' 0»< iMpłn '•mdy łiuh10 ihlr<^fttrnmT^^N»»nt>TKijnT sr> ta-iMtil
Iii tiursłnp resatarch. the Drlptit trchnkjue h»< h« n iued tu <i tnckftt* arem Ju diuJtLiie coiK'q>^. nriuiUfcsm Ułlcrvciiitofts Scfceffa dud ftuhtfłifcł.1 ut*d * IMphi «trv*y todeiineęrHMl litiftkUty in nuttihg. An iiMrrii<ttum<tl p*iwHr**m auu.Łonnłn?wmlni *he 1 V pirtA-pałt-d in Itii*. Hvc kcuwt (nur yc« «tudy»m «vlw,htta>fne(ssił» dcimmon swmcui w*vd«*łopcd Iii tuldttiot). \m hitw* <h |ht mntd łaifa:livć corajwnttttt) amJ «?vctj skifls Uoputtw 4StuiipołM?rtU) od crillcal thinfetag Ul miriing wrr» i. imtlfcod mul d«^ dapeiŁ IV dfcaiir ccanpttfrcnu ilklutlbd coiduleiu-c- iautertraj |>cnpeidis<e». ijnartyttydtadUdiłft IniptiMtfretiesi, Miiribdual mtegW>, mtiiUion. open imndedm*.. pcnKmttiHw.arrifrit)- iiulrtfcctłrm Hic angfftthrr cumpontan. nwUidcd snalręmg, -fppfyiMgaWiidard* diswrjinmalinK. iiitormailon seeking. logu**! tiraiapmg. tnedntiisg «nd Cfaostormiiigknowtedgi
'Mitiitmty, tlve tmdluygsof MtCuuheęn »lrti IhncMiribęs t*OQł wudy, *tadt wtiIkuKu! ilu- tmU • >< itltuUtan m nonłng prąciu.-*. industed IhatinnUtltW? to a prpdttct ot thr vyncrg) thst occues due u> ilw micnta urn «f o rimnber <>f facroropraowsing mirscs us« imunion ittd thc u*c ot intuition can riungc p-dim/diriit outcomes
lii u *łudy Wy Undacull n *1<thw examiitcd thr tiundn# csiy tuyftl* ol the attićuHy iD child, a emiv*j«| uwłytH oł 'nc*d w<r» MruŁmul«!ii Hemu# Uif ttmurptfcalretract Ind CTaluittw natonr n^uiml darifuutwin priui u* fU.uM? in the IMptrt wirycy Thcd^finlng arjnburesof need 4s d conccyn, wcre cmplov«-.i u> iwo $cenarxM «>t thr Mudys tira muruj in *utw«pn:nt round*. łhćn ipomieut* wćrt mtktd tó pnortnsr tho idcmtllird. a** mvó\ Ot iii «:hddren in n?]ahon lo ńniMcrtimce. ftequeucy -ind uuudmuro zĆBtfii&Ag Uełuy in nKetiug mdv aord.
i^nmch rt al OM)i) nmilucfccł a Delphi Judyto Utvdoj> ŁwnęHnwk*U» Iw u,vc<i asobiectiw meswures ,igam*t whu;h tbe<omfrfhifiw>vencssoł irłcphonę triage in Aotulem and f nit-rgcitcy <iqwrtincnts,. in rti&łkmto 10 ctynmion prćsentlng cnmpkutUi. tiuilit bc 4<uu^cd and te&ted. JU wan argutul thul tn esAiUlifthmg omseiUMa. ncw.4 on dimcał gmdelinfci Mul iUiifcv> (irktriiicti ami u,.irrvcntkv»nón sjwdtic dinlud aufc*\, iłic Hk-łpln mrty jłnn-klo an rlfcdift nican» ot <kvclo}ung *n rMilime hswyc whrrc other noururt. ot widcncc air Udcmg Acconiingly. Holwmb (JtRKt? conduayd a smd> to idenitty ilu* pratucr jauitics. indttdnig tlu» pnor«t« aml mtervciHKłi>> ot tuttoto proetmonris. tn thr piwidon ul prlnury ciro. A I >dphi j^inrl .>< I iV uursc pramuoncrs. tepresenfing puediaiik. fcunily. aiłull amJ womi;0x hcallli prąciice areat, ulenliriitl routmrly perthrmed
in their pracuc^ 'ttiU limlings Ulrtuifird 6 <ott.<vmpomml Of the mit*t pstmtlionrr jmutUr and Artt\ntics ypi*dfi» to pach speLiAliot.
Rurtei v\*oi th .nul Bishnp (1995) ttucd a I)rl|>ł^i 5lirVęy thii c/insifileJ op£H cittLed utu^luins u> ctuiniti^
o^ńinmm pmiicr, !H kcy alianadSth^Ui w»0» 77 niWiinn ratcgtutes t<»r pfnrkting i vj»i ma tn cait pra. <n« wtw łdcmiiteił Ilu- respondent* w£e iwkcd tn ^mUmcnt on «hr hicton,. Ituit tht priuritiCT uml tlić tnteryentwm. that ręaultcd m giwhty caty
Ońdgnłau di ul Qr( t l‘w) gmtuluited x «.tudy tu uioitih «ipj«onivi mttsing li<-ha\n>tm mJ £*tU>n tlrnt
hindaed ilu- rłłtx!)vc ptoyuton *4 tanuly fwuwHl pfillliHrf carę In thr hvwpit.il ot ymripaurd to the hnpu.c.
Ihf opcfT punc*. i oł^t. U v.r22 vpulltied Inun sewn w-jrdi o» one hospiial ihe utcntiiied
Mipponnc nunmg hrhavioufS imicrycntiotn.) mdutied pcttaimn^ t*» symptom comnil. prtwcy. timc aml hnnistd vi>nimunii itnm
In i.ytc and Jonr,v* (2001J rtudy, »da«.ilh-HiJnT) cyi-icm ot Infant « luld -«nd Adnli^ynt tlC.A) inu-nny diagnostaaml nurawic tiucnrimnnfr w»v drvcU>t'cii. turmy cigłn nunttng diugm>Mi>v. mcluding detuutton wid dtfmingduracteitincwsNićh d«outconirx weec ldentllied lud chttkally tUtrd tor tfirir uf Hity in ImjntWing coniniunlialUui iiul dccmuui mukmg the Uuauuimy provkhd 4 uiiiiinl l.mgaagi' mi llie UK tor lhv diUdmi. thrir lumilir*md tln łhildmA miivtł Ihi»rejuat. u*hlch ln'gan In 1993. rcpreMrut* the Uti^t rrpmling ot jm oagoing and uukgntted pnigranuju' of rmnuęh