recently pub/ished from
May 1978. 224 pages. ilłustrated ISBN 0-7735-0272-6. $16 95
Orders should be directed to:
The Order Department University of Toronto Press 5201 Dufferin Street Downsview. Ontario M3H 5T8
A Research Associate or Postdoctoral posi-tion is available immediately in a research group involving several faculty members engaged in research on the physics of intercalation of layered compounds and intercalation batteries. Applicants would preferably have research experience in some area of solid State physics. Chemical physics or metallurgy.
Applications including a curriculum vitae and the names of three referees should be sent to:
Prof. R. F. Frindt Department of Physics Simon Fraser University Burnby, B.C.
Canada V5A1S6
or: For morę information you could cali collect (604) 291-3161.
National Research Council Canada
Conseii national de recherches Canada
National Research Conseii national
Council Canada de recherches Canada
Experimental High Energy
en physigue des hautes energies
The National Research Council of Canada requires an Ex-perimental High Energy Physicist at the assistant research officer level The position requires a recent Ph D in High Energy Physics He/she will be expected to work with an ac-tive group of Ottawa-based experimentahsts at the major accelerators in the United States The group is currently working on boson spectroscopy at the Stanford Lmear Ac-celerator Centre They also carry out an active program of in-strumentation. development and equipment construction with expenence in most modern techmques A theoretical group actively cooperates in all stages of the expenmental program.
SALARY: Up to $24,140 per annum, dependmg on gualifications
La section de physique des hautes energies offre un poste de physicien experimentateur des hautes energies au mveau d agent adjoint a la recherche Le poste exige un doctorat recent en phys>que des hautes energies Le titulaire devra travailler avec un groupe actif d experimenteteurs d Ottawa detaches aupres des principaux accślerateurs des Etats-Unis Le groupe travaille actuellement a un projet de spectroscopie boson au Centre d Accelerateur lineaire de Stanford Le groupe s occupe aussi d'un programme actif de misę en place dmstruments. de misę au point et de fabnca-tion d'equipement faisant appel aux techmques les plus modernes Un groupe de theonciens apporte aussi une cooperation active a toutes les etapes du programme d ex-periences La connaissance de la langue anglaise est essen-tielle pour ce poste.
TRAITEMENT: Jusqua S24.140 par annee. salon la for-matton et l'expenence
Please apply in writing giving complete details of education and experience to: the Employment Officer. National Research Council ot Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0R6. In reply please quote P-78-1068
Prióre d adresser un curńculum com-piet k TAgent demploi. Conseii National de Recherches du Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6. Veuillez donner la reference P-78 1068.