VANMARCKE, E.H., Room 1-346, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA 02139

VESIC, A.S., The School of Engineering, Duke University, 1 722 Duke Univ. Rd. , Durham NC 27701

V0LPE, R.L., W.A. Wahler & Associates, P.O.

Box 10023, Pało Alto, CA 94303 WAHLER, M.J., W.A. Wahler & Associates, 185 Sierra Dr., #207, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 WAHLER, W.A., W.A. Wahler & Associates, 1420 Byron $t., Pało Alto, CA 94301 WAN, D. T-Y., Trans-Asia Eng. Assoc. Inc., P.0.Box 7926, Tamuning, Guam 96911 WĘGRZYN, M., University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 5407, College Sta., Mayaguez P.R. 00708

WHITMAN, R.V., Dept. of C i v i 1 Engineering, Rm. 1-382 M.I.T. Cambridge, MA 02139 WILSON, S.D., Shannon & Wilson, Inc., 1105 North 38th St., Seattle, WA 98103 WOODS, R.D., University of Mechigan, Room

2322 G.G. Brown Lab. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 WOODWARD, R.J., 689 Terra California Dr. 2 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 YAMANE, G., Shannon & Wilson, Inc., 1105 North 38th St., Seattle, WA 98103 YEN, B.C., Dept. of C i v i 1 Eng., California State University, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840

Y00, T-S., State University of New York at Buffalo, Dept. of C i v i 1 Engineering, 101 Palmdale Dr., Wi11 iamsvi11e, N.Y. 14221 ZIMMIE, T., C i v i 1 Engineering, Dept., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy,

N.Y. 12181


des r£publiques socialistes sovietiques

ARUTYUNYAN, R.N., Lab Head, Armenian Research Institute of Construction and Architecture, David Sasunsky St. 3, Yerevan 51

BARTOLOMAY, A.A., Pro-rector, Perm

Polytechnic Institute, Komsomolsky Prospect 29, Perm

BOUKINE, YU.K., Gosstroy RSFSR, Moscow K-9,

12 Narx Prospect, Grosstroy B0URENK0VA, V.V., Gosstroy USSR "V0DGE0", 12 Marx Prospect, Moscow K-9 CHETYRKIN, N.S., Dept Head, Research Inst. of Bases and Underground Structures,

2nd Institutskaya 6, Moscow 109389 DALMAT0V, B.I., Dept Head, Leningrad C i v i 1 Engineering Institute, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya 4, Liningrad, 198005 DAVYD0V, G.D., Manager, The State Building Organ i zat i on,


DMITRIYEV, N . V . , Manager, the State Trust for Strengthening of Foundations of Structures

FED0R0V, V . I. , Dept head, Far East Institute "PRONSTROYNIIPROJEKT" Zhertv Revolyutsii St. 21, Vladivostok 690651 FED0R0V, B.S., Director, Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures,

2nd Insti tutskaya 6, Moscow 109389

GRIGORYAN, A.A. Sen Researcher, Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures, 2nd Insti tutskaya 6, Moscow


ILYICHEV, V.A., Lab Head, Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures, 2nd Institutskaya 6, Moscow 109389 IVAN0V, P.L., Dept Head, Leningrad

Polytechnic Institute, Polytekhnicheskaya St. 1 , Leningrad K-64 KOLESNIK, G.S., Konstituzii 3, 3,

Ni ipromstroy , UFA, 450044 MALYSHEV, M.V., Profe$sor, Moscow Civi 1 Eng. Institute, Shluzovaya Embankment 8,

Moscow M-114

MAM0N0V, V.M., Gosstroy USSR, Research Inst. of Foundation and Underground Structures, 12 Marx Prospect, Moscow K-9 MURZENKO,YU, N., Dept Head, Novocherkask

Polytechnic Institute, Novocherkask GSP-1 RADCHENKO, V.G., Institute of Hydrolic Eng.,

"VN11G", 1 95220 , Leningrad SHIRINKULOV, T.SH., Samarkand Architectal Institute, Samarkand, Ljaljazar St. 70 SINITSYN, A.P., Consultant, Gosstroy USSR, Marx Prospect 12, Moscow K-9 SKLIARENKO, A.V., Dagestan Dubki SOLOMIN, V.I. , Dept Head, Chelyabinsk

Polytechnik Institute, Lenin Prospect 76, Chelyabinsk 454044

TER-STEPANYAN, G.I+., Dept Head, Geological Institute, Armenian Academy of Sciences, Barekamutyan St. 24, Yerevan 19,

Armenian SSR



Volokolamsk Highway 1, Moscow A-80 VASIL YEVA , A.A., Sen Researcher, Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures, 2nd I nsti tutskaya 6, Moscow 109380

YAK0VLEV, P.I., Assoc Prof, Odessa Eng. Inst. of Merchant Marinę Mechnikov St. 34, Odessa 127029, Ukrainian SSR ZAVAL ISH I N , YU . M . , "Mentrogi protrans " Gosstroy, Moscow, 12 Marx Prospect,

ZIANGHIROY, R.S., Moscow Okyujnoi Pyoezd, 18


ARQUER, C.S., La Piramidę Local No.l, Mezzanine Prados de, Este, Caracas

ASUAJE, J.T., Acueducto Panamericano Calle Pantin, Chacao, Caracas 106

BENATAR, J., Bachy y Asociados S.A., Apartado 6721, Caracas 101

CHAVARRI, G., Edelca, Apartado 62413, Caracas

CORDERO, R., Estratos Cordero, Av. Proncipal Santa feEdif Aruco Apto, 24-A Urb Sata fe Caracas

DESCRIVAN-G., E., Avenida Orinoco-Quinta , 6am-Bello Monte, Sbna 6 de Caracas

ENGLERT, D., Calle Chulavista Res., Parque Chulavista Ph-B, Colinas de Bello Monte, Caracas

ESCLUSA, J.R., Bachy & Asociados, Apartado 50193, Caracas

GLALVIS, L.E., C.A. Oficina de Suelos, Apartado 68651 Altamira, Caracas 106

GOMEZ REGGIO, J.J., Conjunto Residencial El Saman Torre B-2    N232, Tercer Piso, Valle

Abajo, Caracas

HIEDRA-LOPEZ , J.C., Estudios Geotecnicos C.A. Mecanico de Suelos, P.0.Box 60417 Caracas



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