The Sl'iv.ik Instilutc of Metrology (SML'ł. Bratislava, Slovak Repuhlic the comparabilily of national standard*. dcclared in accordancc wilh Ihc Mutual Rccognilion considcnng the bilatcral intcicsl in inutual scicitlific and lechnological cooperation.
Coopcration will covcr the foliowing arcas in partictilar:
1. preparation and tealization of projecls for Ihc dcvelopmcnt of metrology.
2. cotitparison of national and other tefercncc standards,
3. performance of scienlitic work in the field of metrology,
4. cducation and scicntific training.
agrcc in writing on supplcmatts and eatensions or on the cancellation of the Memorandum,
Warszawa. £112) 1oo£,
Bratislava, /£ fOOf
S!ovak Instilute of Metrology
Or Slanislav DuriS Director General