• • •

SuftOir Oclober 16. 2005 Th*ł*ewi. T*in F«ll», Idaho A-7


. Officials ask for patience as bodies wait for autopsies

KnlgM RlcWflr Nowa Soroce

NEW < MllliANS — I jfc IkiUK many riddlcs. bul-ilu.* dtttlh of Virglnla Aitkons James bul one of theill. says ber ncphcw. Tttn Aitkcns.

'Ilic solifiiry. 77-year-nld widów lived alimc in her ramii-Mylę house m St. Itemard Parish. Kairii»;i*»ll<M>d-waicrs reaclied tlu* rooftop. Scarchers on Ki fottiul a hody in her aule and markctl (hc łloor in spray pnim: Om* dead.

For Aiikens, IheOnly mystery now is why her body Mili llcs in a hluck l»ag inside a metal trail-er rcfriccr.iled (o 37 degras.

"Slies a linie oid lady who drowned ln her allic." lic sald. ‘I think they're m> incoitipe* leni, l'm afraid now ihey'ie going to lose her.”

Angcrnf rciailves seems to waft willi the faini otlurs of dcalh through the posi-Kiurina ntorgiu* ai a foriner gradc sehmil near Halon Itnugt*. la. Ilehind the while plasiic sheet-ing of ihe morfie, aulhorilics are trynnj; lo counter percep-tions o( a slipshod operation, aiid lo Iłcg paiienee,

The complexiiy of tryrng to idemify hundretls of dccum-posed hodics demands linie, says Ur. Jimmy Cuidry. the Matę healih ofTicer.

* Hut the operation continucs to liohhle umler logtstu.il irohlems. raising lension and łlamc* aiuong loral. Małe and fale rai agencie* playiug vari-ous roles.

'lite lalest nrohlem: a hatk* log of 2011 bodies awailing autopsies, Adding pnthoJogists wonld spećd the inorgues ratę of 12 lo lf> autopsies per day, (■uidry said, but a plan an* iiounceil morę titan a week ago to tap the National Associaliotl of Medical Uxaminers for help mmaitis only lltal. As of Satur* day, lite tliorgue had about 7tK> bodies.

State bealtli ofTieials point lo Dr. Frank Minyard. the New Dpeans parish coroncr who eiintrols the antopsy proces*,, lit bas insisted on adeipiate housing for incoming palhologists.

*1 sny if we goi a coi and air eomliiionlng. go for U. Hut thals nie." said Dr. Louis C-italdie. ilic State officcr who licads the Katritia Iłody recov-ery. *lf 1 had my way we<l Im* ablc to do tliein in a week."

'Ihiilers have now hecn set up for housing. and Minyard said hc is brłnging in a fcw new paihologists froni odier States. Now hes nlcailing for mcdical sieiMigrupner.s front the stale. Without them. hc says, tlie backlug shifts lo tyning.

Minyard. who llvcs ai the morgtie sitc. was nntably alt* setit front a press briefing therc 1'riday. On Saturday. he sald be was ncvcr told about ii.

* llteres always a rift going on when you’rc dealing wilh local. siatę and federal piwni* lęents," hc said. "Nobody nts to take the blame.

"I told them. blame U on me. lich ihcy bavc donc, and I :cept it. II cltcy wam io lar and ilher me. ihey can do it."


The Times-News:

Your guide to Magle Valloy

Shelters largely cleared but frustrations remain

KATON HtMKilL la. |AI’> -Motighly U5 permu ol miiiic 270.000 I Itirriiane K.urin.i cv;inict*s \\vtv 'ritwrtnl from sltehcrs annincl ilu* nation hv Saturday. (Im* fnlrr.il gcwcrtt* ments wIl intptiNed ilcadlim? for ciiiptyiitK ilu* refii|jpv

Hut tfi.it rclatiw Mtrci*Y» ciMtics amid contiiiikiUnistni-Ikm willi dic I cdcral limergrmy Management Agntry and a whoppiug hotel hill.

As nl Saturday mnrtimg. 15.1175 |Hii])le retnanml in shelters, arcording to stale and federal offtciak. U misia im shelters hcld 0.2IJ2 o( them and the reitiaimler-wete spru.ul .tmoiig Idutlier Males.

"Dur rtHtnl is down iii -IW." said Clrsholm 1'otltier. a Ked (ąuv\ s|M>kesman ai tht- (łajnu-dottie arena atut romrntiun center in Ldayetle. Ha* fanliiy oiice lieid mim* (han 7.0UÓ


(łonskk-nng th.nl ihousaiuts of thosc still in the shelters are likeły relugees limn llurncait!* Kita. w liii li strmi Miuilmrsl-ern (jotiisumu and le.\as on Sept. 2*1. aulhorilics łiHicer iliey ltave deared mit morę than 115 ihtcciu ul the Katrina evacuees.

Katnna displat ed an rstioi.it ed 1.5 miilidii |Hiip|e when li simek Aug 2,l. 'llie slielter ulatiou praked ai ahnitC 27.I.IKKJ in flte cŁiys aiter (he slorin. ac-cording to ! I!MA. 1'resulent Hush set a inidTKlolier go.il ol einptying the shelters and l l-.MA oltinals adopted (ki. 15 as iheirdeadline.

Still. l.ouisiana olUeials ate tmltap)i>' willi tlu* pace.

\Moviltg peojde out ul die shelters atul inlu lempoiaiy Ituttsing ha\ lireu a stmit e ot Inisiration lur us." saki Mark Smith. spokesm.ui lor I Jiuisianas< )llit e ol l-jneigem \ Kreparedness. “It js a moim mctttal flłort that I IMA lias umlertakeu atfttl W UntcMailtl that effort is gintig lo tale linie, hut we had Impetl it would come ahotit tjuitker dian u hav“

l-ł-MA aserilH*s the slow pan* to tliirieulties iii land ;ki|tiisi-tiutL Kainlug permits atnl lo disruptiotis. eausetl liy I Itirri-cane Kila.

Mcariwhile. a tratle assotia-linii for fanartinetit owners complams that the fcder.tl gov-

Pcrry Bernard packs up the last of his thlngs ot the Rhor Center In Baton Rouge. la., on Thursday. Bernard and his mother had bcen staylng In the shelter for sU neoks sińce belng evacuated front New Orlcans duc to Kurrlcano Katrina.

ertuiH-nt is spetuling too mmh on holels and isnt dotng eiiougli to lei ev.Ktiees know ah<Hit avail;«hle apanmeuK An estiutated UKMMK) ul kuttrinas displau-d ueie Ik-ing Imlged ni holels .u a tost expected to icotli as lugli as SI25 millinn hv Oi 1.21.

feaime (H-fgadn of tfu- .National Muld Housing Coundl s.ti<| iliere wvie an estiinalisl luo.iKM) uiiiis in Dallas and IfcitISlOII.

I l:MA sittd thals tomplk.il ul. loo. in pan hy Dmtsi.ina nilu ia|s tlesire to gel rYaniees

*    loser lo lioitie. wlierc dnie are tar h*wer Imusing tmils avail*

•    ih!e.

Ihose leinaititng at shelters lOtiipLiii) ahoui red ta|»e and laeknl intomiatioii.

At lite (ł,i|imdntne. Mu h.u l targan was luiping lu* eould cpiality lor a caniper trailer to |ilil «m his.dainngcd Coastal propeny.

"1 ttopc — lltal s all I e;ut do is lto)H% licrame I akii going to get no answers — thaMlwy can jiiM set me up with a place, a e.unjH-r tr.dler. I (old thetn |ust set il up. I II do all the odier work." Drgali vml

Aside Iichii the ptesidetits tieadlme. ihere an* nihil pies-stires fot li im* shellers Many are

lut aicd in entnentnm lialls and an*na> iliat wuuld onliuarily hc* mtNK-ymakcrs fur local gmcm-mcntv

"llterc h;ivc łx*t*n tmtltipli* cvcnts that ha\r lK*cn can-ccIlmI." saitl J lampion (inmcwtild. a*dMant to Halon Iłmtgc Mayor Kiji Ifoldcn. Tin* Kccf (.■«!** was workiug oj slun down ftsccntcr in ilu* city s Hiver < Miller cxltibitlon bali .iiidmovc lingenng cvania*N to anotber slielter    nonb    of iown.

(iiiiiK*wald didn‘t It.m* an i*Mt-inatcon tliccoMv

i Mlu*r vcmu'M also leli ilu* Ming Jo Wasliingtou. for cwtm-|>K*. an ainia kiuiwo as tlu* DC Aintory pnwLlnl sltrltcr to 2‘l.'> cvactu***s. 1 bcy had clcauil cmi l»y € K i. I and ilu* Armor>* was set to hcgiii liolding cvcnts again Satuiday. said D.C. Sport* and lintcrtalnmcnt Commis-sion spokcsmtfn Tony Hobituson. An estintate oo tlu.* Amtorys lost rcccnuc w;ls not avaUabłc. but Mayor Ambony A. Williams stud tlu- city spunt about S t millinn ptosiding aitl to the <,*vaaici*v



Twin Falls

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Historie Downtown Twin Falls


would like to


to EVERYONE who came out and participated & enjoyed the events at


“You madę it a huge success!"

TiJT i • w 1J«,» 4• \ il \


* • Stevens Piorce & Associates, CPAs
•    Westphal & Sons • Coors Light
•    Budweiser • KMVT • Mix 103

D.‘> < s*.1 \ ' *V' > •    *^*    I_I.C.

A particular thanks to all of our Downtown Business’ & Participatina Vendors

Historie Downtown Twin Falls Staff    Musie Center

Pam Wright. US Bank    . Wells Fargo Bank

Jili Troweil, S!evens Pierce & Assoc,, CPAs Magie Valley Bank




Cicat rnmds Creat hcarts Cicat fifturcs.

!f you are interested in taking mastcr’s lcvcl elasses in ihc Twin Falls arca. plcase complctc a quick survoy at www.magicvallcy.com.

Northwest Nazarene Univer-sity is parenering wilh the College of Southern Idaho to bring MBA. counscling. education and social work masicr’s dpgrccs lo the Magie Vallcy. Your inpul will help ensurc ihat elasses are offered that are of interes! to you. We look forward to sceing you in class!





Sandy March, Pixel Perleel Melissa Pease, Cooper Norman Twin Falls County Sheriffs Department Twin Falls City Police Department Twin Falls Fire Department Twin Falls Street Department Magie Valley Early Iron Club Antique & Classic Car Association Snake River Corvette Club Sorans Restaurants. Inc.

Magie Valley Distributing Watkins Dlstributing

US Bank Cooper Norman

PSI Enwironmental Services, Inc. Tony & Cha Bams Kirk Strader

Barry Eąuipment & Rental Signs. T-Shirts & Morę Parties tor Rent Gregg & Cheryl Roessler Darrel & Rita Edwards Marvin & Susan Jacobsen John & Marilyn Wick Doug Burks. Burks Tractor


Winncrs & Partłclpants

l5t PLACE:

Stevenson, Peterson Law Firm

2nd PLACE:

. Hepworth, Lezamiz. & Janls Law Firm


Baacon Burger & Brew

Home Health Prołessicnals Crov/ley's Soda Founlam Escape Salon Cotfec Cafć Inspired Living Walcha Ma Cali II Omega Seo/ice Slilchin' Time DL Academy Coleman. Ritclne. Robertson


DL Evans Bank

Eldcrts Smali Eng.nc Rcpair

Obcnchain Insurance Magie,Valley B3nk Jagged Edge took.e Baskel * Signs T-Shjirts First Federal Bank US Bank Wells Fargo D ons Restaurant

lt;>ptAvww fwin1jllvv*d ofrj



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