64 TRIBOLOGIA 3-2015
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The paper presents the results of the mechanical and tribological coatings of carbon a-C, a-C:H and a-C:N coatings. The hardest coatings H = 17 GPa is a non-hydrogenated a-C coating, while the softest one is a-C:H - 7 GPa. Tribological tests performed at 20°C exhibited the Iowest coefficient of friction 0.05 for the a-C coating. In a case of this coating, the Iowest value of wear index was also measured. The hydrogenated and nitrogenated coatings have higher friction \i = 0.14 and 0.24 respectively. However, the wear of these coatings was higher than for a-C, but it was still at Iow level comparing to typical ceramic coatings. In contrast, the hydrogenated a-C:H coating exhibited the best wear resistance at 300°C. The wear index was only 50% higher than at room temperaturę and the friction coefficient varied within the rangę of 0.03-0.05. The nitrogenated coating a-C:N has 20 times higher wear than the a-C:H coating, although the friction coefficient was only 0.05 over the whole test duration - 20000 cycles. The best coating (a-C) at in room temperaturę was the worst at elevated temperatures. This coating was completely destroyed after 7000 cycles.