In connection with morę and fcors often repeating beatial lneldente, volvca by German pciice in k^oiish Camp ot DPe., the inńabitants >f the Camj w, aseeznbled on the Gig aeeting, in the hall ot ol-
nematograph f 'ołonie", on the day 1.11.1947, they reaolve the folio* wi. ig resoiution:
1. ttemecberlng the aacrifice of 7 ^Śilllooa of Polas lali r murdersd by Wehrmacht. Gestapo and German polio* tn the tirae 1939-1945* to addreao to the higheat Britiah author1tlee wlth a demand for to isaue iamedlatly an absolute order forbiddlng German polioe to euter, under whaterer pretext, t)ie Polish DPs Canps.
2. IM© most eeTere panishroent of this officcrs who oommanded the gang of German police durlng the reviaion in the Campa: Liuimer and Rhumspringen.
3. Jhe m sfc aerere puniehment od all this German policemen whof aotL.ig *ixln| revisi*;ns in bim/ter and fihumsprongen*, tormented inhabitants of the Camps i i fch« beast mauncr, beating, steallng and oursir.g emerything w»>at ie Polish.
4. Issuing the offieial atatement for German press, rectifjKing a-id błam iWę the aocideots la tho Camps: Limiter and Rhumsprongen, iiiTolved excusively by German police,
b* J&coinpłishinent of morę skilful and morę exaci aelection of German p ice membera, whó morę and morę reseoble in his ecti-▼itles to hit1ertan hangmans fr concentrati-oj ?•'■
6. To aubject Poiiah Displaoed Peraons exciusively underrprotec-tion of British ór International authorities.
We cali the British authorities attention on this, that morę and morę often are renewd wounda on our hearts, done to ua by German hangmana during the p~st war. Gloomy pietures of past in cenoentratlon oair.pa are to off remlnded to ua and it involves a revolt against this wh?t World bas hamed half a year ago in Eiirnberg the injuatice and what bogiń now to oblige repectively gor to Displeced Persona. We waru