

E-2 Tlme*N«wt. T«Hn Fali*. kUto Świty. Octobef 16.2005

■Family llfe

—--Senior calendar

Twln Falls Senior Center

53U M inshoue Si. w. • l >iimef serwd front noon 10 U: W p.m. Suggcsied donalion isS!ł 50 luf seniors. Owi Ls $5 for |u-<i|»Il- iimler UJ. and $2.50 for ehiUlrcu under 12.

1’cHlł ((MMII OJK-n H ll.llt. Ili -1

p.m. Monday ihrougli Friday. Imingi- moin aeaitnblc f«»r icle-osimi. pu/./lcs and rcading. H.itgaui (rnter opon 9 a.m. lo -I * p.m. Morulay tlirongh Iriday.



Monday: Uikicii and noo-ilk-s. l>ni<voli. Iircad. lelM) siJ.nl

im-stlay: kiuTtilada, refricd Immiis. iiit-dcorn. lltrcc-lu-aii siil.nl. ł oukw. Inni

Wcdncsday:    Soagltclli.

In-nch hit-atl. spmacli. upple sal.ul. thncul.ilc puddingcukt-Thursday: Haked pntato lur łrkkiy: h»rk rhop. scoUnjicd pui.iKM-s. iniN«tl wgctabk**, iiirad. Inni s.il.ul. cookic


Sumluy: 1 hmu*

Monday: l.Jiulimg

• lAc-uisł-


ItiKti nul larm lucsday: lickel hu-Mlay IIIiukI pit-ssuro Wcdncsday: l.lkscards . < >1-111 M.iic I itldlcrs tjinlting

• llMifsduy.Cu-met pinochk* Inp im sńtitlt Mills I riday: Hłoori prcssurc-(tiiidi bingo



Sauirday Super bingo

West End

Senior Citizens Inc.

HHUM.iin St.. Iltilil Mamy

Today: (toast Iwel dinner. I p.m

Monday: Soupuml sundwirh lut-sday: (Tmkcn ii la king. limhIIus. )hmv I nut. dessert Wcdncsday. Srallupoil pni.i-u m-s and liani. IkyIs. salad.lniil. dessert •    •

Thursday. Co/mil Ih-cI. cab-Iwge. larmts. pm.iines. truli. birtlid.iv raki-

Atrwun-y Today: III ilk-l

Mnndny. Hwning cards. Glob pin.

liMTiisi*. Ulani.

Ttiesday: (Juilling, H a.m. lud p.m.

Cralłs, | to 4 p.m. Wcdncsday. I.cuvc rcntei afler I p.m. lor Wcudover owrnight irip

Thursday: (Juilbng. H a.m. to :» |mii.

Hirtlulay thriller. noon

Filer Senior Haven

222 Mam St.

Diitm-rs serwd at noonTucs-iliiys and Miursdays. Suggcsied donalion: S3 lor seniofv I inutc-dcliwred nu-als .wailablc radl mcatllme.


TMcsday: Mcatloaf. cre.uned potaliK*s. spinach, bread. jelłied

•    «h tlili o. Iniii sancc

Wcdncsday: Hccf wgclablc soup. gtMk-d liuin-uiKl-dieese samlwich. pickJc-s. cookies and (mii

Thursday. hne.ipplo juice. hol l    IkyI sainKuclu uiashcd |x>ta(ocs.

i    bmicred carrois. thrce-bnui

silad, r.iiulJa piulcliny;


lucsday:’ l:al) prcwnlion speaker, noon lunch. 12:lf> p.m.

Cards. I n.m.

.    Wcdncsday. I*uz/Jcs. I p.m.

i ik>: dmie. 2 p.m. lunch, noon

Tłiursday: Hlond pressiirc, 11:.«) a.m.

•    Hingo. luHIp-m.

Jerome Senior Center

212 lirsi Avc. li.

/Ml diiincrs serwd ni noon. Niggcsied donalion is $3.50.


Monday Ilam and beans. vegctiihlev fruil. cooklcs. com-bread

Fesłive 1 and fast

I ‘ • Quick, cheap ways to get 1 ,'    into Hallowepn.

Next week in Family Life


Splce up your llfe with the Food & Home sectlon, every Wednesday In The TImes-News


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201 Krrotb St. Eost, lwia Faftt CttWO hot leii i firn)

www.vocvurndeor>en#6<ioho com

This product is for the ultra-prepared parent

Katheilne Graham. 9. rlght, prepares to unhook the fint brlm flsh caught by Gregory Graham, 8. Ieft,.as ChasHy Graham. 7. conllnues to flsh on Lakę Hartwell durlifg a family outlng with thelr grandpar-ents Oct. 10 near Centervll!e, S.C.

Having fun with grandparents

[Mcsday: Ifcncłi ilin sandwkh. jKUato rouiuk mbted vt^calilcs. Iruit saliid. crcain pu/Ts Wcdncsday l*urk chow inien ovcr ricc. orlcnial WRcinhlcs. fruil inctllc)-. cakc Tłiursday Hoiist turkc>', |ioia-loes. and Kracy, crcamcd cum. Idl-O willi fruil. caramcl lirowi lics

Friday. Siwci and sour chick-cn mvr ricc. orient al \v}?ctablcs. ihAf-bcan siilad. fruil cockiail. cakc


Ibcsday hnorldc. 1 |un. Snack hor. (i p.m. iiiirly hird binKo. ti:-lR pin. Ringu 7 n.m.

Wcdncsday hniiddc. 7 |im. Tłiursday (aiinniissiou for ilicbliml. I p.m.

Iriday 1’mochk*. 1 p.m.

Ageless Senior Citizens Inc.

310 Maiu Sl. N.. Kimlicrly Milk. coffcc. Juk*c and tea scrvctl. i\otc nar lumrs: 1) a.m. lo 3 p.m. Monday. Wcdm-alay and I ridiiy 9 a.m. lo norm lbcs-dayiind'l InirMlay


Monday. Hccf stew. kacu s.d.ul. coinbrciid. pe.trs, caokit* Wcdncsday 1’i/ya. precli salad. pinklinK. cakc l-riday: Hirtlulay diuiicr. rnciiilo.il. polalocs and vjn\y. pca vdad. crcamcd canols. icc. rff.Ul). ciikc


Monday. AA mcclin^. 7 p.m. 1\icsduy Ijrcfrisc. 1030 a.m. HitiK<>. 7 pin.

Wcdncsday: Rjtcrcisc. 10:30


Iliursday NA incuting. 7 pin.

I riday I ju-rcisc. lOr.tOii.m. HiiiK". 11:50 a.m.

1'modtlc. I |un.

Gooding County Senior Citizens

30H Senior Aw.

/Ml diiincrs arc at noon. Suk-Kcsicd donation $3 lor seniors.


Monday l-ish .md chips. K>.i/cd carrois.* ducc-hciin siilad. Idl-O.htc.id Tucsday SiUishury steak. |»o-talocs and |H*as aiul pcarl uuinus. mixct( Iruit. dessert. iircad

Wcdncsday:    SoaKhctti.

spinach, tosscd salad. iemon cakc. Kiirlic Iircad Tłmrsdąy: l*it bani. vallo»cd poiatocs. caiililliiuer. cijcsiaw, spiec cakc. mlls Friday lclloscrs-


Monday Pinodilc. 12:30 p.m.

INiol. (kitOa.ui.

Tbcsdiy INkjI, ft.30 a.m.

Pool. 1 p.m.

Iłami and fiKU.fip.lli.

HndKe. fi:iK) p.m.

Wcdncsday IHhiI.

Shulllebiiiud. (i p.m.

niursday yuill vK-i;d. 9 a.m.

WkiI. 1130 a.m.

Hlood prcssurc. 1 L30a.ni.


hnochle. 7 p.m.

Friday l.cfiovcr smorgas-burd. niHin

lindgc. 1 p.in.

Howling. 1:30 |xm.

Hingo. fi p.m.

Saturday. Movic linie


Hagerman Senior Center

MO li. Likc

Opcii li a.m. io 2 p.m. Mon-days. Wcłlncsdays and I ridays: lunch is serwd ai noon. Sug-gested donalion is S3 for seniors: $-1 for oihcr adulis: and $2 for childa-n under 12.


Monday l*ork chops. nu gMiiii poiatocs. wgctahlcs, sitlitd. fruil. bread. dessert

Wcdncsday Ikt-f roast. pola-loes and grav)-. ycgctablcs. salad, fruil. rullv dessert

Friday Hokcd pntato tur. collage chccsc, u^ctables. salad. fruil. bread. dessert

Silver and Gold Senior Center


Suggcsied donalion for seniors. Is S3. /Ml incals includo salad. dessert. fruil. mllk aitd colfec. IlicMby-s arccimkic and bread bakę days. and Wedncs-days arc cinnanion roli and • mapie bar bakę days.


TUcsday Mcalloaf. masbed poiatocs. gruvy. bruccoll. siilad. fruil. ctMiMcs

Thursduy Ilam and beans. devilcd cggs. colcsliiw, fruit. cornbrcad. dessert


Wcdncsday llakc l)ay Hingo. 7 p.m.

Friday ClłiickwagoM dinner and auctioil. Dinner front 5 to 7 pun. AuCtlon at 7 p.m. Dinner costs $fi per person. S3 younger (han age 10 or S20 for family of four.

Golden Years Senior Citizen Inc.

2IHN. Itail St W.. Shosltonc (Jrange juice. mllk and coffcc scrwtl uaily.


Tucsday: lieer aiul onions. frlcd poiatocs. Hw-way mued ccgctahk-s. jicar satatl, cookies Wcdncsday Ciuli. Imt dogs. tosscd salad. ftcuch frics. cus-tard pic

Friday Itirkcy nr liam. vari-ous pies


Monday Mxcrcisc. 9 -■•in. (żollcc. 9:30 a.in.

(^uiliing. 10 a.m. to 3 ł.m. Ibcsday Hinochlc. I •mii. Wcdncsday: Snack bar. fi p.m.

liarly hird bingo, l/iU. p.m. Hingo. 7 |Ull.

Thursday lixcrrisc. 9 a.m. Collcc. 9:30 a.m.

Friday 1'iniH-łilc. 1 p.m.

Richfield Senior Center

(Jrange juice. uulk and colfco* serwd tlaUy.


Monday: Turkey hreast. masbed polalocs and gracy, green beans. Iioniemadc roHs. vanilla puddiug. cookies Thursday: Split oca soup. gnlled chccsc sautiwirh. banana crcain pic

Blaine County Senior Center

721 'ITiircI Aw. S.. I lailcy . Mams:

Tucsday: Mcalloaf willi graty, mashed poiatocs. com. biscuiis. amhiosia. cltocolatc puddiug jiarf.nl Wcdncsday. Haked pmato and s;dad li.tr. Iireadslicks. fresli

fruii. banana cakc Thursday, Carcy lunch: Turkey with gracy, hot rolls. masbed poiatocs. green beans. jellied craithcrry sauce. siuffcd celcry. coconuł cakc Friday: Tutkey willi gmvy. hot rolls. inasln-d polalocs. green lieans. jdlied eranberry sancc. stuifcd cclcr>'. cocomii cakc


Monday. Hu sltots. 9 a.iii. lo 3 p.m.

Dinner and a movic, 5 pin. TUcsday Ked I laucrs irip Hlood pressure. H30a.ni. Iixcrcisc. 1:15 pjn. Wcdncsday: Dt-wlopmcttt mccting. H .UJ a.m. .

Hoard uicciing. 9:30 run. 1‘ocirygroup. 1230 p.m. Thursdoy, Carcy Center: Mcdicarc laik Ilu shots. I to -I pin.

Hinliday cclcbralion l-Acrcisc. 1:15 pin.

Fpday Hinliday cclcbralion

Three Island Senior Center

•192 U. Clewłand Avc.. (ilcnns Ik-rry

Mcals serwd at noon Monday. Ibcsday and Thursday: l>evcragcs with mcals. Rides are available liy phoning tlić center at 366-2051. Suggcsied donation is $3 for seniors. $5 for pcoplc under 60. and $2.50 for children under 12.



Monday: Spaghetti, pcas. carrois. oatmcal cookic. Tenas toast

T\icsda\- Livcr and onions or chickcn frlcd steak. poiatocs und gravy. mpred ycgctablcs. cookic. bread

. Thursday: Mcatloaf, pota-tocs and gravy. wimer mur vcgctabies. cakc. icc crcam. milk


Wcdncsday 55 Aliw. must jire-regiMcr. H a.m. to noon and I to 5 n.m.

Friday Tops. U a.m.

Saiurday Hancakc breakfast. to lOaan.

Camas County Senior Center

127 li. Willow. l-airficld Noon mcals arc scrwtl 'Hłcs* days. Wcdncsdays and l-riday. ‘Ihe center i% open from 9 a.m. lo 2 pin. on meal days. Orsl of ihe meal is $.1.50; children under 10 pay $2. The suggcsied donalion (or tliosc 60 yx-ars and dklcr is $2.50.


TUcsday Hccf ytew. salad. fmit. roli. dessert Wcdncsday: III.T. pntato. tater tots. bard wgctahlcs. leli-O. dessert

Friday: Uvcr and onions, haked poiatocs. wgctahlcs. roli. tlcssrri .


Monday luenlsc. 7:30 a.m. Tbcsday l-Jtcrcisc. 7:30 a.m. l’«M»l

Uuiltiiig. 9 a.m. lo 2 p.m. ligsiiw pu/yJcs Hridge ekiss

Wcdncsday. Iixetcise. 7:30 ■LIII.


l^uiliing. 9 a.m. I(i2|).ui. ligsawnn/yJcs Ihursday: luerdsc. 7:30 a.m. /\rt class. B a.m.

Uuiliing. 9 a.m. io 2 p.m. Friday l-jccrci.se, 7:30 a.m. TchiI

(iuilling. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ligsaw piu/Jcs

Mlnldoka County Senior Citizens Center

702 I lUi.M.. lUipcrt Mcals arc scrwtl at noon and lłoim- deliwretl iijwm retpicsi. lnice and assorted l>cvcragcs arc serwd cwry day with mcals. Cift shop lumrs :trc 9 a.m. lo 3 pui. Monday iłirmigli Friday.


Monday lueicise. 10 a.m. Hinochlc. I io -I p.m. Wcdncsday lucfclsc. 10 a.m. l*inochlc. I to -I p.m.

Friday lucrcisc. 10 a.m. Hinochlc. I lo -I pin.

Hingo. 7 pm.

Old Tinie Fiddlers

Golden Heritage Senior Center *

2421 Owrlund Avc.. Hurley Mams:

Monday I lot Inff saudwiclu masbed poiatocs. mued wg-ciablcs, pcach nic Tucsday Cliicken nootllc soup. ham salad sandwkh. Woltlnrf salad. dmcolalc pud-tling

Wcdncsday Chickcn fried steak. mashctl pntatoes. gravy. roli. inbccd ycgctablcs. nerry cakc

Thursday: Lisacnu. green beans. salad. mil. Jcll-0 jigglcfs. assorted desserts Friday Sp;uiisli ricc. spinach, cornbrcad. pcars. rainliow cakc


Monday Hool Pinodilc. I p.m.

Hicsday AlJ play pool Woodcarvingclass. 8:30 o.m. Hingo. 7 nm.

Wcdncsday /Ml play ponl Hinochlc. I p.m.

Thursday Hool Pinochlc. 5 p.m. Woodcarving. 5 pjn.

AARI* I pm.

Friday l*ool Pinochlc. 1 pm.

Hingo. I pm.


By Stephanle Bcard Thi* Washington Post

A look at one of the jirodiifts the trawi industry insists we ncctl:

WHAT: Iktlia-llik A1MED AT: Harents who want io hc prepared for anyliing. HOW MUCH: S65.95 BUT !X)bS IT WORK? Hic kltls are in iltcir car scals. lite luggngc is in the tnuik — aiul as vou head out the tloor. ii tnidtt (k- wonll your triiilc tu grab Ute Petlia-Hak. a wcll-organiml nylon bag fJled willi almosi 30 HrM-aid Menu. lis designed for infants and lodrilcrs. Imt most of the conicnis eon hc uscd by. the wliolc family. •

I Imwwr. at 3 112 pounds mul roughly ihe si/c of a master, it takes up a liigcliuuk of valtiahlc suitcisc spacc aiul is ciiiiiIkt-somconlNkciripsoi tocarryon a piane. Hut if you likc ihe eon-ycnlcncc of a irawling nicdicinc cahinct. and arenl put olf l»y tlv.it pricc. its an casy addilion lo uiosl car irijis. Youll hc plcnty prepared if lunior uinis an auklc on the miii lin-stani lec pick.cbstic haiulagc). sccrns lo hc ruiinmg a fm*r (digiial thcrmomcicr. childrcns lyknol or MotrinJ or picks up an iinwanu-d comjianiou (Hic-cislon Oimprcssion *1 ick *l\vcr/cr).

. For those who newr «|iiiu-mauagcd to sign up lor ihai lirsi-

The Washington Post

Hcucuiagi- ol kuls who havc. donc tlresc iliings with iltcir. grantlparcnls ui the past ycar:

•    Wutchcd IV. fil permu

•    Hla>vd gauu-s. -Ili pcrccnt •Went ro a movic. 33 |K-rccnl


Cofltlnued from El

"Wero still cloing the .same ainuunt of work. bot probis iircn’1 staying m liru-." sile sald. "I Iow far do you let it go?"

Kem and luniHs son Tony Utandlcr left his familys fajni ojK-raiion lo go lo college .ind didnT return upon graduaiioii.

"Itsa great lift-, tiul I doili sec lu-lngalilc lo supjiort my family startlng mil." hc sald “If I could liaw. inayhc I would be a farmer."

liiMcad. Iicchosc io siay in an ag-relalcd field — sclling advcr-tislng for /\g Wcekty. a sister publication to Ihe Tinies-Nctrs.

“I (cel at Home willi ii. I cnjoy bcing ouisldc and gciting lo l>c around a lot of fanners. I can l>c back in the hwiustry." hc sald.

Hm hc also knows hLs son is mlssing somelhing spccial: Tlić intiniacy of a family laluiring to-gcihcr. The s.'iti.sfactiun uf harwst. /Ml undcrsiandlng of scasons and cydcs and tlić iovs and rcncwalofłifc.

"Forming ls a unitpic indos-

The Pedla Pak It an organlred nylon bag fllled wllh almott 30 flrst-ald Hem*. It's designed for Infants and toddters, but most of the contents can be used by the nhole family.

aid conrsc. lltcresaŁso a TR-page ItandlNKik with SKpijyrtcp in-stnictions m help you dcal willi llicscrious stuli.

Hcdia-Hak is nvailahlc ai \\wv.|K*tliapak.com.

•    Went to a imcM-um. 23 |icrrcnt

‘ • Went lo a sporis cwnt. 20 jH-rccnt

•    Went to an aniuscnicni patk. 19 jicreent

Stntrcr. Harris lnternctiiv stir-ayof 1.2011 kiilsatfes H to IH


Jeff Attle dled In a farm accl-dent three years ego.

try." Tony Uumdlcr saki. "The hands-on work molds your characicr. I fes going to miss oui on sccing the generations bc-forc Inni and .nm havc thai connccikm."

Times-,\ars writer Karma Metzler Fitzgeralel can be Kuchni at 735-3238 or knmut.fitzgauUIWiv.ntt. >


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