IIarenf7 Aug.1947*
T0i57 DPACS.
Reforring to your order of 2-nd Auguot 1947 nny I let you know, that the ment&oned in thls order wood la dircded wlthoud delay to the Bakery. I wieh by thls oppirtunity to etate aa foliowex
1) I gn In a great móasure aurprleedfthat the above mentioned order of you was abylously based on informatlona whlch were not oorreot.I think that hearłng from my aide informatlono about taking wood from the bakery would be the proper basls to take by you the aproprlate meaeures.
2) The pianka ln ąuestion never wao tho property of the Bakery and never served the purpoaea of the Bakery,they were epplied by the town workere ln preaent aocomodotlon of the Bakery to bulld
a wali ln the atore house.which ocoupled that room.After the bull-ding was hondod to the 3akery,following the ?;ioh of the Bnkery manager that wali wae remoyed and the piankę to be ueed for other purpoaee.Ao there was no other rooo to etore them tho pionka were left wlth agreement of the manager ln the Bakery in a room beslde the Bakery.^hon my workero appeared to take thoee there arose the ąuestion of my my Interferring with the Bakery and followed your order to reetoro immediatoly the planks.
3) I admited your order,to aend anythlng to tho Bakery by your madlation only,and the known wood Ib not a llttlo nogetive to thle order.(look at point 2.ofthi8 paper).
Camp Leader
4) Durlng your conference I asked you* to glve me a paper, regulatlng the whole affair of the Bakery.1 am waltlng still to-day for that paper.