2• Dereloplng barchana up to 3ra. high 5 - 10ra. high 10 - 30ra. high 3. Longltudinal dunea a/up to 3m. high 3 - 10o. high 10 - 3Om. high aort than 30 m. high b/aotire stablliaad
4* Transrerae dunea
a/ up to 3m. high 3 - 10m. high 10 - 3On. hign morę than Jon. high b/ active stabllised
3. Parabollforra dunea a/ up to 3m. high 3 - 1Co. high 10 - 30n. high morę than 3Ckn. high b/ aotive atabilleod
6. Dune fielda /lrregular dunes/
7. Dune nets /creat lines narked/
8. Conioai dunes
9. Sandy plains due to aeolian accumulatlon
10. Sand heaps
11. Sand strips
12. Sond and ailt mounda around vegetatlon
13. Loess plains due to aeolian aooumulation Forma ot linmic origin
I. Deatructional forma due to abraslon by lakę water
1. Aotlve clitl
2. Abandoned oliff
3. V/ave-cut platform
4. tfave-out terrcce plain
3. Wave-cut notches /abandoned/
Cign |
Tertiary Paleogene J |
II. Constructlonal form3 due to lakę water deposltion
1• Beaoh
forraed by gravel /shingle/ sand
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