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11 th «fage


!$r £e*ir Gensr*! ossnlwrrjM,,

-*> thafc operstisnr tf? 'Yari^o brat •tartak T ha w aaJoed the rła» f linio ter for hir *r-*arcrril yswr yiropoaad -rlmt to ttely ftivr 7 v*ry rrł-V to tell you that ba bas tgreod tl»t y»Wl    $0#

3 y<ra aro Ma*e, ttr Vm *yiix&t tyav*4, Or zą the Ufcttert * l.v: tan la eti1 ? lr. foroe and it is oaly to aeet jour cwa spadał easc that tb? £ri»» : irdater hac comBer-tod to yw.r o-ece yfclon f**a the ruls* X am surę t!«ret*orr! yon will -. • TO3late the . isU^billty oł* baepl}^; yow ■ seeret Ogar* tVa 1:5:t# bel, 1,2*

1* *o yv.it hear* frc« ilsoe    A.l«ruader ihot thfly

will rety idc weloctoe y«ar wislt ani T will asfc tham to toll

Jnlers tbat j-oia •»■*'© jso rf

ith gre*t mgrwt at bnvi»g, thrttltfa ftwa of eireus*-r-t/mccr. s to upset your plar-c; .inl £rfititud-& for iha oplrlt In ’ ł.A\ yo . /: • ;:ootel fchesa tireco io roatrlotiono,

lotos siLaeśfcrely,

'ad. A. fftfjGKS.

•.v. <•*•*! ■% Śk*n!'Of;ski, Cocr-onSw^ln-/!? <5rf, olieh 7nrow#

Thflww ^otel* n<K*lnahfta5 ftlajo ‘.łowd, LwiIca, .. I.


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