C-6 Tlro*»łtart. Twln Fali. ISaho $un<Uy. Octot*/16. 2005 .
By Oon Babwln
Associated Prosa wrltor
OIM-ACiO - In clii' cny wlirfi* ilu* bisiory ul miIiImII ihcj»* In mrowili): eon* enn tiul (iluc.iKUN utiii|tii* biaittl ul tln* £iim' — |»|uvi*i! willi lii imh lulK ;iikI willo mil niillN • iii.i\ In* tullowiiiK ilu- sini Iiutts iuici ilu* lihlory
j iMpicN Ii.iw ilwimlkd. ilu* pkcwiN di.ii carricd lin* s|inri Im ilci.ulrs ale KfowinK <>lil. and |>l.i\ris whn mielił ntltrr* w im' li.wc lillctl lin* vmd arc liniiK Mpliuncd nil liy cwry-iIiiiik limu MHCrr In viclro KMIU'n
Now. ihou)*la. ciilłuisiuNlN arc iryiiiK lu briiiK bark ilu* n|miii |»Li\rd willi a bali abmil iIh* si/r ul a caiilalmi|)i*. And ilicy u* liii|MiiK u> du it willi, ul .dl |u*u|ilr. iCTiliiitcrs — a KfiHiii iy|»uiillv abuui Ginter* fMni iń |ikiyu»K a Karne Irom ilu* piud-uld diiys a\ litry arc lirami): ilirir parrniN laik abmil Uic Kuud nld dayv
Six ycars a^n. Miuiuli soli* bali was inimdiiccd as a v.uMlv s|Hiri iii liii* (ihita^o Public ScIichiK llaycd in Ilu* lali. mi a\ nul (u roni|M*lc willi baM*ball. ii alluws pi.wers tu Iimiii a Kanie they cail kiep pl.iyuiK lor >r;irs iu eonie. I In* iiinnber ul icaiiis bas mon* lli.in ilmihlcil Irmn 2." In 50. And ai Ir.ist livr morę m IiouK plan in )om mwi year.
" I lii- kuiwiIi is slow. bul il n cmninK aiiiniid." said Miki* Noilll. a < Iiii .iku radiu n|n»iIn |ii*i Minaliiy whu liclpcci Lunch liii* m IiooI IcaKia* lii ilu* liope plawis will Jall in lnve willi ibr Ki,lłli* du* way ilinr paniiis and Kniiidpar mis ciul and uani lu krep plamiKallcr litry )*radiiair.
II lllt'\ ilu. litry will Ih* krep-mc alivr a spuri ilial. in lis wav. was as much a part ul I Iih ;iku as ilu* mnie/ iavc*rn and drrp-disli pi//a.
I lir way litr Mury Kurs. suit-bali was bum in Nuwuthrr IKK? iiistcle ChicaKos I-.hmkuc huai Club. A Valr allintlllis — rscilril ilial his sclmol liad
Dylan Gschwlnd. a pltcher with Walter Payton High School boys 16-lneh soHball team, dellrers to the piąte agalnst Rlchards Career Academy High School, Sept. 28, In Chicago.
liealeu 1 liirv;ifd in .1 f<i«»it>.i]i gamę — ihrew ;iu uld ImMiig gluwai a llarv;ml ;ilmn. whn tried to im ii willi a slirk.
The rxrłiange ranscd < ieorge Hancock. a reporter lor ilu- Chicago Hnarri ul Irade. loemisiim a yersinnnl indom haseliall. Ile speiit ycars promniing ilu* gamę. cwntiiutly .iduptmg ii lor nul-tloufs plav.
Over che- ycars. llieie were dillerciii v.iciaii(jiis ni ihe game in tlilleicni pares nl ilu-country. Snute played with a siiiallci hall unii sunie, uscd gluws. Iii Chicago. Ilu- gamę was played willi a Ili-mcii hall and wiiitmil glnves.
The lli-ineh gamę eame nul nf Chicago ,iml lliey siayed willi n.' sani Bill 1'luin-mer III. manager nl die Naliniial Sullhall Hall ot l anie iii Oklahoma City.
The ganię lurame an inie-grat pan nl lih- 111 Chicago.
laik in Chicaguans in ihuir ałK. IKK and 7Ils and yim'11 liear stnnes ahmit gaiucs nu every lilnck. "mnm*y games" helweeii pnwerAił iieiglihor-hond and leagtie leams. playing in gym dass iu grade schonl and alier school in p.uks umil dark.
“Wlien ynu nsttl in -gn In picnics evcrvhn<l> had a Ili-inclt hallami a hal 111 ilu- car.’ s;ud |iave Novak.‘ direclor nl ilu- jiark disirici 111 nearhy I niesl Park and nrgani/rr nl a Nn Clmes Naiinnnls lourna--ineiil in ille Chicago siihurh tor ilu- łasi .1^ years.
"I very park liad a leagne.’ said lal Żnina, a relired Chicagu dennice whn Is Ihe nnly sullhall pla\cr m (lliicagos Ili-nich I lali nl I-aim* and ihe nalumal Jlall nl l-aine. “Sonie-limes ue*d hace at leasi 1,(100 penple \YAI'( dl INO lis.’
1'layers luced llie gamę lic-eaiise ilu- si/e nl llie hall macie
il a Im miiglier lo liii nul nf llie park tłum a 12-incli sofihnl). Thal meaiii lliinking alinul where tti liil.lhe hall rallier dian jusi riiu.scłłng upand hit-mig ii as far as pnssililc. and lliinking ahoiil where (n play hitiers — hecause widiom milis ihere whu Id Iw no one-lianded diciug caiches. Thelr gamę was cliess. ihe mher one eheckers.
They lnved lliat il inok guis to ptu' hare hamls in front ul sereamiiig litu- (lrives and (hal hroken fmgers wiw cominnn, and lauglied out loud whciY ilu- lale uewspaper cnlumriisl Mikę Itoykn, an avid player, mice wrote thal any player whu wore a glnce “cmghl in alsu wear a lira.”
Sn deep was dieir affcclion fur ihe gamę ihal lu ihis day. wlien Ihey die. ihcir loced emes ofien inclnde a meuiimi 'nf ihe gamę iii dieir oliiiuar-les.
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