used as a filier in hot niix asphalt (Modarres and Rahmanzadeh. 2014). cement (Belkheiri et aL 2015; Qiu et aL 2011). eonerete (Wang et al., 2015). ceramic and refraetories (Li and Han. 2006). brieks (Jin-Ho Jung et al.. 2005; Yoo et al.. 2005). lightweight aggregates (Haibin and Zhenling. 2010). dye for paint and cnameling (Damiane et al.. 2009). and othcr applications.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figurę 7.2 Coal minę waste rocks dumps in Jcrada city. Moroeco; (a) old coal waste rocks. (b and c) rccent coal waste croeks. (d) wbite salts deposits in the
proximity of coal wastes.
The use of CMWR in briek making industry is one of the most sustainable and efticient management ways. At the industrial scalę, two briek plants in China (Fan et al.. 2014)
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