On the subject of receivcrs, we can perhaps bc accused of a bit of priggishness.

Having cstablishcd certain standards in our components, we wererit about to put our name on a receiver if the receiv-ers couldnt measure up.

It wasnt until very recently, in fact, that technological advances brought about a recciver good enough to be called a Mitsubishi.

And now were intro-ducing a receiver in our new

25/30 series, the R-25.

It owes a great deal to developments incorporatcd in our separates.

The R-25 features Quartz Synthesized tuning, for hair-splitting tuning accuracy.

Each station is illuminated on a fluorescent digital display Tap the eon troi bars and it proceeds to lock on to the first available station. Hołd the bars down and it will scan up and down the band.

You can pre-select up to seven AM and seven FM stations for storage in memory.


FM stereo frcąuently falls prey to high-frcquency noise when stations are weak or far away.

The R-25 has an Automatic Hi-Blend featurc which blends stereo signals into monaural in the noisy high-freąuency ranges. But it ieaves the undisturbed Iow-freąuency signals in the stereo modę.

This removes almost all








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