MARTIN, Douglas Leonard, Dlv. of Phyalcs, N.R.C., 100 Sussex Drlve, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6
MARTIN, Jean Plerre, Dept. de Physlque Nuclealre, Unlv. de Montrśal, C.P. 6128, Montreal, Qu6bec, H3C 3J7
MARTIN, Murray J., Nuclear Data Group, Oak Rldge National Lab., P.O. Box X, Oak Rldge, Tenn., U.S.A.
MCALDUFF, Edward J., P.O. Box 109, St. Francis Xavler Unlverslty, Antlgonlsh, N.S., BOH 2C3 (J)
MCALISTER, S.P., Dlvlslon of Chealstry, N.R.C. of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6
MCBRIDE, John O.P., Dept. Science 4 Maths. College of Technolgoy, Bolton St., Dublin 1, Ireland
MCCALLUM, John C. , Computer Science Dept., York Unlverglty, Downsvlew, Ontario, M3J 1P3
MCCAMIS, Robert H., Dept. of Phyalcs, Unlveralty of Manltoba, Wlnnlpeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2 DNP
MCCOLL, David B., 5-258 Albert St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3W3 (S)
MCCONKEY, John Wm. , Phyalcs Department, Unlversity of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9E 1R4 DASP, DAMP
MCCONNELL, Denis B., Research Div., Ontario Hydro, R260, 800 Kipling Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5S4 MCCONNELL, John C., Physics Dept., York University, 4700 Keele St., Downavlew, Ontario, M3J 1P3
MCEWEN, Donald James, I.S.A.S., Unlverslty of Saskatchewan, Saakatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0W0 MCFEE, John E., 672 College Dr., Apt. 203, Mediclne Hat, Alberta, T1A 7R5
MCGEE, łan James, Applied Mathematlcs Dept., Universlty of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C1 (J) MCGOWAN, J. William, Physics Dept., Universlty of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7 (J) MCGREGOR, Andrew T., Longs Creek.York Co., RR 2, Harvey Statlon, N.B., E0H 1H0 MCHUGH, Philip, 3909 B Richmond Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 8T9
MCINTOSH, Bruce A., Herzberg Inatltute of Astrophysica, N.R.C., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6 MCINTYRE, Bartley J., 5 Klmberley Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 6C1
MCINTYRE, Robert J., Electro-Optlcs Dept., R.C.A. Ud., Ste-Annc de Bellevue, Qu6bec, H9X 3L3 MCKAY, Donald H., 2110 23 Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2T 0W1
MCKAY, John W., Rm. 106, General Sciences Bldg., McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1
MCKEE, Barry T.A., Physics Dept., Queen'g Unlverslty, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6
MCKEE, J.S.C., Cyclotron Lab., Physics Dept., Unlwersity of Manitoba, Wlnnlpeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2
MCKELLAR, A. Robert, Herzberg Instltute of Astrophysica, N.R.C., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0S1
MCKEOWN, Joseph, Box 1332, Deep Rlver, Ontario, KOJ 1P0
MCKINLEY, D.W.R., 1889 Falrmeadow Cres., Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7B8
MCKINN0N, Steve J., 9110-116 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 1P9 (S)