Precipitation in Poland in long-period Averages


Fig. 1. Coefficients of regression and estimation of validity. Period from beginning of observations (1813—1878) up to 1958

1 — stations taken into account; 2— essential interdependence Fig. 2. Coefficients of regression and estimation of validity. Period from 1851 to 1958.

1 — stations taken into account; 2 — essential interdependence Fig. 3. Coefficients of regression and estimation of validity. „Full“ period fiom 1900 to 1959 1 — stations taken into account; 2 — essential interdependence Fig. 4. Coefficients of regression, estimation of validity and character of tendency. „Reduced“ period from 1900 to 1959

1 — stations taken into account; 2 — essential interdependence; 3 — lines of identical change of precipitation expressed in mm/year

Fig. 5. Coefficients of regression and estimation of validity in different parts of Poland. „Reduced“ period from 1900 to 1959

I—Northwestern Poland; II—Northern and Eastern Poland; III—Central Poland; IV—Western Poland; V—Southern Poland (without mountains); VI—Mountains. Numbers defining values of coefficients

Fig. 6. Annual total precipitation and mean annual Wolf indices, smoothed by the method of 3-year moving averages. Period from 1842 to 1958 Fig. 7. Annual total precipitation in subperiods surrounding sunspot maxima and sunspot minima (taking into account the mean Wolf index = 50). Period from 1851 to 1958

I    — total precipitation at minimum of sunspots; 2 — total precipitation at maximum of sunspots; 3 — mean sums of precipitation at maximum of sunspots; 4 — mean sums of precipitations at minimum of sunspots

Fig. 8. Regions grouped according to their frequency of total precipitation in the various classes / — the Pomerian Lakę District, II — the Masurian Lakę District, III — Central and Western Poland, IV — the Lublin Plateau, V — the Silesian Lowland, VI — the Sudeten Foreland, VII — the Kraków—Częstochowa Plateau, VIII — the Subcarpathian Lowland, IX — the Western Beskides, X — the Sącz Beskides, XI — the Podhale region Fig. 9. Frequency of monthly total precipitation in various classes, for the individual regions, for the 6 winter months, in per cent values (Polygonal curves)

A—, D—, G—: 1 — the Pomerian Lakę District, 2 — the Masurian Lakę District; B, E, H—: 3 — Central Poland, 4 — the Lublin Plateau, 5 — the Silesian Lowland, 6 — the Sudeten Foreland, 7 — the Kraków—Częstochowa Plateau, 8 — the Subcarpathian Lowland, C—, F—, I—: 9 — the Western Beskides, 10 — the Sącz Beskides,

II    — the Podhale region

Fig. 10. Frequency of monthly total precipitation in various classes, for the individual regions, for the 6 summer months, in per cent values (Polygonal curves)

A—, D—, G—: 1 — the Pomerian Lakę District, 2 — the Masurian Lakę District; B—, E—, H—: 3 — Central Poland, 4 — the Lublin Plateau, 5 — the Silesian Lowland, 6 — the Sudeten Foreland; C—, F—, 1—: 7 — the Kraków—Częstochowa Plateau, 8 — the Subcarpathian Lowland, 9 — the Western Beskides, 10 — the Sącz Beskides, 11 — the Podhale region

Fig. 11. Frequency of total precipitation in classes from 25 to 225% of mean values, for the individual regions. Year and seasons (Histograms)

Fig. 12. Frequency of total precipitation in classes from 25 to 175% of mean values, for the Polish Lowland and the Polish Carpathians, and for all of Poland. Year and seasons (Histograms)


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