July 10th, 1944.
l'y lear Pr i me Minister,
Havin$? nlwrye hcen nwr.re ot your forcmrrbie ottitude * nnd unć!©rotan<Unfr for probiera of eupportinff ou* 5nder-
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gflWfl I -n t i lU tar HI orty r:C r:,inr *yy
your ftid ln «n eppnrenily smali matter, bciur neyerthcles? one which, nccorrllnc to the Information receivo<3 fron the \lr Office* ConnandingM.n-^hief of the ; olieh .ir Force froci the Air ttlnietry, reąulreo your pereonal eonaont hefore It ccm reach realiartloru Cor-ramicnticm with Polond le ln oatiafnctory prorrecs fron the Pace in Itnly# nevcrthelas« the moot importont ph-^se ir> now
optmlnpr* - 169
'lie j olieh erews in fto»ię3ć peolal :)uty Flight, heinr woli nepuointed with the termin in the reepectlve parte of thelr own country, h re trlyon a hirher pereentnre of eniccceoful o^or^ionc th n thelr TJritieh oelle (tuob, in opite of rreat dilircnce ln thelr preporatlon m& rrert Iceormeep. oti the port of the lat ter.
Tne Rt. Hon.rWineton S. Churchill, P.C., M.P. ^e lr
Jrime Minister.
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