
E-4 Tlmtfrłltttt. Twtn F*Hi. Idłtw Sundłjr. Oetobor 16. 2005

Family Like

Stretching to new heights

John Balu finally outgrew his 3.300-pound. 4 1/2-foot rubber band bal). Atter stoclng tt for years in his parents' garage and later In his apartmcnt. Baln has dodded to auctlon oH his record broaklng bali at an auctlon house In Chcvy Chase. Md.

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Icon once pinned to her diaper leads woman to birth mother

tlie campaign bio. Dodlc once seek non-ldentifying informa suggested ii ouglit to say lacobi • tlon about thclr hiological

Like so many adoptces, Dodie grew up in a loving family. Tliere were four children in the Jacobi family, two boys. two girls, each adopted a year and a half apart. Each from a different birth family. Her parents. Junc and Bob Jacobi Sr., were politically active, wcll-known in social circles.

(icncratums ul Amrricaiis -llie riglu reasons. They want tu livc willi tluit legacy of secrccy. ‘bank tlieni fur the Imring

Rubber band bali breaks records

By Amy Orndorff The Washington Post

hmi^Ui .u diniHT makr a Min In MMII (Mfcllls. 'Ml

ihrm \mi wam io hirak (lir \\«hIcI m imiI Jur ilu- largiM luli iu.kIimiI rulilu*r kuuk .Ml yoiiTI nrrcl is inorr llian a lnu ul mh* hrr liaiuk (.1. u KI j»oumlv lo In* •kari* .nul llu*tiM*«i| lhr|*.ifa|^* fur ilu*ur\i it^lii mmis.

W luli* mmii parcitl' iiiskIii Lulali luliii pairillMlltlni Mfin (o mmii uhm lir homyjn Jmnir.i III imimilhalloliiihhri baiuk ihr M/r ul a lu%lrlhalli aiul urnking nu ii iii lin* Vtaranr

"Wr likrd In %rr H jjiiny* his mmn. Maigairt lUm

Mh*v iImIuI iniilil wlirn I .CMIII piitimls ul ilonaicd ruhlirr ImihN unr <li*Uvruil lu ihrir Iłoilsr.

I m.ilK.in |»MI. liumstiihltrr IniinI luli hiokr (lir ?*VO |Hjiiiu! rn nul srl in hl7M.

“I hav«* alway\ Cfralrtl mmii*-thmgmil ul NumrlliiiiK. su thry piohahly ihouyhi u \vas|li%t an-cillirrpiojiTl’ Ilain \ai«l.

I lir projrei hrgan whilc Italii was wufkilig as a mail rlrik at a law linii iii I JHauair. I.vrry day In uoiild vkii ihr pnsi ul (ii i* * ad laki* a handlnl ul ruhhcr uiids in adil lu ilu* hall. (Yrars lairr lir gavr ihr pust uliia* a laigr siipplv ni mhhrr hamk.j

Ihr hall grru %ci Ing lh.it ic

By Shari Roan

Los Angeles Times _

Alty parciu kumys that when a prrsłhnnlcr grtN ihr Ilu. II woni lu- Iiiitg Ir-Ioic thr rrsl ul ihr I.iiiiiK is ItedruKleu mu. Mutr- and l-yrarcild* arr iufa-mnus (nr ihrir ruttry nnsesand sptnung nmglis. nut tu imn-linii thnr imlillrtriKr 10 lissues and haiui-washmg.

Nuw. lunwuT. rxprrls iltink ihis brlmrrl .igr gronu is :lning imur thait uilrctmg iltrir lami-lirs. A mnv siudy suggrsis ihal ;ł- and -l-yrar-uJiis may Ih- jkiu-rrltildrivrrsuf.iu.ini] mllucn/a niUltrraks.

Ihr lindings cmild lead to ch.mgrs in ilu- IJ.S. sir.ilrgy on lin v.ircinatinn.

Ihr siudy, Iruin Childrrns lluspiial liusiim. sltmu-d lltal prrsthiHil agr rhildrrn are llie firsi in show up cach ycar in nncrgrncy romns and dinics willi Ilu. a padem ihal typirally hrgins in l.ue Sejucmber. Ba* hirs yuungrr ihan 2 U-nd lo arr iw willi symploms a weekor lwu lairr. wltilr oldrr childrcn lu-giit lu arrive in Octobcr. Adulis doili grnerally show up muil .\mvntlvr.

Murrowr. nreschoulers may foresliadow lite scwriiy of any givrn infhien/a scason. As the mmiher of hahies and preschoolers willi the fiu in-creased in the siudy. so too dkl flu-rclainl de.ulis in the elderly.

1^-sdioolers are ihouglit to he rohust du-spa-aders Itecausc of Uieir poor hygjene. elose eon-tact wlth other childrcn and bccausc jhey sliętl tlić vlrus — a-moili infeciirms — longer dian other agę groups. ' > muld nu longri sit on hains tlcsk.

Sc miii ihr Juli giru su Ing *liat a i mc ii tal nihhri haud rouJiliit lit aiouml u. Mam tirsi nird iii-diistfial-M/rd itililn'1 hauds and tun\ lir Um-s ilu* kmd ul hands yni scv prnplc* u%r ai gMIls

Ihr hall iutcIs a iirw iMiiur. Allrr scnniig it Im \cars in hh pairnls* garagr and latrr in his aparimrni. Ii.nu has dc*ridi*tl (u amimiroll his iri fiuMm*.iking hall. lur ilu* iirM rcmplr u| uc*rks n will sit ni ilu- limit win-dnu ai Niuans .V hniyrni. an ain limi Im misi* m C hrw ( liasr. Md

. Ihr Udl ahr.wly Jus lx>^m at-lutmng visitms. iiithnlmg •l \r.ir-ukl t)mit IUv*x ••I Wadi-MlgMMt

~li was lutgr! h was a lut Ing-gri (lian im*." Uuni %aul. allrr lirlpiiig klin add aiiothrr luiul in tlir liall. wilk Jt is ahiml 1 112 kil cali.

Kain savs hr will miss thr luli wlirn it is amttcmril nil nrxt itnntlh. hm lu* has a li\ mg uhmu luli nt criiiinilrrs. I rourli. mllrr lahlr and rnd tahk* arr madr trnm ruhlH-r hands.

“liswrll Kikami ili.ii picschoul-rts imriKluce Ilu iniu hoiisehokls Kik wliai w.ts not piimmsly dr--H-nlHtl r\ di.il childmi arr k-ailuig nil the epidemie." vi\n Dr. Kenneth M.mdl. an aiiending rmrrgemy mmmm physicum al (3 lik Ir t-n‘s Huspiial itosiun aiul cu-aulltor ul iIk- siudy “Nut unly du preschouliT.cumę in fusi. tluy om Ik- um.i1 as srniuuis. pving a ihatsweek wumIuiv o Mn tlie fu* lnie. Thuts a \rrv impunaiu MimiilaiKC and rady w;irning funołun."

The siudy. puhlisheil in the On. 1 issiieoftiu-Amrnc;ui|nur-ual uf l-lpklcnunlogy. usetl a coinputeri/etl hinsurwillaiice s\Mem io eolkn dala fnnn fivc he.ilthcaa- sedings in the Boston area frum 2000 ihmugli 2<XM.

The fimlillgs are expectetl to a-kimijtf irueresi ainong puhlir liealth ofTiclah in exnandnig Ou vaccine recommenoations to !t-and t ycar-okls. i Inder the cur-

Making a rubber-band bali

1.    Colloct as many rubbei t»0nds .»s possiblr lYou C«™ liuy a tiag at an> otfice ^up ||lr slfirc •

2.    Start t>n*f, a rubbor b.rHJ m .1 tnot iAs John Odm W>S. •Puttmf, somellur.g clsr in Ute

1 hkmic *nuui In* ctioaimg!’y . 3. Wrap iuWm.1! lurcls amund • rtiof. Den I wuny d it loc**> iopsmJini    a wjU be Uifficuit to

rt'1'P i! lojnd i! is •ihout

. tłNr f.1/0 ot a f/j!t bsdl.

! 4. Tc jr to h?ep ilie batl round b>

'    nrbiH*( bąnds a! (JiUcr

tf«t ac gk*s. oihervvisr ycu | mifhi cna up Ailh moic of on , *ff. sh.ipc iTh»s ^as a prób k*fti Co* 0«i^» AiH.ii his bad |^)l nuli* big i

5. Kcop dOUing lutibcr UviOS unM |he tuli *«.*igns mccr Ihan i you Co


His ni*\i włHklfifcml-NCitMig luli aln*;uly łs m thr \vnfkv iliis (HK- will Ih- m.ulr mit nl hicylr lia* Iii1h*s iłtat Iluin fłntn his ii«v jnli as a hikc huihlrr.

rent plan. ilic gm-ernmenl rcc-oiiiiłu-nils Hu eacrinc (nr iieople ai liigli risk f«>r dwiiop-iug inmphralioiis nr dying. Mir li as ihr elderly. infanis and clirnuirally ill indwiduaJs.

List year. lite COC lK-gan lec-iHiunriidingwiccines fur łtabies ages (i io 2.1 muulhs hecause siudii-s show chiklren ymmger ihan 2 havr liospilali/atkm nites setund unly lu people agr fiS aiul older.

Bul ji may cml lip iK-ing jusi as impurlaiil to nrcecut flu in ihe gruup musi Iixcly lu spread ii — preschoolers. says John łlrownstciil. lead aulłior of the siudy and u researcher in Uie Clnldrens lluspiial Informatics l*r»gram. "TltLs wmild prtwide a iliiferent approach co vaccina-don." he says. “Tllis would be niure of a puhlic liealth ap-proach to -vacdnatc people on the front lines who may spread it to otltcr people.”

Online Sponsor

By Stere Paul

Knlght Rklder Ngwspapsre

K/\NS/\S CITY. Mo. — The sllećr of dark metal is hardy a half-iuch long. And ihln as an eyx-lavli. Yel. lor DrHlie lacuhi. it opeued a portal to a lifelime.

Jatohi knew linie abtHU the liny medal of llie Immaculate Omcepiion. which depictcil the \rirgin Mary siinmmdeil liy llie inscription. “O Mary. concciwt! withnut sin. pray for us who hau- recuurM- to thee."

CIIven to her ai 1K by the woman she ahsays callcd her mother. it was a a-inłnder of her adoptum and |H>ssihly uf the hirili itMMlter who had given her tip.

She wote the medal on a chain anmnd her nerk fur 10 years. (lutil llie gnid pinie wore nlf. I hen she pul il aside.

Not Imig ago she piilled ii mit again and won-derrd. whal did il ttican?

And u hut muld il tell her ahmii whi-rc she ranie Irnm and who she was?

Dudu- Jaruhi. nuw 44. always knew she was adnptcd. She'd sit willi her ninm and say. “Tell me alHiut the lady wito had me."

Ik-r mollirrdidnT knmv much. lite >-uung Jady was ir». shr said. Tht-re werr nuns in lilue. Tliere was a fain tafe tpiałiiy to the Mory and the way il' was lold. as il it had hap-pciKil su k»ng ago and so lar awiiy.

Ijkr su many adńptecs. Dinlir gtrw ii]> in a loving family. Tht-re were four t-hihlii-ii in -the lamin family. two Imhs. lwu girls, radl adopt-rd a yrar and a hall uparł. Lich (mm* a dillereni birth family. I ler paienis, lunr and Ikdi lacuhi Sr.. w\-rr pulitically aclive. wi ll knnwn iii sneial cirdcs.

"Yoii werr chosen." hrr mmlirr wmild olten say. She said u ulu in-wr she neriled to. wluiMirr Dotlić nr her sihlmgs (di ilu- liriiiu uf an iusiill frum other kids. Ymi jusi rentind llu-in Ihal you were chosen and you dont kriow whether thry wi-n-ur not.

When Dodir was bunt. in IBiil. adoptiun carrieti ccrtain sligmas. And (r.uv Hrr jKuents uhm liv»il willi tlić- suspirinii iliat summiir wnuki cotne and lakę theirchfltlren a way.

latrr. when OtKlir and hrr sihliugs talkrd tibmtt wanting io knuw inurr. ihrir inmlirr would s.iy. "II any ol you kids fmd yiMir hiiili family. I dont wam to knuw almut it."

“That." lacuhi says nuw. "is tlie ntnu-r of the seeret.

fustered by Mrict cumrul of -uikipiion records.

lacobi talks about it as the "griefof the unknown.” a grief mostly sbared by birth parents and ilu- childrcn they gavc up.

llie bisiory of adoptiun in the United States invnlves a mosaic ul social attiludes and cliange. It cnronipasscs tlie nations e\ulving ideas and dehates tilNHii sociiil liealth. ccunomic dispanty. race iind sexual puli-tics. Adoption hiis always filk-d people willi niixed emotions.

Tu lacobi. her recertl quesl to learn the cireumstanccs of her iiduption allowed her to eon-front those emotions and minor llie expcricncc of inany

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1 <uu

^ ILtk.u Jint nrimi tatr thntf

people nallonwidc who havc Itcen doing the salnc for decades.

• • •

She rem cm bers family mect-Ings when licr IHip. Hol) lacobl. ran for tlie Jackson Coimty. Ma. (x-gislauia- and other offices In the I970s and ’80s. The family discussed a II sort.s of dci aik like aiul his wife had four adopted childrcn. as a sign. she says. of sonie klmi of socktl comniit* nieni. No. ller I*op said; he jusi didn‘1 want to usc that as a sell-ing point.

“Lvery birihday for 43 years was a day of joy and sadness." she says. Il was the day I left my birth mother. My adoptivc par-ents always snw it as a day of great celehration.

knew for errtain that my birth muliier and 1 were thinking of each other at the same time."

Adoptiun. she and cithers s;iy. ls idways aecmnpanied l»y luss.

“They nevcr ctulte under-stood." she says of her parents. “Iliat al the time wliile I got the wumlerful gifi of their parem-ing. 1 also had a luss uf roniicction with a birth family ... I tliink it's a surprise to |>eopie that we can esperietue such ex-trenie emotions al tlie same linie."

The tlcsire to assuage that loss has oflen becn part uf the argument tu opon adontion records in States aroutul tlie country.

Yet. "tlie ktss i: iilways tliere.” says Stelf.iny Ayc. founder and dircctor uf Adoptiun and He-yond. an ageney biised in Omlandr.irk. Kan.

Usuiilły. siiys Liura Lmg. an adnption-rccords research spe-cialist for (2itho!ic Charities in Kansas City. adnntces urc mott-vated to flnd hirt h parents for uli hoines they grew up in. and they want to share what Ik--camc of one another s Iivcs.

• • •

In the 1960s, when lacobl was born. charity homes for unwed, pregnant mothers wrre evolvmg out of existcitCe. Insmg their place in society. Most had cłoscd or changed their mission hy the early to mid-'70s.

Ii>r one thing. abortion gained the protcciion of fi-deral law. a status now Hlcdy to un* dergo elose cxaminątion again with the rightward shift of Ute Supremę Court.

■ Inr another. Uie stlgma of single mothcrhoou was ciisiippearing So rnuch so that the number of out-of-wedlock birihs has rockctod upward Ln rcccnt decades.

lacobl was in her latc 20s, about tlie Ume slic stuck her medal of Mary away. when she started thlnking scriously about tracking do\«i morę Information about her birth mother. Missouri law had rccently changed, and adoptces could


One thing slic leamed then was that a grandfalher raiscd horse-s. She confirmed that her mother was a teenager and her father was 20 and in the Navy.

lacobi waltcd ncarły 15 years before leamlng any morę.

ller father died In 2001: her mother. Junc. died lale last year.

• • •

Shortly before her mother to talk much

al>oui her.

One disewery: Tliey sharc a passion for resculng anlmals.

And. iis it turned out. her mother says slic knew nothing of the medal of Immaculate Omception tliat embodied her daugliters rjucst. Her mother was ncvcr ai St. Anthonys. she told Dodie. Tlie last she saw of her luby was in the hospital where she was bom.

Rccently. Dotlić and her mother had lunch togelher. A Iłinhclay lunch.

“It was the firsi binhday.” Jacobi says. “that I cvcr had witliout my adoptis-c mother and with my birth mother. It was IndcsCTibablc. Thcrc was a grcat sense of complctcncss and contentmcnt.”




Facial prossure/pam



Duration of lllness

*Over:-1044 ćky»


Nasal Discharge .

Thldc, yellow ”

Clear, thin wa-tery





Pain in upper teoth


Bad Brcath ,


k^ougning Nasal Congestion

Ylif .

Sometimes Sometimes .


wir • O'* '< * • *-l c ;•


. “Hut always it was the day I died. Dodie Incohi pickcd the -    littlc medal out of her

drawer ;iral wrotc a notc to producers of "Tlie His-tory Dctcctiecs.” a PBS show that investigatcs and tells storics about people. didr posscsslom and cultura! curiositics. In the notę lacobi nitched her story and asked for the show s help in dLscov-ering the origin of the medal.

The- show‘s producers fouml Mcoiiis story and llie littlc medal com-ffcliing enough ro iravcl to Kansas City last spring, lite sitówaired carlicr tlUs month.

Ali lacuhi had krtown about the liny medal . was what her adoptiec mother told her. It had bei-n pimu-d to her diaper when the Jacobis took baby DikIic liome. Local historical research poinls to a logical conncction hctwcen the medal and the Dauglilers of Charitys St. Ambony Home. where lacobi now bdlcves she spent the Hrst couple of wceks uf her lift-.

The Daugliters of Charlty called religious leons like laco-bis the “Miraculous Medal." Accounts of such medals datę ilteir bisiory to IBth-century IMris and Sistcr Catherinc LilKiure. who had a vision of the I loly Mother.

Legally. only lacobl could pursuc the next step. which was tu follow her liean. and locatc her mother.

lltis siimnicr. with help from a liccnscd (hinl-party intenne* diary. she eontactcd and then met her hiological mother. who !ives in the area. ller hiological father had died.

Out of (6pctL she says. for Ihcir cmerging rełationship, Ja-cobl dcclincu






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