There are on German territory approrlmateły 2.400.000 Poliah oitiaena, a considerable percentage of whoa oonsists of prlaonera ot war and IndiTidnala falllng within military ago groupa. Thia number representa about 22% ot the to tal number of "Diaplaoed Persona" held within the original boundariea of Germany The map attaohed aa Appendlx "A" gives, aa far aa la knoim/the looation by groupa of these Poliah oitlaena, and Appendlx "B", an analysia of the figjoree, both aa regarda age groupa and sez.
2. It is understood that the Goremnents of the United Nationa, in oo-operation with -the United Nationa Relief and Rehabilitation Adminis tration, are preparing piana for the handling of the Diaplaoed Persona problem. Subjeot to ’ the diffioulties shioh may arlae orer the ooncentration, re gis tration and transport of Diaplaoed Persona, the ąueation of returning the oitizens of France, Belglnm, Holland, eto., to theiar cnm oountriea would appear to preaent no partiou-lar diffioulties. In the oaae of the Poliah oitiaena, hcsrersr, the matter ls oosplioated by the faot that:-
/*/ Poliah territory in generał, h&ying been & b&ttle-ground twioe, or in parta three timea, in reoant years, will hare suffered so much deraatation that the repatriation of the diaplaoed population may not be possible until the indiapenaible ml nim— of eoonomio re-establiahment haa taJcen place/
A/ Poliah territory, or part of it, may atill be under foreign oooupation or oontrol durlng the Armiatioe period, with the result that the repatriation of a rasriber of Poliah oitizens ncar in Germany, will have to be poatponed.
For both theae reaaona it appeara likely that, when the time oomea for generał meaaurea of repatriation from Germany, the Poliah Gorerrment may be obliged do delay the return of a large proportion of the 2.400.000 of their oitiaena, re-ferred to in Para.l abcnre.
3* It la BUggested, therefore, that stępa be taken aa soon aa possible to
ro-inoorporate Poliah prisoners of war in German oaptirity, and enlist all oitizens of mili tary age, into the Poliah Armad Fbroes.
4. Suah & solntion would both reduoe the problema oonneoted with the main-
tenanoe of Poliah oltisens in Germany until their repatriation; and it would in-oreaae numbers in the Poliah Armed Foroea. Theae oould in tum, aubjeot to
Mutual agreement, aaaist the Alliea, not only in th$ tank of oooupylng Germany, but also in other taaks oonneoted with the ultimata oonduot of the war - shioh, for thoae nationa in a tata of war with Japan, will not end with the defe&t of Germany.