Ilie rua* willi one ul the many. many tire prohlctns. It kurni Ilie lirld (o be hlllicliitl baek up formie 1in.il resian and loluisim lield olf Chase eon-tenders Kun Ifusch and Greg llillle to lock up tlie victory.

It iliowd Johnson up thrcc spots in the semdings and into a lic willi Strwarl -- who fin-islunl 25lh after crashing wiiik* leading eatlier in tlie race — witli iive ewtlts rciiiiiining in the race lor the Nextel (lup title.

by 5 .5. In 2000. (JHTlrcnt Dii-fer led tlie Bavens to a Super Iłowi viciory and. in tlianks. ihey doniped him. Now Ites Imek willi the IJrnwns. Trem Dilfer gets his resenge — and I never expected to write iliut. hi a Treni-Plucks-Biwens-Wings Upset Special. Hrowns by 9.

•    Minnesota (1-3) at Chicago (1-3) — Da Ik-iirs favoatl liy 3. Lidies. if any Vikings invite >■011 to take a cruisc. miglit bc a good idea to pass. Hey. wasit'1 everything supposed to Ik* fine in Minnesota once ihey got rid of Bandy Moss? Clcan-living ikiirsby il.

•    Kast Rutherford Glanls (3-1) nl Dallas (3-2) — Cowboys fiivored hy 3.5. You tlilnk wc make these jiredictions iiased nn ruithing but our good looks? No! We do our liotnework.' Diii you know the Gianls liave lost five of their pasł six road games? Or tliat Eli Manning is 0-4 in games he staned outside Giants .Stadium? I*ay attemion, people. GowlioysliyS.

•    Washington (3-1) nl Kansas City (2-2) — CJiiefs fa-vored Iry 6. Kansas Gty CU Erie Warfield ls liack after a sub-stancc-ahiise suspension. Ls lic ready? Erie sald: Tvc done a lot of track stufT to make surę 1 haw tlie legs and tlie wind to Jasi a whole gamę." Nali. Erie. Utai ncvcr works for‘nic. In a 1 luff-And-IAifT-And-Hlow-Your-Stadi um-Down Upset Special, Washington Iry 1.

•    New England (3-2) at Den-vcr (4-1) — Uroncos favored Iry 3. Check tlić I^tsies’ rteord and you‘ll sec tiul they are an evcry-odier-week bunch, unablc to

lve'vc got io get this,”’ (UisUliis sitki.

Miiinesotiis lakari Wallaee fiimlilerl on tlie enstung kjckofl and DcAndte levy lecowrcd. Ilie Biidgers nui out the clock. louehmg olf a wild celehralion tliat eulmitiaied in ihe Biidgers once agam hoKting 1'aiil Hun-yansAxe.

At lensi 3().(XXi liadger fans were iii aBeiulance. and they lingeretl long iifter the gamę was ovcr. siwking in one or the most iimaziiig \iclories in tliis likier honlcf rieaby.

Tvc heen in sbme cra/.y sliiHitouis. Inn newt one like tliai." snid Aleitre/. wlm is in his fm.il seiLSon iis Biidgers eoach. “ Iliis is as głx>d ol a win as I've had."

liedai II)al hnlfiiinc.llirGo-

pherseunmletełyconirulletl the iielion in (ile seronil half. I hey rushed for an asioiiudiiig 411 y.mls. imludlng a oareer-high 139 y.mls irom Ikisscll.

“Wlien I walked mu to shake llarrys Iitin.1. we łuitli saki the śiime lliiii;,to e-ieli otlier." Minnesota coacli Glen Mason said. "Wlien •. .m thittk you've sc^n il all. hen: como sumething new in football. Iixcept. he liad a simie on his face and I didn't.“ . iohnsons win was the one hright siku in a race tliat was marnil Iry tirl- prohleitis for 16 driwrs — inchlding five Cli.isc conipelitors — hecanse Goodycars ruliber unild not stand up to the iurreascd speeds on the Miioothcd traek surface.

Stewart. Kyle Husrh. lilliott S.uller iuul Kascy Ktdme all lost tlie lead hecause of tire prób-lems — tliret* of litom crashed alter their tires łilew while Kalinę iieoided the wali. Many said tlie tire eonrerns left theni ton scareil lo posil tlieir cars to tłu* linii). chooMiig instuiid to race at about 85 jKirent efTort lo procent ii possible tire fallurc.

play twxr ganies wx41 Irack-to-Irack. 'Iluś is noi a good week. Uroncos liy 10.

•    East Rutherford Jels (2-3) at Buffalo (2-3) — Hills faeored by 3. Gol to love Hills Girach klikę Mularkeys attciupt to Ire secretiee on whether Kelly l lolcomh or J.l! losntan will be iiis stariing GB. Said the ap-projrriately iiamed Mularkcy: “We thlnk ii is an advaniagc when you havc iwo different lypes of ipiarterhack." Ycah. two different types — not Irad orreallyawful. Molcombs Hills hy 8.

•    San Diego (2-3) at Oakland (1-3) — Chargers faeored Iry 2. Talking ahout liis defensive baeks Monday nlghi. Chargers Coach Marty Scliottenheimcr said: “I iliink whiit happens Ls a sense of panie sets in." Jley. C3iargers. look — Randy Moss! Iii a See-Kandy-Catch-And-Run Up.sel SpeciaJ. Raidcrs Iry 4.

•    Houston (0-4) atScaulc (3-2) — Scaturkeys favoail Iry 9.5 on Simday nighi. Uctween Qulte Erankly willi Stephen A. SmitJi and this gamę. the 1LSPN empire will fali. Seaturkeys Iry 13.

•    Sl. Louis (2-3) at Indianapolis (5-0) — Colts favorcd liy 13 .5 Monday niglit. Uh. heres how UB Edgerrin James \ic\s-s tlie Colts' stan: ”You‘vc goi to look at It as if were 5-5. Bememlrcr, in the ntescason wc were 0-5. So it's like right nosv were Just reaching .500." Uh. riglit, Edgerrin. lust siay on your medicatlon. Treiky (krlts by just 10. ,

•    Group hug with Dr. PhlL 1'hlladclpiilo, Green Bay. Arizona unu San Francisco. '■



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