. )

frlday. Junol3‘ 1&6C - Tlmoo Nowa-Twln Fal «. tóo^oC-3—1-

Type A persons easily spotted

At Wit’s End

- COLUMBUS, Obło (UPI) - -Typo •A* are cocBpeUthrc, aggrrsaye. Unpatknt iau oemandlng. Tbcy tcnd to get shead ln business. Tbey tend (o hm heait aiiacks, accordlng to aa Otto SUto UnlmUty re-aeardMY _

•    Psychologia Jack Sparachw. a pcfcl-dodoral fełlow at tbe scbooTs Ocnler for Runan Resource Research. sald ihat besldes belng coca-pctlthreły sggres£lve, demsadlng and ratkaa, a Typo A person alao la ofleo

   heay dgaret sznokor wlth a high

•    lo • rccaUly publŁshed r*vtew of .Aiwt dooe oo tbc «ubject, Sparaclno _sa!d that although Type A beka Mor itoes not guaranteo a person will havo

a heait atlack, U probahly doea ln-crease his or ber chaaces. And when all of Łho characterlsUca aro preaect, tho rtik ls algnlficanl.

--"Tbeto lxxUviduals eeemlngly aro oever tmly cootenl imless ba Ul Ing mul lipie deadlfpsk. obstades and harassroeot," bo sald. "Tbere ncvtr aeern to be eoougb bours ln tbe day for TVpe A'a to gK everythlng dooe; tbelr chdlered calendam oflen senre as palnful romlnders of tbelr lnccssant, compu!alvo strl vtcg."

Sparaclno sald Tyj* A*s oflen can be Identlfled by tbe way tbeyllalk. Tbcy usualiy speak rapldly, oflen ruahlng through ten tenora, aci may suddenly bccome louder for em-phada.

. He sald tbcy arolikdy totry tbkeep tbelr cooYtrsaUon partner movtog ąfLdckly, too, by noddlng tbe bead rapldly or coosUnlly asylng. "Mm-hhm" or "Yca, yca."

Type A't alao aro morę llkely to make Mteose, energetlc momnenU," cuch as fUt-tieochlng. ndgełlag. drummlng tbe knuckles or playlng wlth a pencU." sayi Sparmdoo. Tbey often have a strong. firm handshake.

Wben Type A*s do make It to old age. bowcver, tbey bave an sdvan-tage over other lypcs, Sparadno sald.

"U may bc the fełsty. cranky. hjirił lo-get-aloog-wtOkold person wbo ls better abtc to cope.* be sald. "Havtng madę U to tbe finał ad, be may bcTcss llkely to exJLM

Fiscal management class rightticketfor schools


© ndd lunterorlses. Inc.

A class of fourih-graders at the Grjmcs Center for Creatlve Leamlng aro nlne years old .. •; gotng on bonkruplcy.

Thcyrrc all cnrollcd tn o class of ^noncy management and fiscal re* aponsiblUty. Tbcy perform all klnds of Jobs llke dcantng cabtneU, dustlng crascrs and Inspcctlng l)»c loeker room. For these chorcs, lhcy’re pa Id a sal ary with bluc mlmcogrppbed_

So far the lockcr roomlnspector bas * been fired and had to leam to llvc bclow his means, a couple of students w ero victed" and a few of them had . fo form a loon company and Uve In tbc " "Iow ront" area of Ute room In a eluster of desks by the door.

ls thls a terrlflc idea? U may be Just tbc blggest oyeopcncr to hit od dc a-tlon slncc nage 1B6 of the Junc. 1953. National Gcographlcs mogazmc In tbc libr ary______________.______

I should.havc had such a coursc .

-~lt*s o deduetkm for Soclal Socurt-ty."

"I don*t want lo Joln." he sald.

Mlfs not a tcnnls Club; Ifs o re-tlrement bencfM."

"1 alrcady pald for one In another box. Whal doca fcdcrol wUbhoktkag tax go for?"

"On your sal ary. a paper dlp for natlonaldcfcnsc."

. '.'Look.at thcsc.dcducUons! State

buys its own bank

PfflLĄDELFHiA j UPI)_=_ll_used.. and pcoplcj>liowTT incnmc wla^Trc—2l-year_38S,00ó^mnrtgagc_w1tb^DO

poor. not able to grt loans for borne Im- money down. Mrs. Lcvrls sald.

West Pfwemcnt cr rcpalrs," sold Nora "We anUdpate a large vdumc of

lo“be neorly Impoealblc for tbe elderly rcsldentsof

raoney, but co mm unity


Lewis, credit unlon preddent Resldents eon no w borrow money

loans for debt consolldaUoo and re-moddlag of horoes," sald credit unlon credit unlon at a 1S percent manager Leon Taylor. Tbe unlon ih-com-cal

.Uuit_MrM_befqre tbe bought its own banlC When one of the ne!ghborbood‘s fcw

Icndlag instltutloas moved out. a merdał rates of tip to 24 percent. great dlfflculty gelUag loans _any-communlty tmprovement—group-merdy“by ahowLng tbey can even- “ wberc." Taylor sald. movcd ln, bougbt tbc btzUdlng and tuallj repay the loan. Tbe 8-week-o:d opcocd tbe West PhUaddpfiia Com* lnstltutlon nas over 700 mcir.bcrs — munltyFwleral Credit Union.    wbo must purchase ooe SS share —

Tbe conccpt cmcrged wben the and asscts of 1500,000.

West PhUadclphla Fund for Humań Cntsadcr SaMngs and Loan dccldcd

itars to customcrs "wbo.would have


v»bcn I was ln grfldc scbool: I got~ tax! Charitablc contnbutions! Medl-AtlbccndofthcwtckU-.cy arcpaid. morrlcd thlnklng all money was _cal! Ducs! Whatniipoff! !'veworked Howcyct, 20 percent of tbelr money ls mlmeoRrophcd and wbencver a IcUer 40 solid, long. back-brcaking hourt for deduded for taxcs for tbc tcachcr’s carae wlth a sce-titrougb address. I all of thls. 1 can’t go on Iwing lłke

salary—Tbcn-Uicre'9-dcductlons-for—gdvrtttoTnybusbandTmd sar druida—thtr"-—-—

rent. Wfllcr, dectrtdty and a spccial noors - not Windows!"--

1 passed on throufih tbc mlradc of gcnctlcs one of the greatest matbe-matlca) mlnds of Ihc Htb ccntury to my chlldrcn. The first Job my son got.

money. At tbc

fcc for using the pencU shaipcncr.

SiudoaU arc fired for bclng absent from or lale lo thclr Jobs. If they arc "evlcted" for ncn payment of rent. thclr desks arc stackcd al the baęk of

• I dJdn‘t havc the hcart to tell hlm that 11 hc had to pay for his food, room. IlgMs, air conditioolng. beat.

dclcrtoratlng or abandoabd


"Tbcre wero a numberof mlnortUes

bedause It was Io6lnp money. Bul before )eavlr.g, Cnaadcr boosted tbc credit unlon by offcrlng WPFHD a

keep Interest-eamlng s at tbe credit unlon are avallable for poylng n alfio appllcd ved o fcderal charter tsofuptoflOO.t

Tbe object, he sald. "li m a do lerlorotlng nelgbborhood could be ab-soluteJy tumęd arouad."

savings sccounls and drafU billi. The for and


"The Ones He Really Wgntł!"


laundry, -medical. ćablc TV. dothcs he camc ln and sald, "I can't l)d!evc * tand phonc, wc*d havo to movrc bis.

tho room ond.thdr bclonglngsplledon_ut^l thlnk 1 owe Uicm money for desk to tbc garage and stack his

top.    ..... worktng. Whai/sTTCA?"."---t-bolongmgsoajopo.f It.    * _

Don’t Forget

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