JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992

elements from ethylene glycol model Solutions of chro-mium (III) chloride in the presence of ethanol or acetone and water measured by the proposed method are sum-marized. A formula is derived for determining the mass fraction of the impurity elements. The new method is capable of identifying iron, nickel, cobalt, copper, man-ganese, and calcium impurities at concentrations of up to 0.005%, magnesium at up to 0.0005%, and aluminum at up to 0.05%. Tables 1; references 2.

Atomie Absorption Analysis of Natural and Waste Water

927D0081G Moscow ZA VODSKA YA LABORATORIYA in Russian Vol 57 No 12, Dec 91 pp 19-20

[Article by N.N. Basargin, N.V. Chemova, Yu.G. Rozo-vskiy, Ye.V. Petrunovskaya, Institute of Ore Deposit Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry at the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow]

UDC 543.422:543.3

[Abstract] The importance of the analytical task of identifying heavy metal ions in natural and waste water and the Outlook for using chelating polymer sorbents for concentrating the microelements from natural waters are discussed and the possibility of using new chelating sorbents, particularly polystyrene-azo-4-oxy-3-arsonobenzene and polystyre-azo-3-sulfophenol-4 as well as polystyrene-methylene-imino-4-nitro-6-sulfophenol-l and polyorgs VII m for concentrating heavy metals and comparing the data on group concen-tration with subsequent atomie absorption identification for various elements, is investigated. The synthesis of polymer chelate sorbents and optimal group concentra-tion conditions are outlined and the analytical procedurę is described in detail. The optimum conditions of mca-suring absorption using an AAS-IN spectrometer are determined and the results of atomie absorption identification of elements in drinking water with additions and in ground water and waste water are summarized. The outeome of the experiments makes it possible to com-pare the selectivity, sorption completeness, and sorption capacity of various rcagents and shows that the new sorbents exceed the polyorgs VII m sorbent by a factor of 12-13 as well as ensure quantitative and selective extrac-tion of a sum of microelements at a lower concentration level than other reagents. Tables 3; references 5.

Coulometric Identification of Generic Iron in Iron Ore Materials

927D0081F Moscow ZA VODSKA YA LABORA TORIYA in Russian Vol 57 No 12, Dec 91 pp 14-16

[Article by A.N. Mogilevskiy, I.S. Sklyarenko, T.N. Chu-bukova, S.L. Bychinskiy, A.A. Komarov, L.I. Kolomoy-ets, Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Institute imeni V.I. Vemadskiy at the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow and State Ore Quality Inspection Gikyuzhruda, Krivoy Rog]

UDC 546.72:543.258

[Abstract) The shorteomings of popular titrimetric, che-latometry, and potentiometry methods of identifying iron in iron-containing materials with the help of standard titrants are discussed and a coulometric method with monitored potential (KKJP) is proposed. The method is based on employing Faraday’s law and is absolute, i.e., does not cali for using standard samples. The results of generic iron identification with the help of a PKU-2 precision coulometer unit in various standard iron-containing materiał samples from the Krivoy Rog basin at a 0.95 confidence are presented and a błock diagram of the PKU-2 unit is citcd. The analytical procedurę is described in detail and the curves for determining the formal redox potential of the Fe3*/Fe2* system in 1 M HC1 are plotted. It is noted that the proposed method is characterized by its Iow error and good reproducibility and reliability and may be used for large-scale monitoring of iron-containing materials. Fig-ures 2; tables 1; references 7: 6 Russian; 1 Western.

Chemical-Atomic-Emission Analysis of High-Purity Ga and In With Breakdown by Bromine Vapors in Confined VoIume

927D0081E Moscow ZA YODSKA YA LABORA TORIYA in Russian Vol 57 No 12, Dec 91 pp 10-12 [Article by L.L. Baranova, L.D. Berliner, B.Ya. Kapłan, M.G. Nazarova, State Scientific Research and Design Institute of Rare Metals Industry, Moscow)

UDC [543.681+543.683J:543.423

[Abstract) Ways of decreasing the detection threshold of impurities in high-purity metals by the chemical-atomic-emission analysis (KhAEA) method by using larger samples and the resulting symbatic inerease in the correction of the check cxperiment are discussed and a new method of decreasing the check experiment correction in analyzing high purity indium and gallium by adding the oxidant—bromine in this case—through the gaseous phase in a confined reactor volume rather than in an autoclave is described. The base element is sepa-rated by extraction during the analysis. The correctness of the procedurę for all impurities except Silicon is Ycrified by the additions method; Silicon analysis could not be confirmed. The analytical procedurę for In and Ga is outlined in detail and the analytical spectrum lines of all impurities in indium and gallium are summarized. A design drawing of the fluoroplastic vessel with a screw lid and a crucible base used in the analysis is presented. The method is capable of identifying 15 impurities in high-purity indium and gallium: Al, Bi, Cd, Ca, Co, Si, Mg, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Ag, Ti, Cr, and Zn. Figures 1; tables 1; references 1.


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