HOUDAYER, Alain J«an, Foster Radlatlon Lab., McClll Unlveralty, Montreal, Qu€bec, H3C 3G1 HOUSTON, J. Douglas, 10 Lawndale Cr., Bramalea, Ontario, L6S 3L4

HOWARD, Betty, Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouv«r, B.C., V6T 1W5 HOWARD, Roger, Dept. of Phyaica, Unlverslty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 HOWARD-LOCK, Helen E., 138 Northshore Blvd. E., Burlington, Ontario, L7T IWA (J)

HOWE, Lloyd C., 127 Bessborough Dr., Toronto, Ontario, MAC 3J7

HOWLETT, Lealle E. , 1702-71 Somerset St. West, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2G2

HRON, F., Department of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 2J1

HRUSKA, Jaroslava, E.M.R., Earth Physlcs Br., 1 Observatory Cres., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OEA

HUBER, K.P., Herzberg Inst. Astrophyslcs, N.R.C., Room 1057, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6

HUBERT, Manfred H., 15 Valley Woods Road, T-H-94, Don Mills, Ontario, M3A 2RA

HUGHES, Davld G. , Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1

HUGHES, Terence J. , Radlologlcal Research Labs., Medlcal Sciences Bldg., Unlverslty of Toronto, Toronto,Ont.M5S HUGHES, Vlctor A., Physlcs Department, Queen's Unlverslty, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6 HULBERT, John A., P.O. Box 1181, Deep Rlver, Ontario, KOJ 1P0

HUNT, James L., Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIC 2W1

HUNT, John W., Ontario Cancer Instltute, 500 Sherbourne St., Toronto, Ontario, MAX 1K9 (J)

HUNT, Robert Nelson, Grandę Pralrle Reg. College, Grandę Pralrle, Alberta, T8V 2WA (A)

HUNTEN, D.M., Lunar & Planetary Lab., Unlverslty of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721, U.S.A.

HUNTER, James A., Exploratlon Geo. Dlv., Geo Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0E8 HUNTER, W.S., 14048-113 A Ave., Surrey, B.C., V3R 2K4 (A)

HUNTLEY, Davld J., Dept. of Physlcs, Simon Fraser Unlverslty, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6 HURFORD, G.J., 354-33 Cal. Tech., Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.

HURST, Donald G., 160 Leopold Drlve, Ottawa, Ontario, K1V 7E3 HUSCHILT, John, Dept. of Physlcs, Unlv. of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4 HUTCHEON, Davld A., TRIUMF, Unlverslty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. , V6T 1W5 HUTCHISON, Thomas S., Dean of Science, Royal Mllltary College, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 2W3 HUTT, Daniel, Box 607 Howe Hall, Dalhousle Unlverslty, Hallfax, N.S., B3H 3J5 (S)

IMBEAU, Jacques, 1473 les Eboulements, Chlcoutlml, Quebec, G7H 4L9

INCH, Rodger W., Radlology Dlv., Dept. of Therapeutlc Rad., Vlctorla Hoapltal, London, Ontario, N6B 1E6

INC, Harry, Box 1133, 9 Sumac Ct., Deep Rlver, Ontario, KOJ 1P0

INGLOD, Chrlstopher F., P.O. Box 712, RR #5, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3N3 (S)

INHABER, Herbert, 79 Boucher, Hull, Qu6bec, J8Y 6C7

INNANEN, K.A., Physlcs Department, York Unlverslty, Downsvlew, Ontario, M3J 1P3 (A)

IRETON, H.J.C., 76 Lonsdale Rd., Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1W5

IRFAN, M., Physlcs Dept., Memoriał Unlverslty of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld., AlC 5S7 IRIBARNE, Julio V., Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 (J)

IRWIN, Davld J.G. , Physlcs Department, College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S., B1P 6J1 IRWIN, John C., Physlcs Dept., Simon Fraser Unlverslty, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6 ISENOR, Neli R., Physlcs Dept., Unlveralty of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 ISGUR, Nathan, Physlcs Dept., Universlty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7

ISMAIL, Nassar A., Unlv. of Michigan, Nuclear Eng. Dept., Auto Lab. Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104, U.S.A. ISRAEL, Werner, Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1 ISSA, Loutfl N., #211-90 Crćpeauville, St. Laurent, Qu6bec, H4N INI (J)

IVEY, Donald G., Dept. of Physlcs, Unlwerslty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A1 IZATT, Jerald R., Dćpt. de Physlque, Unlversite Laval, Qu6bec, Qu6bec, GIK 7P4

JACKSON, B.J., 11 Harrogate Place, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 5L6    DMBP

JACKSON, Davld Phllllp, Solid State Sc. Branch, Chalk Rlver Nuclear Labs., Chalk Rlver, Ontario, KOJ 1J0 (J)

JACKSON, Donald R., CN Rall Research Center, 3950 Hlckmore Ave., Montreal, Quebec, H4T 1K2    DOP

JACKSON, Malcolm, 19 Groveland Cres., Don Mills, Ontario, M3A 3C4

JACKSON, Ray W., Science Council of Canada, 150 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KIP 5P4

JACOBS, Allan E., Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7    DCMP, DTP

JACOBS, John A., Dept. of Geodesy & Geophyslcs, Cambridge Univ., Madlngley Rlse Madlngley Rd., Cambridge

CB3 0EZ, England    CGU

JACOBS, Patrick W.M., Dept. of Chemlstry, Unlverslty of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7 (J)    DCMP

JACQUES, Claude, 1283 des Plns, Slllery, Quebec, GIS 4J4

JACQUES, Plerre, D6pt. de Physlque, Unlv. de Montrćal, 2900 Boul.Edouard-Montpetlt, C.P.6128, Montreal,P.Q., H3C 3J7 DCMP JAKIMOW, Georges, Unlv. du Qu6bec i Montreal, D6pt. de Physlque, C.P.8888,Montreal, Qu6bec, H3C 3P8    DAMP, DMBP, PPD, DTP

JAMES, C. Robert, Dept. of Elec. Englneerlng, Unlverslty of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1    DPP

JAMES, Harry Gordon, 1235 Major St., Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 2S3    DASP, DPP

JAMES, Peter W., 2020 Milton, Victorla B.C., V8R 1N9    m    DNP

JAMIESON, Hugh Crawford, 6 Lockle Ave., Aglncourt, Ontario, MIS INI

JAMMU, Karnall S. , Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of P.E.I., Charlottetown, P.E.I., CIA 4P3 JAN, Jean-Plerre, Dlv. of Physlcs, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6 JANZEN, Henry, 172 College Street, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 4L8

JASSBY, Daniel L., Plasma Physlcs Lab., Princeton Unlversltv, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ, 08540, U.S.A.    ' DPP

JEFFREY, Kenneth Robert, Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIC 2W1    ,    DCMP

JELLY, Dorls H., Box 11490, Statlon H, C.R.C.D.O.C., Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 8S2    .    DASP

JENKINS, Robert W., Communications Research Center, Shlrley Bay, Ottawa, Ontario, KIN 8T5    '    DASP

JENNINGS, Byron K., Dept. of Physlcs, S U N Y at Stony Brook, Stony Brook L.I., New York, 11790, U.S.A.

JENSEN, 011ver G., Dept. of Mining & Metali. Eng., McClll Unlverelty, 3480 Unlverslty St., Montreal, Qu6., H3A 2a7    CGU

JEREMIE, Hannes Arthur, D6pt. de Physique, Unlv. de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3J7    DNP

JERICHO, Manfred, Physlcs Dept., Dalhousle Unlverslty, Hallfax, N.S., B3H 3J5    DCMP

JEROME, F. Ernest, Malasplna College, 900 Flfth Street, Nanalmo, B.C., V9R 5S5 (A)

JESSOP, Paul, 25-C Shaler Lane, Cambridge, Mass., 02138, U.S.A.

JESSUP, Ralph G., Apt. 4001, 85 Thorncllffe Park Drlve, Toronto, Ontario, M4H 1L6    DTP

JINDAL. Devendra, 471 Randolph Street, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 2T5 (J)

JOAO, Carlos ,    3 Mllllccnt Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M6H 1W3    (S)

JOHN, P.K., Physlcs Dept., Unlwerslty of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7    .    . , DPP

JOHNS, H.E., c/o Ont. Cancer Instltute, Prlncess Margaret Hoap., 500 Sherbourne St., Toronto, Ont., M4X 1K9    DMBP

JOHNS, J.W., Herzberg Instltute of Astrophyslcs, N.R.C., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6

JOHNS, Martin W., Dept. of Physlcs, McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1    DNP

JOHNSON, A.W., 10 Avenue Alsace-Lorralne, 38000 Grenoble, France    DCMP

JOHNSON, Arthur C., 16 Greengate Rd., Don Mills, Ontario, M3B 1E8 JOHNSON, Dennls Wto., SED Systems Ltd., Box 1464, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 3P7


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