17. Ferma duo to deposltlon of minerał salta by he&ted underground water
1. Cones, funnels
2. Rlaa
Y. Suffoslanal forma
I. R;zma due to oorraslon of underground water 1* Suffoalonal /auboutansous/ dlmpllng
2* Suffoalonal pita leaa than 2m, deep mora than 2m, deep
3. Suffoalonal bllnd ralleys 4* Suffoalonal ahafta
3* Suffoalonal oaTtm entranoea
0# 0 lam lal forma
I. Deatruotlonal forma due to glaclal eroslon 1« Roohea moutonneea up to 5m. ln helght 3 - 10m. In helght 10 - 3Om, ln helght morę than 3Cta. ln helght wlth gradlenta of alope «... wlth a thln moralnlo reneer
2, Groorea aeperatlng roches moutonnes
3, Smoothed surfaces
4, Sldes of glaolal rcok baalna and ohaanela
wlth gradlenta
leaa than 30°
morę than 30°
3, Glaolal rlegela
6, Plalna due to scourlng
wlth a thln moralnlo reneer
7# Terminal baalna
II, Forma due to modlfloatlon of preglaolal featurea by mountaln glaolera
1, Corries, olrąuea
due to alteratlon of former rlrer valley heada /aprlng amphltheatrea/
2, Corrles, olrąuea
due to alteratlon of land-slip soars
3, 7alley corrlea, olrąuea
due to alteratlon of portlons of unreju-renated preglaolal ralleys
4, Sldes of oorrlea, elrąues wlth gradlenta of less than 13
15 - 30°
morę than 30°
5, Sldes of glaolal troughs wlth gradlenta of less than 15
15 - 30°
surę than 30°
6, Sldes of glaolal troughs oorered wlth a lateral moralne