JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992

modem photomultiplier (FEU) photodetectors which are fast and virtually instantaneous for recording the ML phenomenon is discussed. A procedurę for examining the failure of a łaminar glass-reinforced plastic with a given reinforcement arrangement by the mechanolumi-nescence method under static (at 3 mm/min) and dynamie tension is presented. A błock diagram of the mechanoluminescence recording device on the basis of a photomultiplier and a błock diagram of a computer-aided recording and Processing dcvice are cited. The behavior of the mechanoluminescence and stress inten-sity under static and dynamie loading of various types of samples is plotted. It is shown that static and dynamie tension in iaminar glass reinforced plastic is accompa-nied by the deveIopment of mechanoluminescence which reflects the jump-like naturę of the stage-by-stage failure of the composite materiał. Figures 5; references 16: 13 Russian; 3 Western.

Second AH-Republic Seminar on Dynamie Strength and Crack Resistance of Stmctural Materials Under One-Time Impulse Loading

927D0062A Kiev PROBLEMY PROCHNOSTI in Russian No 9(267), Sep 91 pp 3-4

[Article by G.V. Stepanov]

[Abstract] The second all-republic scientific and engi-neering seminar on the Dynamie Strength and Crack Resistance of Structural Materials Under On-Timc Impulse Loading was held in Kiev on 20-22 September 1988 at the Strength Problems Institute of the Ukrainian Acadcmy of Sciences; it was organized by the Scientific Council on the problem of Mechanics of Deformable Rigid Bodies at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the Strength Problems Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the Ukrainian Republican Center for Exhibits and Fairs, and Science Pavilion of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Over 140 experts, 110 of them from out-of-town, and 53 organizations partici-pated in the seminar. Thirty-five reports and 62 poster presentations covering various aspects of stmctural materiał behavior under impulse loading were madę. They reflected today’s State of research in this field and the level of research in the area of strength and fracture under loading. Some of the reports are published as a book. References 2.

Phase and Structure Changes in Metals Under Pulse Straining in Strong Magnetic Fields

927D0063B Kiev PROBLEMY PROCHNOSTI in Russian No 9(267), Sep 91 pp 77-79

[Article by A.V. Stepuk, Kharkov Polytechnic Institute] UDC 620.192

[Abstract] Specific features of the dynamie processes occurring in stmctural materials—usually mctals and alloys with a Iow resistivity—under pulsed magnetic field are outlined and the thermal and mechanical effects of metal and alloy straining in pulsed strong magnetic fields (ISMP) in a submegaoersted rangę are considered and their behavior is analyzed. The contribution of thermal and mechanical effects is investigated and an attempt is madę to describe the physical model of the metal structure formation in the pulsed strong magnetic field affected area (ZV ISMP). In particular, elastic and plastic deformation and magnetohydrodynamic (MGD) flow are examined and heat-effect and mechanical-effect zones are identified. The development of residual stress after the effect of the pulsed strong magnetic field and its distribution pattem are analyzed. It is shown that during the martensite transformation in Steel, the interaction of the resulting martensite with the initial structure leads to the development of compressive stresses whose magni-tude depends on the amount of retained austenite. X-ray pattems of samples from stmctural Steel 65G and tool Steel U8 recorded in tf-radiation after the effect of pulsed strong magnetic field with a 4 ps duration and a 1.5 MOe amplitudę are cited to illustrate the phase and stmctural changes in metals. Figures 1; references 5.

Experimentally Analytical Method of Determining Strength Characteristics of Materiał Under Quasistatic Tensile Conditions

927D0062G Kiev PROBLEMY PROCHNOSTI in Russian No 9(267), Sep 91 pp 26-28

[Article by M.M. Astakhov, A.V. Loginov, L.P. Losh-manov, O.G. Kudryavtsev, A.Ye. Trotsenko, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute]

UDC 539.4

[Abstract] In order to avoid nonuniaxial strained States and decrease strength measurement errors during high-speed tensile tests, an experimentally analytical method is developed for calculating the strength characteristics of samples with a short effective member which does not have a uniaxial stressed State domain. To this end, the conditional yield strength of Steel 12Khl8N10T is deter-mined experimentally and analytically in samples of various effective member length within a 1-15 mm rangę under static and dynamie tension. The experimental load-time charts are plotted. The domains of nonu-niaxial (offset) strained State along the sample’s effective member length are established numerically by the finite elements method (MKE) using an AIDA-NEPTUN-KOMPAS software package. The experi-mental results are consistent with analytical data within the experiment’s margin of error. The use of this method also makes it possible to expand the rangę of straining rates under study. Figures 4; references 2.

Effect of High-Speed Straining and Temperaturę on Strength and Ductility Characteristics of Cr-Ni-Mo Steel

927D0062F Kiev PROBLEMY PROCHNOSTI in Russian No 9(267), Sep 91 pp 17-19

[Article by A.P. Vashchenko, V.P. Leonov, V.M. Tokarev, A.S. Eglit, Strength Problems Institute of the


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