•    Cogito and the Unconscious, ed. Slavoy Żiżek, Duke University Press, Durham and London, 1998.

•    Image Ethics. The Morał Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television, ed. Larry Gross, John S. Katz, Jay Ruby, Oxford University Press, 1988.


•    Michele Garneau, ‘Film's Aesthetic Turn: A Contribution from Jacques Ranciere.’

•    Peter Brunette, ‘Toward a deconstructive Theory of Film.’

•    Miriam Hansen, ‘“With Skin and Hair”: Kracauer's theory of film.’

•    R. Barton Palmer, ‘Mythos and Mimesis in Theory of Film.’

•    Richard Serrano, ‘Lacan’s Oriental Language of the Unconscious.’

•    Harvey Roy Greenberg, ‘Celluloid and psyche.’

•    Bryan Vescio, ‘Reading in the Dark: Cognitivism, Film Theory, and Radical Interpretation.’

•    Don Closson.‘Political Correctness and Postmodernism’, http://www.n orthave.org/MGManual/Polcor/PC2.htm.

•    Howard Schwarz, The Psychodynamics of Political Correctness’

•    http://www.sba.oakland.edu/faculty/schwartz/PCJABS.htm.

• Philip Atkinson, ‘Political Correctness’,



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