To find a loudspeaker rhał delivers deep bass, unconny openness and elear, beautifully dełailed highs is rare. We know. At ADS we build some of the worlds most advanced Professional monitoring Systems for digital and conventional record-ing studios.
Then to find these qualities for under $250 retail price would seem to be not only rare, but unique. It is. The ADS L620 is truły a loudspeaker without competition. It has a smoother, flatter frequency response and
wider bandwidth than mary three-way speakers costing twice as much.
The ADS 1620, and its two smaller brothers, the L520 and L420 are, without question, the only choice that the serious lis-tener to any musie really has when considering less expen-sive speakers for a system.
But the proof, as always, is in the performance. So cali toll-free 1-800-824-7888 (in Califor-mc 1-800-852-7777) and ask for operator 483, Dept. HF2.
Weil send you technical literaturę on the ADS L620 and a list of ADS Dealers where you can hear it demonstrated.
When you compare the 1620 side by side with other loud-speakers, we know youll find its performance as rare as its price.
Analog &
Digital Systemsjnc.,
Where Technology Serves Musie
One Progress Way. Wilmmgton. MA 01887
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