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Poliah mattera, huve gi/en cause for objeotion on the par^ ^ of the Polish Government. The ^cliah Embaaay have approaohed the Foreign Office for their intervention in the following oases:

broadcasta in reoent weeks, dealing wi th .    '




On the 22nd .iiarch, 1944, the attention of the Foreign Office »a4 drawn to the text of ilt. Alexander .Verth's oommentary read in the Ho me iervioe on Sunday, the bth ^arch. The Embaasy pointed out that a hen apeak-ing about the aituation of Flnland and Poland, tir. v.erth treated both oountries on the same piane, regardleee of the faot that they are in different oamps. Further, .»hen commenting on the ordera given by the Polish Goyernment to the Uitferground Movement to oo-operate *ith the Red *rmy, Ur» tferth implied that only a part of this Movement. continues to take orders from London.



Cn the 28th karoh, the JSinbaasy re^ueated the Foreign Office to oxerciae their influence with the B.B.C. with a vie« to their ceasing to broadoast the ^Prayda’statement regarding taking of the oath by the "fhird Poliah Infantry Diviaion' in Rusaia. It was streased that this news waa untimely, it being known that the Rueaiana deaire to repreeent theae unita - ahioh «ere oreated at the aide of the Red Army without the agreennt of the Polish Government, and for politieal purpoaea of the Soviet Goyernment - as "legał" armed f orce a &n "independent" ^olish State. Moyeover, enlistment into this Division waa in aome casee oarried out by means of forceei conscription.

In conae^uenoe of theae objections, this item was eventually withdra.vn from the communi ^ud.


On the same ocoasion, the Kmbassy handed to the Foreign Office an informal notę regarding the B.fl.C’s freąuent use of the term "Aestern Ukrainę*' *hen desoribing


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