30 Timca-Nows.Tusn Fana. Idaho Svnd*y. OcHStr 6. i»74#

Minico thumps Nampa for aecond straight loop win



m-PKRT » Tk* Minko Sptirtans puMnl Ihrlr w*voiu\ >1 raiyhl oonl4-i\ncv u in KYIday M#:hl. dn*ppin»: Itr N.itn|K'i IliJlIikiRs IV 7 on a pmr nl MttHłdhaJf |cMM-lMl«mm.

Tir Sparlaiti couMnT eOUOt /• |1h* vlt1uf> mit d Ihc Uii.il

ni(nuti*s u ku Dwu; Nuh«l.\ Mtiftd on a scvro*>.ifd mtf. lUit a ouipftc ot nii>tlr1n»;« on derp pendratkw* kepi Ilu* Siurt.m* ultlłln rearti.

Mlnkd furmkkil .may a chaiKv nt the ttfisynrd llnc ««n a futnJde. recwrrrd short of a IJrst cknm ended jtmlhcr al Ihc flvv, N;unp.i\ defejtw pul up a pool Kir dond to thu an ■itiothcf ot Ihc fenr.

Tir Sparkim Mnick early. rduminc the nptwliu: ktckoti to inki fleki mid*thcfi ^haklii/: Hny Pena kunę for 31 yard*. Knur ployu latrr, IViu mut In Irom the sewa and Itaiidy

thlU-tteouniTtiil Mrxo Ihcti druw tn tk* Ji and the fnur nnly t«» comc up ciipiy t.ut a ller Ihc la*l mr Nampj rejdlcd wlth a 10 jday dnn- ikit ale up »G ynrds. Jeil Cotlcrcll threw (o Alidy Vav|trt for Uic finał 12 yards and Datę Scol itezt*n‘s k*4 t l«xl łl.

Mmicu look tir U*i»d lor keep* rarty In Ihc Ihlrd w hen Stevo Christ recoverrd o


lumiilc nt the Nainp;ł :I6 Kylc rwnl.i> Itr yard ml lont nan was lir Ing piny and alM Rot thctouekkyufi

Nampa had a licet Ing chancc la go łihc.id lale In the gunie u ku M uent mto a %pn\*d format łon l*it a pa*M that hnd touchdoun wrttlęn nn It dldnY comiect Mlnico then adjuited tn (be spread and (nok |fcxvwKdtiit udh tlirce nunutes lefl

Mikc AMrrt*s SS yanl spnnt (iMik the .^artauK dcep und up tbe- finał mvci> yard liur*t



to victory,

WAI4-\ \VAI.I«r\ - SteW '.Mcrailcv's m^ird M«Ulnp nul kil Cnlk-gc of Souihem idakT to team vidory m ihe Whitman College cro\)»counlry icU yJtiiMoual Sjturdav    ‘.'Z

McCalley turmil Ihc hłlff llvcmllc course in 24:40 o&łlnst 2A:K lor the nłd standard. Monte llnithuull was thfrd at 24:5a u Wic Jnho Hunter was toth. CYalp PMr I7ib. Tim Sewa 21M and' Barry McDamelłłth    ^

CSI scorcd 51 pulnM?» follov\ed I ty lxu*k and Clark of%

PiirUand W. U*hitunelh o.

Willamette Ot. Whlfmjji ift., NNC1JU. Pjislcm Orepon 2ui CSI will hołd IU lnvilatknal' wlth NNC. IHcks ord ^stcrńUah al 11 :.Ti a.m. .SaiiinSay pn" the campui iinma*.

Front all angles

The prd4ems arkluie al Ihc munieipal p»ll nxłr*c tbe pail lew uccks rrally nren*t mrw. In lact. the only UiKu* rcati> dlffcrcnt k lliat mmik-cataiyst haseilciufcd It Irhliid Uk norm.

The one l»osk* Irmh oIkmii gntf oincinulni: war. If lhol ts tlu* namc. brtwcen profcsskmaS and amateuni. li Is alwav* thcrc. It k al cwy cwirse. RcplOcemcnl ol Clyde Thomsen ot Tu tri Falk municlpal unukl ool chonjcc II.

Roch jjreup holds lo a credo. Tbe anuteurs basłcally stale “uilhoul ux (herc uould Ir no The prw siole ••uUhoot us. golf pnuld flwinteKrate socinlly and eontpet Ul vcly."

►Koch group h ctirrcd. But what Ihc Iwo lidcs ©vc troulilc rtalliiitg. particularly In moment*

<S łrrłlallcm. fs thnl It lioiU down to an imcr-^pcndcnc). Each lactlon carrlcs Ihc sccds ni cfiiir^clloo fortheother.

lEvcr>cnc. espeelaUy omolcurs. will diallcnKe tgit last slatcmcnJ.

ybe hest cxompk* Is ihe handicap wtem. tAlch. despltc dlsdalmers front all sldo. U si urticiv.il He proliicm

pros set up Ihc flrst handicap ęard s\>teni dd* had the added    of nrtiWrardy

mg strofce* off handicap* u bose ouocrs ^Td upoften on net dnMsłon prłze Ikts.

ncu- ICA Computer system Is a spod ?m on paper. It has no Hmllar Icclh. Ntllhcr ewy .eemidered pcrfcct Hut. thotc lewi dićtatoriaJly cufby Che pros won *

«d off the •'Cour.*' Oirrcntly. Idaho bas 20 sandhaggcrs u1lh no eh cek* or holana-s the system for correct łon. omaletir-profcs&lonal thing k hased «i Moadcgrrc.

noturc of the sUuatkm doc«rt hdp It.

PCA rolcs. any coursc hirlng n dnu A member must pay S250 pcr monlh The abo glv« alf mcrchandl *mg concwlon pro------------------

By Larry llovcy

!n Twłn Fali*' caw. <3yóc TbrmiM.ii atso handle* rhc mlaunuit ouuwsimi :» Icasc la*i*. It> njK lima!.

In return. Ihc pro plckt up Ilu: groens lui pa Id tiy ihc gnifer* aud luna them inlnihe city.

Thfc pul* the pru4c**ioiul In Ihc p">ltli»n «if servlng4wo m.iUcrv Cunddcr If you werc In Ihc procom of u r.ippśug up a S*)0 golf set dc;d and 10 pcopłc cotne In Co reicfeter In jda>*.

Immcdiatcly. the. Hic ao%uvr umild *ccm HmM Ihc city hlrc sotnconc efer to ariintniMcr gnim* Jccstkfcrt*.


Thaf* uhcrc Ihc “kne*’ tblng conics |n The amateur* urn* tlić pro to knou them. talk tu tkm. Mrnrc them and set them «n Ihc* ourx-Whcti they comc off. Ukt want to tdl a pm km they hit It so Kood or mj bud. not your Aunl Maudc uho lx A*ng rc.illy nolhk* mure Ihan makłng cfuwge.

Anyonc workłng with the pukle rrallrcs n l*m'l abedof roses.

ComkJcr a pro trylngt to make a llvhig Miting Rolf cqłNpmcnt and lotir gny* u alk In wcantig IVmK-y łhlrt* and ponl* and Minie L#. S.Ked* ptJf shoes. They rc cnrryliig M*nc duł* frotn n dbcount storc and uMng liaik Ibat ihcy cKlter plekcd i*> at a dnigslore or poi front a IricncTs firm. uhoK* nonie kcmUamoct! thcrcon Thcir coclcr laflllcd willi licer from o aupcrmarkd Then they want lo tell you altom cacb xhnt ihey maile Irom No. I IcctokstpoCInn in U'* Ukc you ticlng a hartender and me omwig ki wlth a ItotOc of hootch and a cnn ol‘ mbc .nul aoklnp for a glass of lec.

At the same tlme. kmerer. It K rc.ittzcd In alt skk-s Ihol It Is a public coutnc So you %crxo tu» master* mul iry lo walk the Imc. Fcw can do ttiol. fi tafce* grc.il cffnrt oii boUisidcs.............- ..



SAI-MON -.Tir *maUc*l mu of *feelhc3ii litr cmuiitil ovrr Hic Snake Ili cer dani* has IwiKigJit a closuie «*i Hslimg In Ibr Snake and *cvcral irlhiHarlc* ’ In Idaho. Washington andOreunn Thniugh St*|H. TJ only al mut fi.TUO steelhead lu»d km countiil mx*r lat tle Gnccw Dam on Ihe Snake, only yi per cml ol isirmaJ

Jack Cook.    lor

the Salmon Chamlrr nl Comnicrec tn llihery mat lew says the smali nui may Ir the icmiII ol Ihe hol temperaturę ot Ihe walir In Ihr Colund»ia and Snake rtver* uhkTi k slnuuig the run

A* uf Sept. 24. UJ.OOO steelhead h:»d Iren cinnitcd over Boninllk- Dam on the loutrCłlumiMa -| dnn*t Ihlnk all the sterOrad krd. IaiI are held up In poob unlil ihe water coo& off.*'hc sald

•Tbu. has happi'iK*d In Ihe past and ocKr wv >s*t raln* and cootcr uater Ihc run w III move tad. U may be u tdiful thlnklng _ luit if past hlstory ks correct Ilu* In Ihc situollurt thK foli.” last cal) steelhead Itdihig dld not improve unlil Noemilrr wbni colder Inn-pcraturesarrt%Yd Conk noled the tlrsl Nteeihcad reportnl caught In Ihc Salmun a era u a* a jo-poundrr lakni form the 5uiln*oin ltlver Ntwth Forte Tondar

AcrossIhc goal linę

DR1VINX« IU1 Kclso of Vallcy punches past Ivk) Shoshooe Indlans and Into the end zonę durtr>| UtCe Flv« Con/erence play Frtday night-Sboshcoc nlppcd tbe Vlklnp 20-14 on a scorc In the lut «U seconds.

Shoshone scores in finał slx seconds to edge Yalley 20-14

ROPA' - Junior talB*ack ltr\on Klnghom Mtind ulth fil* seconds k*tl Frulay nljlit lo lift the Shoshane Indian* pasł V'oOcy‘s \Tklnp: 2»I4 In a Mtlciiy conii-Niiil Ulik* Kivr ^ootcrencclMtlle.

Klnghcen * sore. whlch w.i^ loudly prntesłcd li> Va!lcn oflclonłuyw. canK* at the end ol a drtve thot ua% helped In Iwo big Iłfeaks. l/ofcmg al al«nut a fourth and MS. 1310*7101^ punter MiKr lk*alh got .1 iMiuiictfig paw frnm center at alinul liK own20. T>r rnerenger Vłkmt5. mt*wd HIihano. tn sinear hhn. imic VMckm »ading complclcly aecrhbibead.

Ilcath then si^ilriird JikimiI lo the slddlnr and g<it Ihc lirsl dOMii with a couplc «d loclr* to %parc. Minutę* latcr. ValUy InUfccpted Iwt was hit w*h a pais imcrfertnce cali to set

Stxish«r up on tir ICyard lilie

The Indiom u>cd ali thelr llitirouls In getllag to the luo. Mnpping lir rtock lor the last I Ulic wHh ałmd 12 Mtmds Ml. Kmghom thm cul liack oft a swtrp and wits hu ncar Ihe

go.il linc.

Valley fans sald Ir d»dnT get Ihe liall kito the cud mr tmt. alter a cnitfcmccc. Iheufficial.% went wlth the beki Judge uho <aid Che tkali lud hrukrti Ihe piane of Ihc syol IUr.

Vulicy worted a rouplc of Mg. _ >la>^ »n ihc wc<rd hali to •.•ran* o 14-0 drltcil Stioslioir IkdH trforc IntirinKUon All the Viklng *cnnixc camc In a (wo-mlmitespan.

II slarted on u 73-yord scorlng liomh Irom Hal Keslo to Da ru t n BninlfKŁ A Shusluuic dc ren der Just mlsscd sinpping It away oround the 30 and

llnmlng had dear salling Irom there.

Tun |i4ay>4.itrf Viklng l.yim St aodkr pnuoad on a StioslKinc fiMiiUle ot the 13-yard llnc and KoIno c.irrtcd three straight limes Irnm there lor thescon*.

Shoshone had taktu che lead two minutę* lalo the scennd period on a .Tt-yard countcr rorrp by Mark Andervm. Itofi lluddock comtrled for luo polni*

Two plays allcr the klck4ifl. Steee Kdly coetred a Valley .fiindUe. al Ihc Vdclng 21. and

•    lladdock capłcallzcd on ibat break wlth a scvcfi-yard *corloglmrst.

*    Shoshone had a chanco to luck 11 away early In the thlrd

Ead utim Williams Mocked a petit at the Vallcy 1'Jyard llnc. Iiut the Viklng* łntcrccptcd a pass lo hiockthat bid.

Wendell    £


rolls past    r_r



KIMBRRDY - Trący Scott romped for three louchdnwns aixl Holi Ditterly scored on a łong puni return Frlday nlgfct lo send W-ndclI past Kimijcrly 42-it.

Scott wm Jolncd ftn the scorlng Ity Pat Hłfiguilintham uho had a touchdown and luo-połnl convcfskm and Dan Richard*.

Itltlcrly'* punt return ooeered 70 yardu.    m

The vłctory. cotrplcd uith Shoshone's elctory owr VaMcy. gavc Wendell sołn [HHscsslon of ihe IJtllc FHfj Confcrcnce lead »Hh a 2,£

Second ncc

Paul Ellcdgc Ncored thć' *rtxmd hole-l n-one of his corcer Saturdoy ot the munścvpol’ coursc.

Genrge Williams and JliH' Rowden wulchcd at EZledge CMWBied his lec Nhot on Ihc parihree. lOyardiccoodbtłe-u Uh osi* tron.


Mii"'rstt»• • fiiłi/.'is! . ■»ir •,ir.T5ii;r:;ni‘-,*s


From your own selflsh polni of vlew. you sbould be buying and uslng Idaho-mado Products. U mess you l*e lho idaa of your money golng somewhere else. Bul remomber. onco thot monoy lcavos Idaho. il*s geno for good. Monoy thal wli provłdo omploymont for someono in sorro othor area of lho country, not here.

Do we havo a solfish viawpoint? Suro. And hora‘5 why.

Łasi yoar Amcor provided jobs for 250

Amcor orrployees. plus jobs for onother 445 Idahoans who workod becauso wo manufnetured our producls horo. And sold them here.

With 73.9 conts of evory ono of our salos doltars staying In Idaho, wo put ovar S2.612.724 Into Ihe $late*s economy. Dollars that turnod over noarly throo Hmos. ofiar wo woro Ihrough whh iham. Reason enough for you to uso our Pre-stress. concrato b?ock. pipo and retated Products In your homo and Industry.



MifiułMurtr of concrtic błock, pipę, prtitrcncd

concrctc and niitcd products (or homc and induttry.

• •••• —• • *

IOAHO FALLS: South YollowitoncWthwjy. Ph. 522 6150 POCATELLO: Hishwsy 30 & Phifcin Road. Ph. 233-2274 BURLEY: 200South łFarmcr'» Cofn«ł, Ph. 678-2279 TWIN FALLS: Ph. 733-6605


•    Raln Guttor • Rooflng

•    Storm Windows & Ooors

•    Caulking Compound • Insulotion



Solid Vinyl Siding




Bird Solid Vinyl Siding con‘f pool or blistor łiko wood sid-ina. Con’t rust or dont like metal siding. Noods no painting. because it‘s solid vinyl — solid color — throughout. Makes the outside of your home about os mointenonce freo as you might ever get itl Would you iike a froo esfimate? Coli 733-5571.

^Zfi) V0LC0





JUOME «Mt Mili







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