TURCOTTE, Viateur, 20 Perland, Qu6bec, Qu6bec, C1R 4K5 TURL, Leslie H., 57 Haddlngton Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M5M 2N8
TURNBULL,Lon, Phyalce Dept., Unlveralty of Vlctorla, Victoria, B.C., V8W 2Y2 (3)
TURNER, Cyrll H.M., 4 Rocky Point Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 8H1
TURNER, Shawn, Phyalca Dept., Trent Unlverslty, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8 (S)
UDD, Richard E., 429 Sequola Dr., Caaa Sequoia, Pasadena, CA, 91105, U.S.A.
UFFEN, Robert J., 167 Falrway Hill Crescent, Kingston, Ontario, K7M 2B5 CCU
UMEZAWA, Hirooml, Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1 DTP
USISKIN, Sldney R., c/o Dr. W.U. Cross Cancer Inst., 11560 Unlverslty Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 1Z2 DMBP
VACHON, Gilbert, 114 St-Hlchel, Chateauguay Centre, Qu6bec, J6K 1Z3 (S)
VAILLANC0URT, Pierre, 395 rue St-Luc, Qu6bec, Qu6bec, GIN 2T4 (S)
VAILLANCOURT, Ren*, 219 rue St-Denls, Arvlda, Qu*bec, C7S 1N7
VAIL, John M., Dept. of Physlcs, Universlty of Manltoba, Wlnnlpeg, Manltoba, R3T 2N2 DCHP, DTP
VALIN, Pierre, 2289 Champlaln, App. 1, Montreal, Qu*bec, H2L 2T2 PPD, DTP
VALLARTA, Manuał S., Tabasco 204, Mcxlco 7 DF, Mexlco
VALLET, Suzanne, 5207 Waverly, Montreal, Qu*bec, H2T 2X6 PPD
VALLEE, Jacque8, P., Astronomy Group, Dept. of Physlcs, Queen's Unlverslty, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6
VALLIERKS, Marc-Gabriel, 155 Boul. Deguire, App # 1108, St. Laurent, Qu*b«c, H4N 1N9 PPD, DTP
VALLIERES, Michel, Physlcs Dept., McMaster Unlvcrsity, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1
VAN ANDEL, Hendrlkus W.H., D*pt. de Physlque, Unlverslte de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Montreal, Qu*bec, H3C 3J7 DPP
VANDERKOOY, John, Physlcs Dept., Universlty of Uaterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 DCMP
VANDERLEEDEN, J.C., Camrose Lutheran College, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 2R3
VANDERLINDE, J., Dept. of Physlcs, Unlversity of New Brunswick, Frederlcton, N.B., E3B 5A3 DAMP
VANDERSCHANS, M.B., 12 Parkdale Cr., Fonthlll, Ontario, LOS 1E0 VAN DER ZWAŃ, Leendert, 586 Duff Cres., Ottawa, Ontario, KIJ 7C5 VAN DIJK, Wytse, 7024-105A St., Edmonton, Alberta, T6H 2R5
VAN DR1EL, H.M., Erlndale College, University of Toronto, Mlsslssauga, Ontario, L5L 1C6 D0P
VAN DYK, Gerry, 9 Rowley Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 1L7
VAN DYK, Jacob, Ontario Cancer Instltute, 500 Sherbourne St., Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1K9 DMBP
VANIER, Jacques, D*pt. du GĆnle Electrlque, Unlv. Laval, Qu6bec, Qu*bec, GIK 7P4 DAMP
VAN KRANENDONK, J., Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 DTP
VAN OERS, W.T.H., Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Manltoba, Wlnnlpeg, Manltoba, R3T 2N2 DNP
VAN SCHYNDEL, Andre J., Box 53, RR #2, Dundas, Ontario, L9H 5E2 (S)
VAN VLIET, K.M., Centre Rech. Mach., Unlvcrsit* de Montrial, Montreal, Qu*bec, H3C 3J7 DTP
VARGHESE, G., Physlcs Dept., National Unlversity of Lesotho, P.O. Roma, Lesotho, Afrlca VARSHNI, Y.P., Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, KIN 6N5 VEILLEUX, Georges, 360 Auger, Beloeil, Qu*bec, J3C 2R7
VENKATESAN, D., Dept. of Physlcs, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 DASP
VERH0EFF, Abraham, 243 Indian Grove, Toronto, Ontario, M6P 2H4 (J)
VERLY, Pierre, D*pt. de Physiqu«, Unlverslt* Laval, Qu*bec, Qutbec, GIK 7P4 DOP
VERMA, Kumar Krlshna, Physlcs Dept., Memoriał Unlverslty of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, AlC 5S7 VERMA, Ram D., Physlcs Department, Unlverslty of New Brunswick, Frederlcton, N.B., E3B 5A3 DAMP
VERREAULT, Michel, Gen-Tec Incorpor*, 2625 Dalton, Ste-Foy, 0u*bec, G1P 3S9 DOP
VIJAYAN, Slvaraman, Dept. of Chemical Eng., McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L7 (J)
VILBIKAITIS, Ramutls, 7425 Canora Rd., Apt. 516, MontrŚal, Qufbec, H3P 2H9
VILLAGRAN, Jorge E., Rm. 5267, Medlcal Sciences Bldg., Unlverslty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A8 DMBP, DNP
VINCENT, Denis, D.R.E.V., Dlv. 6lectro-optlque, C.P. 880, Courcelette, Qu*bec, G0A 1R0 DCMP, DOP
VINCENT, Dwlght, 4 Devonshlrc Place, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2E1 (S) DTP
VINCETT, P.S., Alton, Ontario, LON 1A0 DCMP
VINET, Luc, 12345 Place St-Gcrmaln, Montreal, Qu*bec, H4J 2A7 DTP
VISE, Joseph B., 923 Palmerston Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M6G 2S4 CGU, DPE
VISHNUBHATLA, Sreekrlshna S. , 83 Benlea Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 4A3
VISWANATHAN, Kadayam S., Physlcs Dept., Simon Fraser Unlversity, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6 DTP, PPD
VOGAN, Erie L., Dept. of Physlcs, Universlty of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7 DASP
VOGT, Erich, Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 DNP,PPD,DTP
VOLK0FF, George M. , Faculty of Science, Unlverslty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 DTP
VOLKOV, Anatole B. , Physlcs Dept., McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1 DNP,DTP
V0N REBENTISCH, Claus Frelherr, Gereldemarkt 10/11, A-1010, Vlenna, Austria
VOSKO, Seymour H. , Physlcs Dept., Universlty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 DCMP,DTP
VO-VAN, Thanh, Formatlon Technique, Centrale Nuclćalre Gentllly, C.P. 360, Gentllly, Qu*bec, GOX IGO DNP
V0-VAN, Truong, D*pt. de Physlque, Universlt* de Moncton, Moncton, N.B., E1A 3E9 VRBA, Jlri, 3016 Flrbrook Place. Coqultlam, B.C., V3C 4B3 VYSE, Robert N., 7249 Beechwood St., Vancouver, B.C., V6P 5V5
WADDINGTON, James C., G.S.B. 105, McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1 WAGNER, Sydney, Embassy of Canada, 35 Ave. Montalgne, Paris, France, 75008 WALCZAK, Andrzej K., 236 Park St., Arcade, N.Y., 14009, U.S.A.
WALKER, Davld C. , Chemlatry Dept., Unlversity of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 (J)
WALKER, E.R., 3350 Woodburn Ave., Victoria, B.C., V8P 5C1 (A)
WALKER, John K., Dlv. of Geomagnetistn, Earth Physlcs Br., Dept. Energy, Mines 4 Resources, Ottawa, Ont., KIA 0E4 (A) WALKER, Leonard C., 37 Parklngton Cres., Scarborough, Ontario, MlH 2T6 (J)
WALKER, Mlchael B., Physlcs Dept., University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 DCMP,
WALKLEY, John, Chemlstry Dept., Simon Fraser Unlvcrsity, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6 (J)
WALLACE, Philip R., Physlcs Dept., McGlll Unlverslty, Montreal, Qu*bec, H3C 3G1 DCMP,
WALLIS, Donald D.J.H., Herzbcrg Instltute of Astrophyslcs, N.R.C., 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ont., KIA 0R6 WALLIS, James, c/o B.C. Research, Applied Physlcs Dlv., 3650 Wesbrook Cres., Vancouvcr, B.C., V6S 2L2 WALLS, Charles C., Apt. 2108 Fenwick Towers, 5599 Fenwick St., Halifax, N.S., B3H 1R2 (S)
WALMSLEY, James, Dept. of Physlology, School of Medlclne, Unlv. of Vlrglnla, Charlottesvllle, VA., 22901, U.S.A.
WALTON, Mlchael R., Box 57, Anmore Estates, RR #1, Port Moody, B.C., V3H 3C8
WALTON, Tom, 33-460 Dalglelsh Drlve, Kamloops, B.C., V2C 5W7 DNP,
WANG, Chu-Chong, 28 Bretz Ave., Cambridge (H), Ontario, N3C 2W9
WANG, Shae-Fu, Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1