Mli ino ftowKW
Flounces resemtjle frills but are \vider at The hem edge The top cdge. which is seamed to the garment. may oe smooth <y gathered Flounces aro vory effect«ve on neck! n<>5 «nd sieeve ends and the same prmciple can be used for addmg fuSness to a lower skin. for instarce. as on alterrtaiive to tho gathered fishtail
ID FolO • wuaro ol tetmc r.v^»
Ibi Draw rwo qu»nor <>rele». one a: Ihe loiOtd eorner for the centro *n-J the wrona lo* the outer eirc»e.
(c) Cut »'onę one fold to cpen the Citcle.
tOI One elrcutar ttounce. Join any number of flouncet to make the length rcqj«c<l te) For pithorod tlocJnooł. pKpatc « Paper eircfe tla*h to oiiter eOge and ipread out to ln<rea»e upptr edpc (f) Cut the reęuired e/nount of flouncee ftom thie thape igl Gather atong the upper eege Ihl Ute ttouncei toenhance recklinea end łlee-ree.