* Not many years ago a “high fidelity' amplifier delivered 5 watts with 5% harmonie distorion.Today, distortion levels of 0.05% — or even 0.005%—in amplifiers %vith hundreds of watts and a much wider frequency rangę are almost routine.
Reducing harmonie distortion has ustally been achieved by using negative feedback. But too much negative feedback can introduce a new kind of distortion,TUM (Transient Intermodulation Distortion) that audi-bly degrades the musical sound.
To reduceTIM and other forms of residual distortion, Sansui developed its DD/DC (Diamond Ditferential/
Cirect C-urrent) drive Circuit.Then, to eliminate the remaining vestiges of high-level, high-frequency distortion in the amplifier’s output stage, Sansui engineers perfected a unique Circuit włnich, though proposed years ago, has now been realized in a practical amplifie* design. Super Feedforward, the new Sansui technique, takes the lełtover distortion products present in even an optimally-designed amplifier, feeds them to a separate, error cor-recting Circuit that reverses their polar- • ity; then combines them so they cancel themselves out against the regular audio signal. What’s leftisonly the musie, with not a tracę of distortion.
While Super Feedforward circuitry puts Sansui's AU-D 11 and AU-D 9 amplifiers h a class by themselves, a l our amplifiers are renowned for their musicality, versatility, and respect for human engineering. Add a match-ing TU tuner to any of Sansui’s AU amplifiers and you’ll appreciate the ditference 35 years of Sansui dedi-cationto scund purity can produce.
For the name of the nearest audio specialist who carries the A J-D 11 and AU-D 9 or other fine components in Sansui’s extensive linę of high fidelity products, write: Sansui Electronics Corp , 1250 Valley Brook Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071.
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Lyndhurst. New J2'sey 07071. Gardena. CA 90248. • Sansui Electric Co., Ltd., Tok^o, Japan