Ihr Itełpłu Sun!) qi W«h Hew» W> Artk«iiiw tHc Car tWmi ołiNmrwHp <-*rv tn batami faltówłng u eoiwdcrannn Uf Ihc prot and com of thr wum* uptiony it w .w detlded lhuł Rounda 2 an:l i *rtMil be used (o eawnlftC che coce demem* »>ł nuretog cart- at it»* all arenie uf mirdng Adupllng an appnwch Itui ctamined (h*generał and the mcnul heałlh nuńłlng*cpa»*U’ly n««c<m$tdcred lo muli lu «uiimty fragiaKsjul ńl hiulinjip dt un earty sute of 1 NMfJS dmtopment Ihc dccumm was madę lina tht vót* ?tatt«of*nnon wnuld be ilrtejraincd by owatmatteuddtmjdacross ihc luli gfijufi «»f respondent* Ihc srrcngiłt of cwnMfti»•>: on Henn; wouldta*tedcd by eiarmoing dilTereni ispe-.ts»d Vvu »Utm> such as therdeYineeof Uw urm$'tatU-indmdtud* prącilvc (Round Ti. 11 wa>s olwitlccUkd lo ockiuiwljedgc Hic variatUm lu rmlug* «n *wmr «en»ov pmvj(łtng<]immitalivr ieedbui on rat mg* madę by ll»e wliole giuup nul ł»> etthcr the niemal httith / u«*ml nursińg subgroup ^ptrnding <m the bflckgroiimj of tbc respondent i Ihc taglll ollhf *uj \*y mltigjSkd sg&mt 'rxplodt«g' Hemtk-włicce consensus was rcached m Round t.imo a mnuhr r .>! lomniuumt «-!mwnt>.

Furt het uuly-sis within the grgup* ai ftound l ttv<y»lcd .iddu umai ditfrrtnu:* aceordlng lo prac tke    11

This was musi .sutking m consfckrirtg r.UtngJ nudę by Ihc mcutal heallb ttuwi working InciKumumiy »nd acute aetlingś. where a kup? mimber of wgnilkant dilTctvnecs tn item biling* werr nolcd Hus pbcnomcUon ^ dtmintshed in lntcm«v In Mib*ćqucm rounds, Indlcaung sumę shift towanl .1 cotuesuual |K*nit>»- But uten the contcxi o( diifrrences beiwesn Łhe niemal he.dth and the generał imrses, ihc wUhłti gmup diffcrrns.es Mit* ctnpłmlfced Ibf nced to be śenx»t»ve t<» taul rcsjuuemenUin plannitiy the content ot the I

menul taalth and    t i"'    ^    ,u**mu* l,cnu łrr,,»* «ound X fióruernw wthta thr

« dcmoimrated |„ ^je9 f ZąFTi    ^    m dccidnR w '■"*"* comat ,hw

in Boi ind 3 wlihin the    ‘'    ‘ n°Uvł ti>al    was advtevctl on ten palicnl ptubirnu

tonsemiB. ^ 4<hw^ Włt}||n    Und nw w,lh,n ,hc tu” of rtafom^nts). In Mml

laiftkłiig ał the mcmai heaith i>Ur<1 " i * nUWl^'SU ^toul1 on viłdtt imersentton? and one coordinanon U&

‘memonwas, feu, cuwdtmrkm«‘ t    ****** "*• «hk*v«l on ftve patiem pn.dtkrm.nw> mudng

fi.1W°nuni^^«—* rn    «-

"*    rtfc,s*« ^cn.thckm of, mmuntim «. of )UB«, M

on mat mirsrtng care setu^ 1, T' “T* 3rcas cdfe-in fWięc, MMDS óerthęm h*ve D,w,l>* eUłu*geirHnit), The I NMOŚisdi ^ usion of le-K- taospilńl, based tarr peńope?atlvcesttot

'uirstng, Htf Urrio ri »[ ()9v), ilcfininon    " Pn,fM,m 10 w,Ver bo,,l nwntal health mid generał

™ **    'o ditfrr aoow m^irur M> c    '**    nced* of NMDS um*. whd-

trCnt łieitinK* I* Iherętorc rceornm.- nd< d ^ °mt scxwttivily t<* the tnformauon re^tiircmenu ot nurses *


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