Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount, 1862-1933.

Der VOlkcrbund / von Viscount Grey (Sir Edward Grey); mit cinem Vorwort von alt Bundesrat Comtessc.

Zlłrich : Orell FUssIi, 1918.

20    p.

I microfichc Order no. ILM-4431

Guthrie, William D. (William Damcron), 1859-1935.

The covcnant of the Leaguc of Nations as embodied in the Vcrsaillcs treaty of pcacc with Germany, dated June 28, 1919 : a rcview / by William D. Guthrie.

[New York : s.n., 1920)

82 p.

I microfichc Order no. 1LM-4432

Guthrie, William D. (William Damcron), 1859-1935.

The l.eaguc of Nations and miscellaneous addresses / by William D. Guthrie.

New York : Columbia Univcrsity Press,


ix, 383 p.

5 microfichc Order no. ILM-4434

Hainel, .1. A. van (Joost Adriaan van),


Dc macht van den Volkenbond tot het bevorderen van den vrcdc : vcrslag ccncr redevocring, gehouden voor de haagschc aldccling der Verceniging voor volkenbond en vredc, op dinsdag 26 febr. 1924 / door J.A. van llamel.

Lcidcn : A.W. SijtholT, f 1924],

21    p.

1    microfiche-Order no. ILM-4435

Hardman, Frederick, 1814-1874.

'Hic Spanish campaign in Morocco / by Frederick Hardman.

Fdinburgh : W. Blackwood, 1860.

141, 323 p.

4 microfichc Order no. 1TM-4222

Harley, John Eugene, 1892-Thc l.eaguc of Nations and the new intcmational law / by John Eugene Harley. New York : Oxford Univcrsity Press, 1921. ix, 127 p.

2    microfichc Order no. ILM-4436

Harriman, Edward Avery, b. 1869.

The constitution at the cross roads : a study of the legał aspects of the l.eaguc of Nations, the Pcrmancnt Organization of Labor and the Pcrmancnt Court of International Justicc / by Edward A. Harriman.

New York : Gcorgc H. Doran Company, cl 925.

xv,    274 p.

3    microfichc Order no. II.M-4437

Harris, Henry Wilson, 1883-Gencva, 1921 : an aecount of the sccond Asscmbly of the l.eaguc of Nations / by II. Wilson Harris.

London : The Daily News : l.eaguc of Nations Union 11921J 32 p.

1    microfichc Order no. 1LM-4438

Harris, Henry Wilson, 1883-

The Leaguc of Nations / by II. Wilson


New York : J. Capc & H. Smith, [ 1929|

127    p.

(New library )

2    microfichc Order no. ILM-4439

Harris, Henry Wilson, 1883-What the Leaguc of Nations is / by II.

Wilson Harris.

London : Ci. Allen & Unwin, 11925 J

128    p.

2 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4440

Harris, Lawrence

With Mulai Hafid at Fez: behind the scenes in Morocco / by Lawrence Harris.

London Smith, Eldcr, 1909.

xvi,    270 p.

4    microfichc Order no. ILM-4683

Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1854-1943.

Manuał of American history, diplomacy, and government: for class usc / by Albert Bushnell Hart.

Cambridge, [Mass.]. Harvard Univcrsity, 1908.

xvi, 554 p.

6 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4642

Hartzfeid, Carstus Albertus Jacobus.

Ecn conciliatic-burcau bij den Volkcnbond / door C.A..I. Hartzfeid.

Amsterdam : Scheltema& Holkema, 1926.

12 p.

I microfichc Order no. 1LM-4441

Heerfordt, Christian Frederik, 1871-|Nyt Europa. German |

Ein neues Europa : erstes Buch : libcr Mittel und Wcgc zur Zusammenarbeit und zum politischen Fricdcn auf unscrcm Erdtcil: ein Diskussionsgrundlage / dargeboten von C.F. Heerfordt; aus dcm Danischcn Ubersctzt von J. Christianscn.

Stuttgart: Deutsche Vcrlags-Anstałt, 1926. 183 p.

2 microfichc Order no. ILM-4442


Heile, Wilhelm, b. 1881.

Nationalstaat und Volkerbund : Gedanken iiber Deutschlands curopaischc Scndung / von Wilhelm Heile.

Halbcrstadt : H. Mcycfs Buchdruckcrci,


xv, 101 p.

2 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4443

Henderson, Arthur, 1863-1935.

The Leaguc of Nations and labour / by the Arthur Henderson.

London : Oxford University Press, 1918.

13 P-

(Leaguc of Nations series)

2 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4429

Herron, George Davis, 1862-1925.

The greater war / by Gcorgc D. I lerron.

New York : M. Kcnncrlcy, 1919.

3-101 p.

2    microfichc Order no. ILM-4444

Hicks, Frederick C. (Frederick Charles), b. 1875.

The new world order: international organization, intcmational law, international coopcration / by Frederick Charles Hicks. Garden City, N.Y. : Doublcday, Page & Company, 1920. viii, 496 p.

6 microfichc Order no. II.M-4445

Hill, David Jayne, 1850-1932.

American world policics / by David Jayne Hill.

New York : Gcorgc 11. Doran Company, cl 920.

vii-xiii, 15-257 p.

3    microfichc Order no. ILM-4446

Hill, David Jayne, 1850-1932.

The Leaguc of Nations, its court, and its law : American coopcration for world peacc / by David Jayne Hill.

Washington : G.P.O., 1923.

24 p.

([U.S.| 68lh Congrcss, Ist session, Senate, Documcnt; No. 9 )

I microfichc Order no. 1LM-4447

MARC records for all titles in Part 2 are available through IDC Publishers



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