Summaries 195
Over one third of academic career development agencies is confirming that it is hard for their graduates to find employment and often many-months job-hunt does not bring desired effects. The majority of offers submitted by employers is regarding temporary work - these are proposals of smali and micro companies. Meanwhile potential employees are most interested in a steady job, particularly when it is offered by a big or average company. It is noticed that for employees of career development agencies acting in: technical higher education institutions, Warsaw colleges as well as private higher education institutions do decidedly morę rarely see threats connected with acquiring the work by their graduates.
Keywords: qua;i1ications, competence. higher education institutions, academic career development agencies, students, graduates, employers.
Stanisław Macioł
The author is presenting chosen results of the questionnaire survey conducted amongst over 600 employers from the entire Poland, this comprising almost 90 from the region of Masovia, pertaining to the demand for qualifications and competence of graduates of higher education institutions entering the labor market. The survey is pointing to a maladjustment of competence of graduates to the expectations of employers, and to a distinct divergence between the directional structure of education in Polish higher education institutions and the structure of the education expected by the economy. Graduates’ competence sought by employers are different from competence possessed by these graduates. Employers notice particularly the lack of well-developed generał, soft competence of the majority of graduates, competence that considerably increase the chances to get work and have a professional success. The article also contains information about the structure of the demand for graduates of specific groups of studies planned in surveyed companies for 2012-2015.
Keywords: competence, graduates, higher education institutions, employers.
In the article a presentation of the qualifications and competence that graduates of higher education institutions possess and which are expected by employers of Masovia. For that purpose the results of the quality survey were used, precisely 45 deepened individual interviews (IDI) with the heads and owners of companies (smali, average and big) in the region. In the course of the survey identified and described were mechanisms and proce-dures applied in companies in order to assess the degree of adaptation of the qualifications and competence with which graduates are equipped by the college to the ones expected by the market, as well as the process of recruitment and the system of evaluations and verification of the gualifications, and action taken by employers in case of discrepancies